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Flat Earth Politics
Bearding Our Mighty-Up-Tight Masters with Ron West
© 2017 Ron West
Ron now has a tag for his satire and intelligence articles that have unfortunately been grouped under his book tags until now. The Tag Servant, who I think has just runaway—the little Irish bastard—has finally gotten a Round Toit, and done his job.
So, in case you missed them, some of Ron’s previous offerings can be found by clicking on the Flat Earth Politics tag at the top of this page.
If, at any time you are interested in looking in on Ron's world just access this tag, or his two book tags: Cosmos and Consciousness & Napi Mephisto and the upcoming Queer Chicken Dinner.
Ron's standard e-brief concerning his work:
Thank you for writing. I've gone (mostly) off the grid. If you are requesting free pdf copies of my books, please state which ones and be patient, when I check this account I'll get them out to you.
Penucquem Speaks (ranked five stars by Howard Zinn at amazon) is an autobiographical sketch of my many years life with Indians of the Northern Plains (Blackfeet, primarily.) I recovered the copyright and give it away free these past several years.
Napi Mephisto is a collection of essays stitched together simply intended to get teeth grinding and provoke outrage in those people really stuck in the ethnocentric bias of euro-centric (western) culture
Queer Chicken Dinner is a rip into Kerouac’s ‘On the Road’
Cosmos and Consciousness is a translation of pre-Columbian world view into modern modern western terms (the most difficult to write, by far)
If one gets into the politics of my work, it’s likely going to provoke either denial (most feedback) or sometimes cognitive dissonance. Less often, there is a real appreciation expressed.
Often the right accuses me of being left and the left accuses me of being right, so I like to think I’ve got a few things nailed down correctly ;)
My sincere thanks are extended to those low and mid level police of Germany and Spain who have been most helpful over these several years, with informal cooperation developing information on organized crime in NATO and other institutions (and special thanks to the brave woman agents in Spain who saved my life on two occasions.)
Ye Who Doubt the AR 15
guest authors
Considering a Primal Human Perspective
your trojan whorse
logic of force
into leviathan’s maw
fiction anthology one
the fighting edge
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