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NATO or No Alliance Too Obscene
Ron West Explores Another Military Alliance That is Not a Conspiracy, Because People Never Conspire
© 2017 James LaFond
Hello, James
NATO, or No Alliance (is) Too Obscene, is demonstrating (again) just how it is ‘democratic principles’ put the dry cob up the rule of law’s butt. Online with illustrations and live links at:
Ron West
"The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime" -Voltaire
NATO or, No Alliance is Too Obscene, is evidence prima facie democracy is a failed model in the western civilization experience. Today’s focus is a lesson in ‘democratic principles’ trashing the rule of law.
1.The highest rate of incarcerated journalists in the world with 140 recently arrested and 200 media outlets shut down.
2.120,000 ‘suspect’ government employees fired, including state officers, police officers, teachers, lawyers, judges, prosecutors, all kinds of professionals, in short, anyone opposed to Erdogan
3.40,000 arrested
4.12 universities shuttered and 1,000 professors fired per: “it has very rapidly turned into a political witch hunt to combine all the political opponents of president Erdogan or the AK party. As part of this, hundreds of academics have been dismissed from their positions, all valuable professors or researchers”
That is, without a doubt, the biggest convicted group of ‘coup plotters’ in the annals of history. Against this backdrop, Pasha Erdogan held his subsequent ‘make me president for life’ referendum, requiring changing the electoral rules mid-vote so un-certified ballots could be used to push his ‘yes’ vote over the top; and when the professional international monitors officially noted this, the new Emir of Turkey, that is Erdogan, told them “Know your place.”
Then, USA president ‘The Donald’ called and wished Erdogan countless erotic blow-jobs from his sex slaves, er, political prisoners, or whatever it is they actually say when the rule of law has been anally gang-raped, but acting as if this were the most felicitous possible outcome for a democracy in the western alliance constituting NATO.
Now, all of this culminates in the USA’s General James ‘mad dog’ Mattis popping up in Isrаel to announce Assad goes on gassing his own people when we know it is journalists, judges, police, prosecutors and yes, even members of parliament, are jailed in Turkey for revealing it was Turkish intelligence had arranged the sarin attack that killed well over 1,000 ordinary Syrians in August 2013 (blamed on Assad.)
If anyone misses the significance of this most recent, it has to do with the paranoid-fascist-nationalist (but opposed to USA war in Syria) Steve Bannon has been sidelined on national security issues; Trump son-in-law (gangster) Jared Kushner (read Bibi via Ambassador Friedman), Mike Pence and the generals, primarily, now hold the ‘national security’ portfolio. In a nutshell, there’s the 180 degree Trump turnaround on Syria.
How did this cocktail suddenly all come around to the Pentagon giving field commanders authorization to order up any weapons strike they please per Mad Dog Mattis telling his generals:
“It’s not the same as it was, you don’t have to ask us before you drop a MOAB” [Massive Ordinance Air Blast or mother of all bombs]
There is a likely simple answer. The military hotline set up between the USA and Russians in Syria had been used to notify the Russians to get ‘out of the way’ prior to the USA’s launch of 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles and the 30 minutes notice had been quite adequate for the Russians to get direction from the Kremlin; where subsequently the Russians had employed their Syria based S-300 and S-400 surface to air missile batteries to knock down 36 of the Tomahawks, with 23 Tomahawks through to target, denials on all parties part notwithstanding (the Saker makes a case for electronic warfare in an article that is quite astute until he demonstrates profound ignorance of the USA body politic, Gabbard stands no chance in the present fixed system and Pence, who may be the de facto president already, is by far more dangerous than Trump.)
If this were (it’s the only sensible answer if the Russians are reporting accurately, the Tomahawk cruise missile shouldn’t develop a nearly 70% failure rate overnight and we know the Americans routinely lie) what had happened, the American generals had been humiliated by a clear message from Putin: Russia has drawn a line in the sand and that line is in Syria. But the American generals hubris is too great to grasp the full implications (alternatively, they expect Jesus to return and ‘save’ them.)
The Americans claim all 59 Tomahawks were on. The Russians state 36 were off and behave as though puzzled by the fact. But it is the subsequent behavior of the Americans that is most telling. Mattis gives his generals free reins to employ any weapon in the field (one presumes tactical nuclear weapons, the MOAB is close) without pre-authorization, shows up in Isrаel claiming Assad is gassing the Syrians, and suddenly Bibi has a new best friend and the ‘Greater Isrаel’ project sees new horizons open up with the American alliance in agreement 1) Assad must go and be replaced with a compliant head (of a failed state) in Syria, splitting off Hezbollah from Iran and 2) Iran is the common animus.
