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Rubbing Out the Old Tribe
The Logistics of Abducting and Selling Ray Lewis
© 2013 James LaFond
Previously sub-titled: Tribes, Tribalism, Rappers Snuffing WWII Vets, and Caucasian Strap-on Balls
I am a follower of Jack Donovan who is a deeply thinking author with a good blog. It would be safe to assume that I agree with 95% of what Jack writes. He’s also a working class grunt like me, so I won’t hold the fact that he’s twice as handsome as I am against him. I recently received his update about some ‘new right’ conference for which he seems to have been brought in as the resident anthropologist on masculine identity issues.
There is only one place where I disagree with Jack, and that is in his promotion of tribalism, which is why all of these rich white boys want him providing the testicles for their intellectual block. ‘Tribalism’ is the idea that we should band together in groups for mutual support. It began coming to the fore of right wing thought a decade back when people realized that one dude and his wife, gun, brat and dog were not going to fare too well when the zombie apocalypse hit. ‘When things go to hell we need to band together’ is the survivalist motto.
This survivalist credo [which is behind the Dog Brothers stick-fighting fraternity as well] has some reactionary elements. These are three:
1. Reaction against the impersonal multicultural state. I will leave that one alone today. Suffice it to say that I am more against ‘the state’ than any of these nuts.
2. Reaction against the growth of feminism. Except for noting that right wing reactionaries are notoriously short of female companionship, I will leave that one alone for now.
3. Reaction against the violent reign of terror in our urban centers, where groups of black youths and men are responsible for virtually all acts of violence against males, primarily lone males of all races. As the self-declared ‘last black man in Baltimore’ and vilified race traitor who has had skinhead hits put out on me—and actually paid—I’ll tackle that one today.
The Slave Tribe
First off, the idea of the slave tribe is as old as Moses, and is a concept that gives the bearers of this curse a seemingly limitless well of indignity from which to draw strength in the form of injustice-based defiance.
Black men in America are primarily descendents of African women who were bought, raped, and worked to death by rich white Anglo-Americans. Minority groups who are sodomized by the top slice of a society for generations do not forget it. The evil news from the past gets handed down.
Blacks were originally brought to North America to replace the poor Irish, Scottish, Welsh and English kids who were being worked to death after being purchased from English courts for the crime of being poor or homeless. These kids rarely made it to thirty and when they did escape, they were hard to identify, because they were of the same racial group as the poor folks who had already been driven into the back woods of colonial America by earlier slave masters and their gangs of mercenaries [like Myles Standish and John Smith].
I have two white slave ancestors [not indentured servants, but actual bought-and-paid-for human property—and I will duel you with sharp blades over the distinction if you wish] in my family tree. My sons have at least three white slave ancestors as I married an Appalachian girl.
Not only were adult African POWs stronger than malnourished English street urchins ‘kidnapped’ out of the gutters, but they could not blend in once they ran off. ‘Humanitarians’ also pushed for black slavery in North America, erroneously thinking that blacks would be better treated and beaten to death less often than whites since they were more expensive.
If that just went over your head, think of it this way. If you are a slaver providing miners to the Sheik of Shitar, would you charge the same price for Ethan Hawke as Ray Lewis? That’s right the tribal ass-kicking machine is going to sell for more than that emaciated white boy. Imagine getting into Ray’s penthouse, kicking his big ass, and then having to haul him down to your slave-catching van!
Once the white slaves had been replaced by the Africans and had melted into the hills to become hillbillies the scumbag Brits who had invested in all of this African property, and knew damn well they were going to knock up every big-breasted bubble-butted babe on their plantation, had to come up with a system by which uppity half-breeds like Frederick Douglas could not claim mixed-race status and make a case for freedom based on their paternal line. The centuries-long mind-sodomy of denying blacks paternal status and identifying any American with at least a 16th of African heritage in their line human status had the effect of insuring African-American tribalism. To this day even elementary schools deny the children of my mixed-race friends the choice of listing themselves as anything other than black, even if they are mostly white.
From the upper class white perspective and the black perspective this is a good self-perpetuating deal; insuring the exclusivity of upper class white culture and the continuity of black culture by denying mixed-race status to Americans. If the U.S. determined that there would be a mixed-race racial group that consisted of every American that had at least some Caucasian paternal markers, then the entire population of Black America would fit in one small town.
