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‘A System That is Destroying You’
Varg on Idiots, Welfare, Russia and France
© 2017 James LaFond
I love this guy’s imitation of American dialects.
Varg’s point on welfare has been made by Jack Donovan and I think they are absolutely correct. Is paying into an evil system so that the evil that it bees my thrive?
As for his discussion of Soviet military leadership, it was even worse than what he described. Many of the submachine gunners did not carry ammo, and the guy behind them did not a carry a gun, because he would have his gun to pick up, and so on. The political officers would stand in the back and shot their men if they failed to soak up German ammunition with their bodies. As usual there was little difference in communist behavior from capitalist behavior at the top rung, with America willing to send men into combat in fire-lighter Sherman tanks, every crew worth the expenditure of an .88 round by the Germans, just using men to burn enemy material.
Varg addresses the red hair of the Irish in an interesting fashion. This is fascinating. The Pharaohs did intermarry with the Hittites, who area mysterious European people who vanished from history in—apparently a migratory way. There is also a genetic and linguistic similarity among far western Europeans. I think he goes off the rails here, but it was fun.
War Drums: Forty Miles from The Big House
John Barleycorn
the man cave
under the god of things
'in these goings down'
the first boxers
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fiction anthology one
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BaruchK     Apr 27, 2017

>Is paying into an evil system so that the evil that it bees my thrive?

Typos aside, it's a question of whether 1) you have an option not to pay, 2) the good stuff you're doing outweighs the bad stuff the evil system does with the money it takes from you.

>Many of the submachine gunners did not carry ammo, and the guy behind them m did not a carry a gun, because he would have his gun to pick up, and so on. The political officers would stand in the back and shot there men if they failed to soak up German ammunition with their bodies.

This is not an accurate depiction.

There were some exceptional times and places where the Russians didn't have enough firearms to go around, and were in a desperate way (like how the Germans were at the end of the war, with units made up out of kids and invalids). Throughout most of the war, that wasn't the case.

For instance, in the summer of 1944, they launched a series of offensives that destroyed 25 German divisions in a week. You think they did that by having hordes of guys charging machine gun nests with their bare hands?

The political officers' job was not to stand in the back and shoot people. It was to propagandize the troops, maintain morale, etc. There were units dedicated to preventing desertion, unauthorized retreat and disorder, similar to the German Feldgendarmerie.

There were punishment companies and battalions where soldiers got sent for various infractions. And there you did have a guard platoon whose job would be to be behind the main line and shoot people who refused to go forward. Germans had the same thing.

A lot of this stuff comes from German generals writing self-serving memoirs for the Allies after the war about how they would have personally won the war, but for that stupid Hitler and those Mongol hordes coming on in endless waves. Amazing how many soldiers the Mongols (all 3 million of them) contributed to the Soviet cause.

&tg;with America willing to send men into combat in fire-lighter Sherman tanks, every crew worth the expenditure of an .99 round by the Germans, just using men to burn enemy material.

Practically nobody during the war fielded tanks that could survive hits from 88mm anti tank rounds reliably. A tank's job very rarely involves long range dueling with another tank. It mostly involves things like supporting the infantry in the attack or defense, or breakthroughs and maneuver warfare. In other words, working in a combined-arms team.

The best tank is not the one with the biggest gun or thickest frontal armor, but the one that's there when it's needed to do the job.

Meaning, it has to be cheap enough to be mass produced with the available resources, reliable enough mechanically not to break down, easy enough to fix when it does, narrow enough to go over most bridges in the area of operations, light enough to be recoverable by commonly available recovery vehicles, have enough fuel capacity, be powerful and maneuverable enough to go through rough terrain.
BaruchK     Apr 27, 2017

On all these counts, the wonderful German tanks of 1942-1945 failed. For instance, the Tiger's first battlefield employment was in the swamps by Leningrad in 1942. The tanks got bogged down, knocked out by the Russians, and then recovered by their trophy teams for research.

The tanks which fit the requirements were the Russian T-34, KV and IS series, the Brits' Churchills and Comets, the US Shermans (and Pershings towards the end of the war) and the Germans' PzIII and PzIV.

Tank duels are spectacular, but rare-you need the right terrain and lines of sight, and weather and daylight (if it's WW2,) and then most of the time one side does not show up, because it ran out of fuel or broke down, or a plane came by and dropped a bomb on it, or some asshole built a town right on the main line of advance and now the town is full of guys with bazookas and antitank guns that you can't see until you're right up on them and they're shooting you from the flank.

See: 6th SS Panzer Army in the Ardennes.
Ruben Chandler     Apr 27, 2017

Varg! LOL, I read about him in some black metal book years ago. It's interesting seeing him out and about. Just bought Waking Up in Indian Country on Amazon. I know, I know, I'm buying the cheaper books first.............but that's just a reflection on the bank book, not on my interest level. I will review it on Amazon shortly and let you know. BTW, my nine year boy loved Don't Get Boned..........seriously. Hope all is well bro. Keep on keepin' on. Will send you some rock n roll tidbits soon.
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