Bibi expects the Americans will provide the muscle to fend off Russia, the Americans expect the Isrаelis will be the platform to take down Iran (something Netanyahu couldn’t get Bush to agree to, let alone Obama.)
And so it is the Mike Pence aligned messianic generals at the Pentagon propose entering a Christian crusader’s sexually repressed orgy of violence together with the messianic (waiting to be saved from themselves) Isrаelis, all pointed to literal Armageddon.
Meanwhile, back in NATO’s Turkey, Erdogan appears capable of back-stabbing any entity he does business with; at one time or another he’s back-stabbed the Russians, he’s back-stabbed the European Union, he’s back-stabbed the Americans, but most tellingly, Erdogan has back-stabbed his own people.
But that only makes Erdogan an equal partner in NATO; who’ve collectively back-stabbed civilization, whether trading for oil with Islamic State, arming al-Qaida, or more recently, setting the stage for a civilization ending war.
The preceding insanity updates the following insanity from 2015
Cold-blooded killer of too many Syrians and Iraqis to count
NATO’s UPGRADED GLADIO is the subject of this essay, where the western democracies enemy Islamic State is Turkey’s favorite fuck-buddy. Call it a play on the Middle East expression ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Only here it is ‘my enemy is my friend’s favorite fuck.’
This week, a result of a lawsuit filed personally by the president of Turkey (Edogan, image on left), two courageous journalists were arrested and charged with treason, terrorism and revealing state secrets. What had they done? Revealed Turkish intelligence had been caught by some over-zealous local gendarmes when running guns and ammunition to hard-line Islamist militia with close ties to al-Qaida:
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^ Story killed by Erdogan’s police takeover of Today’s Zaman newpaper, click on image to read about the paper’s shutting down
Now, if that were not enough concerning NATO member Turkey’s efforts in ‘the war on terror’, we can back up a mere five weeks and understand Erdogan’s paranoia of free press; it was in October, 2015, two members of Turkey’s parliament revealed it was Erdogan’s intelligence services had arranged the 2013 Sarin gas attack that had killed over 1,300 Syrians:
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^ click on image to read preserved story
Of course this had been blamed on Basher al-Assad by Hussein Obama:
“The evidence is overwhelming that the Assad regime used such weapons on August 21st. U.N. inspectors gave a clear accounting that advanced rockets fired large quantities of sarin gas at civilians. These rockets were fired from a regime-controlled neighborhood and landed in opposition neighborhoods” -Barack Obama
I guess we could call that one ‘my friend fucks my enemy for me.’
And, of course, this past week has been all about satellite images and Russian warplane video of Islamic State tankers exporting oil via… you might have guessed it, Turkey. Well, I guess the warplane images indicate ISIS ‘suddenly not shipping quite as much oil.’ The USA hadn’t even noticed these targets prior to the Russians hitting them, I suppose our religious right generals at the Pentagon would call that ‘sexual abstinence’
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But this next guy would seem to think he’s been fucked in the ass over oil by Russia and that must be why Turkey ambushed a Russian bomber, his name is Hakan Fidan and he’s Erdogans’s intelligence chief:
Hakan Fidan rap sheet: Murdered more that 1,300 Syrians with sarin gas, blamed it on Assad; runs guns and ammunition to Islamic State; imports Islamic State oil to Turkey from Syria and Iraq; accessory to the murder of too many Syrians and Iraqis to count; a close Erdogan confidant
Now, let’s consider what Vladimir Putin had to say in relation to Turkey and by implication its intelligence services chief Hakan Fidan:
“We assume that the top political leadership of Turkey might not know anything about this [illegal oil trade]. Hard to believe, but it is theoretically possible. But if the top political leadership [in Turkey] doesn’t know anything about this, let them find out. I can state that there may be some elements of corruption, secret dealing, they should sort it out” -Vladimir Putin
I doubt Putin was in a good humor when he stated the preceding but his use of irony under the circumstance indicates he’s not in any mood to be fucked with; and furthermore indicates Turkey is going to be fucked but good.
