October 6, 1763
The Pennsylvania Gazette
Upper Freehold (New Jersey) October 1, 1763.
RUN away last Night from James Jackson, of Upper Freehold, in the County of Monmouth, East New Jersey, a Servant Girl, named Elizabeth Rainey, lately come from Belfast, in Ireland, into Philadelphia; she is about 17 or 18 Years of Age, of a very short Stature, very thick, full faced, much Pock marked, and speaks very broad:
Had on, and took with her, a streaked Linsey woolsey Josey, a black quilted Petticoat, two Pair of Womens single channelled Pumps, not certain how many Pairs of Stockings, two Gowns, the one Calicoe, and the other a darkish Camblet; several Shifts, several Gauze Caps and Handkerchiefs, several Aprons, a large short red napped Cloak, with a Hood to it, and Gimp [1]round the said Hood; and a Chip Hat. [2]
Whoever secures said Servant in any Goal in this Province, so as her Master may have her again, shall receive Thirty Shillings Reward, and reasonable Charges, by me JAMES JACKSON.
N.B. If she is taken up in or about Philadelphia, or any Part of Pennsylvania, the Reward will be paid by Andrew Steuart, Printer, in Philadelphia.
1. A narrow flat braid used for trimming the hood
2. 2. No definition found
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