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Hunting Homos
Jeremy Bentham with the SITREP from the ‘Stan and Hunting Homos in Iran and Chechnya  
© 2017 James LaFond
SITREP from the ‘Stan.
ISIS took a big hit from the MOAB in their underground fortress near the southern border with Pakistan, but now the Taliban struck hard at an Afghan Army base in the far north of the country by the city of Mazar-i-Sharif near the border with Uzbekistan.
“Militants dressed as Afghan Army soldiers killed as many as 140 soldiers and officers in a raid on a military base in northern Afghanistan. Another 160 were injured in the attack. The attack was claimed by the Taliban. Ten fighters with the group attacked unarmed soldiers at a military base near Mazar-i-Sharif, the capital of Balkh province, for several hours after Friday prayers. It was the deadliest attack on a military base in a 16-year conflict.”
“There were about 10 fighters. One of them detonated his explosives, and another went ahead. That’s when the firefight erupted,” Ghulam Hazrat, a witness, told Al Jazeera English. “There were two checkpoints but the fighters managed to go through that, as well. It was chaotic and I saw more than 60 people dead on the spot.”
“Five attackers were killed by the incident’s end, according to CNN, and one of the militants was arrested.”
More Than 100 Dead Or Injured After Taliban Attacks Afghan Base
The militants were disguised as soldiers and attacked the base for hours
“We have reached the limits of what anal probing can teach us.”
- Space Alien, Kids in the Hall
Iran Arrests More Than 30 ‘Gay’ Men, Will Subject Them to ‘Sodomy Tests’
Iran arrested more than thirty men between the ages of 16 and 30 at a private party in Isfahan last week, all of whom are suspected of being homosexuals.
Chechnya is hanging out the ‘fudge packers not welcome’ sign.
Chechen Leader Wants Gays ‘Eliminated By Start Of Ramadan’
The president of Chechnya has reportedly vowed to eradicate the republic’s gay community
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