Now, more or less ‘sticking’ with oil, lets look at some sound assumptions; our several intelligence agencies answer to the executive in the western democratic model. It follows, they report to the those same democracies bosses. So, what has Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND or German CIA) boss Gerhard Schindler been telling Angela Merkel? That Assad gassed his own people? Sorry but the BND reputation for intelligence in the region doesn’t allow for pigs growing wings:
Revelations over spying activities by the German foreign intelligence office Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) are undermining relations between Germany and Turkey at an already difficult time. According to a document acquired by Der Spiegel, the BND has been systematically wiretapping its NATO ally Turkey since at least 2009…
voyeur |voiˈyər, vwä-|
a person who gains sexual pleasure from watching others when they are naked or engaged in sexual activity.
• a person who enjoys seeing the pain or distress of others.
voyeurism |ˈvoiyəˌrizəm, voiˈyərˌizəm, vwäˈyər-| noun.
voyeuristic |ˌvoiyəˈristik, ˌvwäyə-| adjective.
voyeuristically adverb
ORIGIN early 20th cent.: from French, from voir ‘see.’
It’s safe to assume Angela Merkel knows whose fucking who when it comes to Turkey gassing Syrians:
The report quotes a US intelligence agent as saying: “No Western intelligence service has as good sources in Syria as the BND does.”
A member of the BND told the newspaper that the intelligence service was “proud of the important contribution [it] is making to the overthrow of the Assad regime.”
Gerhard Schindler, boss of German intelligence; accessory to the murder of too many Syrians and Iraqis to count
Now, when it comes to Islamic State doing a billion dollar oil business with Turkey, do you suppose the Germans, Angela Merkel particularly, could claim she ‘didn’t know’? After all, according to a United States Defense Intelligence Agency report, the whole idea of “the western powers” fostering the rise of Islamic State was to bugger Assad. Who’re “the western powers” other than Germany? France and its multinational Total Oil Company make a fine next step into the bordello where your enemy is your friend’s favorite fuck:
Bernard Bajolet, boss of Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure (French CIA), accessory to murder of 130 Parisians and accessory to the murder of too many Syrians and Iraqis to count
The French company has ignored threats from the central Iraqi government in Baghdad and signed oil deals directly with the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region, where crude reserves are plentiful and contract terms more attractive than in the south.
“This success confirms Total’s exploration strategy in Iraq,” said Marc Blaizot, senior vice president for exploration at Total
Now, what will French intelligence chief Bernard Bajolet have told France’s President Hollande about Kurdistan having to do with ‘my enemy is my friend’s favorite fuck?’
Well, according to, ‘Kurdistan’ is a deliberately planned for, broken away piece of Iraq where:
“It is important to understand that Northern Iraq is a major market for Turkish exports and that oil and gas from coming Iraqi Kurdish territory is moved on to worldwide markets through Turkey,” Jellyfish President Michael Bagley told
“From a financial and logistical standpoint, an Ankara-Erbil marriage is one of exceptional convenience. From our standpoint, Northern Iraq stands to be one of the next great investment areas in the Middle East, and so far, the KRG [kurdish regional government] has managed to out-play Baghdad in the natural resources and investment game”
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Ninewa today is one of the last bastions of al-Qaeda in Iraq, and its blessing of the KRG-ExxonMobil deal is significant in terms of security
Did just say “al-Qaida in Iraq” gave a ‘security’ blessing to a Kurdish Regional Government deal with an oil company? I believe they did. Who is ‘al-Qaida in Iraq’ these days? Why it’s been recently re-branded as Islamic State. Huh. We could call this one ‘my friends who fuck my enemies who’re my friends.’ Or something like that.
Alex Younger, head of MI6 (British CIA), accessory to the murder of too many Syrians and Iraqis to count
So, how does that all fit into Turkey is a one billion dollar partner in Islamic State oil exports and no one says anything? Let’s ask the Brits:
The attorney general was consulted about Monday’s decision. Karmy-Jones told the court in pre-trial hearings that Gildo had worked with Jabhat al-Nusra, a “proscribed group considered to be al-Qaida in Syria”. He was photographed standing over dead bodies with his finger pointing to the sky
Well, it seems British intelligence had to ask the British courts not to prosecute because MI6 had been funneling arms to the very Syria al-Qaida branch the returning jihadi had fought with. We could call this one ‘I won’t let you fuck my terrorist friend because he helps me to fuck people I like to see fucked.’ Considering this, I kind of doubt we’d get a straight answer concerning British Petroleum activities in Turkey, you think?
