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In Trump We Don’t Trust
By Way of Deception By Lucas Mc Kane
© 2017 Lucas Mc Kane
Trump is showing that he is really a slice of Jeb Bush, mixed with Hillary Clinton, faster than Old Bill can have his wang sucked. The latest is that Steve Bannon looks like he will be tossed in the wastepaper basket, having served his usefulness in getting a campaign up on a false new American first basis. Once the true blues were in on the “Trump will save us, MAGA” bullshit, and elected Deceptive Donny, Bannon had served his usefulness, and it was time to go:
After all, Trump has our friends to direct him:
Look, how could America not be in good hands with these great people? Shame on you for thinking otherwise. Do you want a good strong rap on the knuckles?
You Alt Right racists with the Trump god emperor memes – just stop it, stop it, right! “Right now,” “ Right on,” and all the other despicable variants of unabashed anti-globalism, just stop. Anti-globalism, we all know, is just plain old racism, and will make hair grow on the palms of your hand, so be warned.
As for the wall, well, that was just a figure of speech, or in other words, another girlie white lie to suck in you gullible white voters:
Guess what? Even though this was Trump’s key election promise, there is no money in the budget this time round. Better luck next time suckers!
Anyway, Trump thinks that he has met his border security promise and has ticked that one off his list, written on the paper from a Big Mac:
The Alt Righters are only just starting to realize that Trump was a globalist from the beginning. It is hard for them. I imagine that it is like meeting a beautiful woman whom (who? fuck knows) you marry. You work all day like a dog, and get a business going. Then one day you come home at lunchtime unexpected and find some big swarthy alien ramming her anal hole. You get ready to fight, but he already has your guns. She rings the cops to have you arrested. You are kicked out of your home, which is taken away from you by feminist lawyers, your guns are taken because of domestic violence, and you lose your business. You don’t even have a car to sleep in, or a gun to kill yourself.
This is “You” white America, and the Deep State system has Trump as its latest chump.
But, it is Easter, and as a new contributor here
( , I would like to share with you these softer Trump moments, gentle father times. Didn’t young Alt Righters, like homosexual Milo refer to him as “daddy”? Wasn’t that just asking the cruel Fates who rule us, to slam us?
Now clean you glasses (optical and drinking), and toast Don and Ivanka, who are making all the big bombing decisions:
Yep, you voted for this.
A piece of “ass”; if she was not my daughter, I’d be dating (by implication, banging) her:
“If he wasn’t my father, I would spray him with mace”:
All of you fathers, with daughters and granddaughters, take a break now to wash the slime from your faces. James, you have a daughter too, did this hit you hard too man?
A granddaughter sired by my eldest son, and I can tell you, as a grandfather, it’s even more disgusting. It seems like he’ll be jet-setting with Slick Willy. It also makes you wonder why he wants to get along with Russia.
OK, now you are back for another serve. Hey, what do you think of this?
“President Donald Trump is on a list of witnesses for trial in a Palm Beach lawsuit that pits billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein against a Fort Lauderdale attorney who represents Epstein’s victims.
The case appears bound for trial this summer following a Feb. 9 ruling by the Florida Supreme Court in another case that has allowed Fort Lauderdale lawyer Bradley Edwards’ claim of malicious prosecution against Epstein to proceed.
President Trump “has been identified as an individual who may have information relating to these allegations,” said Edwards’ West Palm Beach attorney Jack Scarola, who placed Trump’s name on a witness list on Aug. 31. “But it’s unlikely that he would ever be called” to appear at trial, especially now that he’s assumed the presidency.
Scarola said Trump is one of a number of high-profile individuals whose testimony might be relevant because they “had a relationship with Epstein that would have at least exposed them potentially to what was going on inside Epstein’s Palm Beach home … during the relevant period of time” between 2001-2007.
What was going on in Epstein’s mansion, court papers say, was an ugly child molestation scheme involving sex with “substantially more” than 40 girls, some as young as 12. A “statement of undisputed facts” filed by Scarola says Epstein used his staff and his victims to recruit more victims, employing “a pyramid abuse scheme in which he paid underage victims $200-$300 cash for each other underage victim that she brought to him.” From: .
I am just quoting public domain material. You will draw what inferences you will. I am just a messenger, but shoot me anyway.
This kind of thing is to be expected. America has always been a slave nation. I would be willing to bet my life that there are currently over 100,000 sex slaves being held in U.S. McMansion-dungeons for the exploitation of the elite class.
Trump, of course, as president, will avoid testifying. Too busy directing World War III. One would have thought that the Democrats would, post-Hillary, have followed this up, looking for a sure way to impeach the peach, but as they are not doing this, be sure that it is all one big happy Deep State conspiracy. Happy Don will do the N.W.O. bidding this time round, and the next monster will take the agenda further.
Did any Alt Righters notice any of this before putting on their stupid as shit MAGA hats, and writing their deluded books, praising this… this…words fail me. In Trump we trust? Who is “we”? I certainly did not vote for him for the reasons given by Jack Donovan, and all of the above:
I only thing I would say about the Donovan article, is that he did not slam Trump hard enough, but at the time, that would have been a certain way of losing friends at the time. Even my own son was caught up in the false magic of the moment. Now we know that a political solution via democracy is not possible given that the Deep State is so what it says, “deep” and more sinister than the “matrix.”
We are facing annihilation. Have a happy Easter.
I would say that as far as teh Alt Right goes Stefan Molyneux comes out of the Trump transmogrification the worst for wear and Jack Donovan emerges with savage sagacity intact.
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m     Apr 13, 2017

Bill Clinton took several flights on Epstein's Lolita Express

to the private island.....
Sam J.     Apr 13, 2017

If he was on our side he would be bombing the leaders of Sweden and Germany instead of Syria.
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