I know that many white people and black people believe that black men are naturally hyper-violent super warriors that have been programmed by God to fight and have sex. Of course most of them are part white. As a combat art coach who has personally worked with over 500 black men over the past three decades I have noticed no dominant warrior race.
As a violence researcher I can tell you that black men are between five and twenty times more likely to attack a white man than the other way around, depending on the situation. For those who believe in genetic predisposition this does not jive with the fact that black men have only 17% more testosterone on average than whites. Also, how do we define the period between 1900 and 1930 when 700 black men a year were murdered for sport by whites? Was that white genetics or white culture? What about the fact that white men currently dominate heavyweight boxing, power lifting and wrestling while blacks only dominate running?
The answer is that violence is largely tribal. Tribalism is a violence engine, which Mister Donavon readily admits. The only place where white tribalism has generally existed in my lifetime is in prison and gang culture, where white gangs quickly become the most feared actors because they are outnumbered and thus act more ruthlessly. Likewise blacks and Latinos are more likely to form gangs [do-it-yourself tribes] because they are outnumbered in the greater society and feel the need to act more ruthlessly. I agree with Jack that gang behavior and tribalism—which he stated in one interview were one in the same—are eminently understandable human behavior templates. I disagree that they support primarily positive behaviors.
I once wrote a role-playing sourcebook depicting a post apocalyptic world, which I titled Tribes. I chose that title and that theme because I wanted a combat heavy setting. Tribalism is a violence accelerator which links visual and cultural animosity cues to organized application of lethal force. Tribalism is the basis for all military organizations and team sports. If you want to understand what a tribal world was, or would be, like, go to an NFL game wearing the wrong team colors.
We are primates. Primates are physically weak social animals. Most social animals [herd animals] are psychologically weak to a debilitating degree. The rare exception, that every military genus has cultivated, is the pack-based group that behaves like canine predators, lions and hyenas. Lions and wolves were favorite war devices on European combat gear from the earliest times.
I have hunted humans through the last four decades of my life in various settings. I have always found that cutting even the most vicious ones out of the pack almost insures docility. Also, I have, in two different stints as a grunt level supervisor and a retail store manager, handled over 400 employees, most of them of African descent. Virtually all of these men were convicted criminals and substance abusers with histories of violence. I have fired over 100 violent men and was only struck once.
Together with my decades residing, walking, bussing and working in one of the most violent majority black cities on the planet I have found one full proof method for verbally imposing my will on black men. I get then alone, talk calmly, with respect, and generally get what I want. This is an indication that black-on-black and black-on-white violence is primarily tribal in origin. I will never ever challenge a black man verbally in front of witnesses. [Well, I did a few times but was armed on each such occasion.] That virtually insures a violent outcome.
During the same period I noticed that white men did particularly poor in group pressure situations. I generally resorted to the tactic of humiliating white men in public to break their will. Over all I noticed that white and blacks behaved identically when alone. The Hispanics seem to be all over the place on this and I think we only have three Asian guys in Baltimore, so have no information there.
When I managed that ghetto grocery store I intentionally alienated the white men under me, refusing racial solidarity and earning their undying hatred, at the same time using patently unethical private conversations with them to fuel their productivity. [Go ahead Will sue me. I’m poorer than you now.] The fact that the white men knew that they could not go and whine to some liberal government organization over me working them harder than everyone else, which I shamelessly did, gave me a good deal of managerial leverage.
Simply by demonstrating that I would not engage in tribal race solidarity or gender-based favoritism I earned the loyalty of virtually all the women and blacks without lifting a finger, increasing their productivity. The more numerous the bitter reactionary white male employees that hated me for being a race traitor, the higher my stock rose among the general work force. The white weaklings just dwelt on the absence of entitlements while the supposedly entitlement-minded class of blacks and women just wanted a leader without affiliation who would act as an impersonal arbitrator. Virtually everyone wished to be told what to do. I hated this job with all of my dark heart.
Eventually the white guys started playing ball and my only real issues from then on was with the handful of racist black men who had bought too heavily into the whole tribalism thing, thereby limiting their social flexibility and earning potential. Again, a lonely conversation with a group-based hater was usually all that was required to straighten things out.
The Tribal Endgame
Tribalism is a pack-based primate adaptation to lethal environments; a violent solution to a violent world. Since the hateful artifices that all reactionary tribal movements are erected around tend to fuel violence, the supposed need for a tribe [gang] becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as soon as it is instituted. For you thinking types, keep in mind that group association always reduces functional intelligence.