Our downstream business in Turkey dates back to the 1940s and now includes retail fuels, lubricants and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). We have over 600 dealer-owned and operated fuel stations throughout the country, as well as fuels and LPG terminals and storage facilities. ATAS, the former refinery and currently the largest fuels terminal in the Eastern Mediterranean, is 68% owned by BP. One of our most modern and high-tech lubricants plants is located in Gemlik
But David Cameron most certainly has a report on his desk pointing to BP had exported Kurdish oil via Turkey. Is British spy chief Alex Younger updating him on any BP related Islamic State exports? That’s his job. Or maybe BP is informing Cameron direct, it’s not like his government keeps the multinational at arms length:
The Foreign Office, for example, held its annual “BP high level dinner” last July, “to strengthen the strategic relationship between BP and the FCO on global economic and energy issues”, according to heavily redacted documents marked “sensitive” and “restricted”. All the top FCO directors from the head of the diplomatic service down through the directors of the main regions, to the heads of the FCO economic, strategy, and “prosperity” units, were on the attendees list
I’ll bet Cameron accused Assad of gassing his own people too:
Cameron said he took “full and personal responsibility for the decision to recall parliament, for the decision to take a strong and principled stand against the gassing of children in Syria, and I take full responsibility for putting forward as generous a motion I could, to bring as many people with me as I could. Everyone who voted has to live with the way that they voted”
He actually meant to say ‘it’s easy to fuck ordinary Syrians [who Erdogan’s intelligence people gassed] when people suck up to my ‘Assad did it’ media lies’ (at The Guardian, no less.)
The ‘special relationship.’ How is it the Pentagon gives the [only just very recently noticed] Islamic State oil-tanker truck drivers 45 minutes warning before blowing up [a few, token] trucks delivering oil to Turkey?
CIA boss John Brennan; accessory to the murder of too many Syrians and Iraqis to count; close Obama confidant
Do you suppose the CIA’s John Brennan is actually concerned about civilian casualties? That doesn’t seem to concern his boss, ‘Commander-in-Chief’ Obama, in the case of drones.
Serial killer of nations; cold-blooded killer of too many Syrians and Iraqis to count
I do believe the actual reason is linked to the screenshot of the article on delivery of arms to hard-line Islamists at the beginning of this essay; where in this related story…
Testimony from gendarmerie officers in court documents reviewed by Reuters allege that rocket parts, ammunition and semi-finished mortar shells were carried in trucks accompanied by state intelligence agency (MIT) officials more than a year ago to parts of Syria under Islamist control
…it is intelligence assets are the drivers of the trucks loaded with weapons delivered into Syria. One loaded Islamic State tanker truck driven out of Syria almost certainly out-values, by far, any truckload of weapons driven in. It follows, you don’t bomb your allied fuck-buddies’ fuckers who do the driving. Call it a matter of being discreet: ‘we won’t butt-fuck our fuck-buddies outside of the barracks.’
Meanwhile (this update comes precisely one day since I’d penned the preceding), Erdogan’s government henchmen have arrested and charged the police officials who’d initiated the investigation into illegal weapons transfers to jihadists in Syria:
Maj. Gen. Aydın and retired Col. Cihangiroğlu were arrested on charges of “obtaining confidential information for purposes of political or military espionage; disclosing confidential information pertaining to state security for espionage purposes; attempting to destroy or prevent the government of the Republic of Turkey from functioning; founding or leading an armed terrorist organization.”
Brig. Gen. Celepoğlu was arrested on charges of “attempting to destroy or prevent the government of the Republic of Turkey from functioning; founding or leading an armed terrorist organization.”
Two journalists from the Cumhuriyet daily, Editor-in-Chief Can Dündar and the Ankara representative Erdem Gül were arrested last week on similar charges after publishing footage that showed the arms [trucks] were carrying guns, contrary to earlier government claims that they were transporting humanitarian aid:
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^ Erdogan’s ‘humanitarian aid‘
At the end of the day, if you’re a honest cop doing your job but cross Pasha Erdogan’s dirty dealings with ISIS and al-Qaida, the consequence is simple: “You’re fucked”
Don’t like this shit? Here’s a letter to copy, paste and send plus the email addresses of those people who’ll be most butt-hurt (German Parliamentarians) at having to do something about it: Send a Letter
*On behalf of the people of Paris*
16 December 2015 update: A Turkish member of parliament who spoke to Russia’s RT News about the export of sarin gas from Turkey to Syria has been charged with treason:
Note on the original post: In March 2016 Erdogan had ‘Today’s Zaman’ newspaper shut down, killing the links to the related stories. However anticipating this, I saved screenshots and text of the Zaman article on Turkey supplying the sarin gas used at Ghouta, Syria in August 2013. That information is preserved HERE.
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