June 14, 1764
The Pennsylvania Gazette
RUN away the 8th of June inst. from the Subscriber, living in Chester, a certain Jeremiah Wilson, but sometimes goes by the Name of John Dennison, between 30 and 40 Years of Age, born in Ireland, speaks rough, subject to Drink, has been in the Army, 5 Feet 7 or 8 Inches high, of a swarthy Complexion, has black bushey Hair, very light Eyes, and has a very ugly Cast with them;
Had on a redish Jacket, without Sleeves, but appears of a lightish Colour, Check Shirt and Trowsers, old Shoes, with Strings in them, and an old coarse Hat.
Whoever apprehends said Fellow, so as his Master may have him again, shall have the above Reward, paid by JOHN CALDWELL.
N.B. The said man has a Sore on one of his Legs, but on which is not known. All Masters of Vessels and others are forbid to harbour or carry him off.
Ah, for the good old days, when one could buy army veterans and work them for all they were worth. Plantation America was a gulag.
Books by James LaFond
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