Many older black men have spoken to me about ‘stupid shit’; about how groups of black people who are individually intelligent and reasonable seem to act out against their own self-interest in destructive ways. See Oliver on Stupid Shit in Harm City. One older black man I worked with was famous for saying, any time our handicapped janitor screwed up, ‘How stupid can one nigga be?’ the implication being that groups of blacks act more stupidly than individuals.
This has nothing to do with race. White European soccer hooligans do the same thing. The stupid destructive activity is born of a belief that the group’s actions will enjoy heightened justification that would not be attributed to the actions of an individual. Also group members benefit from dispersed risk. Eventually an individual acting on behalf of that group will benefit from the same moral shield of righteousness. The entire underpinning of group action is physical and psychological weakness and fear.
American civil society has become a tribal hunting matrix wherever there is a significant urban-identified black population. This month [October 2013] a white WWII veteran was killed by a group of black teens in or around Greenville Mississippi. On August 23rd in Spokane Washington another white WWII veteran was killed by a pair of black teens. Are we sure we want our white boys acting like this?
Almost all people who wish to commit violence desire a justifying theme. When a man or youth sees himself as the member of a beleaguered tribe he always has an excuse to kill that will elicit moral support and not leave him in that haunted ostracized wilderness of the lone killer.
The lone killer is a very rare commodity, and in our video-game gangster-rapper world every youth fantasizes that he could be that killer. As primates we know instinctively that most of us need group justification to kill. The traditional place to seek that is within the tribe. Just know this, that there is only one logical conclusion to a tribal world—extinction. Ask the ghosts of the 600+ tribes of Native Americans who do not have a living representative left on earth. Go ask the Neanderthals. Go ask the hundreds of ‘copoid’ tribes that have been extinguished in Africa and prehistoric Europe. Blacks and whites shared in their 40,000 year long genocide. That is what tribes do, rub out tribes and get rubbed out by tribes.
And, remember, that the biggest tribe eraser out there, the United States of America probably owns you. You might want to check with the chiefs of the super-tribe in their giant white hut before starting your own. They’ve been pretty intolerant of North American tribes thus far.
To The Tribal White American
It is a funny thing to me that so many white reactionaries who sat on the fence through the 1980s and 90s as their women took over the world on behalf of the male politicians these ladies dream about being owned by have come down from their perch. The resulting alternative to neo-Nazi ideology, Christian-identity ideology, skinhead ethics, KKK metaphysics, and the crackpot white separatist movement, now sold as tribalism and white nationalism, is probably going to have to evolve another step to get acceptance among women. [If you are interested in this and don’t know what I am talking about check out the various alternative right websites on our network page.]
What really kills me is you see white liberals as your enemy, when they are not worthy of the status. Alexander, Genghis Khan, Shaka Zulu, Geronimo [that’s my tribal all-star team] could not live with themselves if they acknowledged such neutered pets as rivals.
Look I get it. You hope to carve out a community where it would be okay for you and your friends to stomp me out for stopping into the diner to get something to eat with my exotic off-brown girlfriend. I understand that. I know that your empty nut sack yearns to punish me for passing my IQ onto a mixed-race kid that is going to be smarter than your pale progeny. I really do understand that. I am okay with hatred and violence.
What puzzles me is twofold. One, why do you want to devolve from individuality to tribalism? I mean, wouldn’t you rather be a mind than a regressive DNA vector? Why do you yearn to submit to a violent hierarchy?
Now as puzzling is that is, I can understand you wanting to be a conduit for some kind of eugenic soup and yearning to submit to the collective cook. I once dated a chick who demanded to be ‘used’. I did not like it. I could not identify with it. But I got it that she was different. And I understand that if after being mentally-sodomized by our feminized education farms and mass media all your life, you feel a feminine need to build a cozy consensus among a like-minded group of nesting buddies.
What really has me puzzled is why you want to adopt the social structure of your hereditary enemy. I don’t know many black men, if given a choice by some race-changing gene-farie, who would not want to be reincarnated as a white guy. I mean, you are still a member of ‘the race to beat’; ‘The White Devil’, ‘The Man’. Dude, you are a member of a world-raping empire-building villainous race of mythic proportions. Why the hell would you want to trade in that kind of extra-tribal status just to be like every hood-rat in West Baltimore?
Whacking Bad Guys
harm city
Hacker John on Hood-rats
under the god of things
plantation america
z-pill forever
let the world fend for itself
advent america
shrouds of arуas
time & cosmos
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