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The Floor is not Your Friend
A Bar Fighting Tale from Long Island
© 2017 James LaFond
An MMA instructor, with a belt in BJJ, who favors ground work and has a triangle that can choke out an MMA pro in 4-7 seconds, got into an argument with some big goon in a Long Island bar a few years ago.
Let's not even get into the legal advisability and imminent liability of dislocating arms and shoulders and choking out people with unknown medical histories that could stroke out, have a heart attack or go into asthmatic shook—you know, there are reasons why pro fighters and even amateurs are checked by a doctor.
The employed, adult MMA coach then willingly had a set-to with this big meathead who threw a right, missing as it was slipped and then clinching up.
To this the MMA coach jumped guard and slapped on a triangle choke, certain of victory.
Before the witless meathead succumbed to the choke he managed to get his right hand into his pocket and deploy a five-inch knife, which quickly perforated the spleen, kidney and lung of the BJJ man.
This time-honored, primordial, million-year-or-more-old tactic, defeated the sporting gamesmanship of BJJ [Brazilian Jiu Jitsu], which was designed specifically to defeat karate, boxing and wrestling practitioners for the sole and expressed purpose of recruiting these defeated self-defense practitioners as paying students and eventual BJJ franchise operators.
And so the quest for material gain falls prey to the ageless material held in a man's hand, the blade, the tool that made men into leopards, father of the spear and sword that made them into lions.
The MMA coach, after numerous operations and two years of therapy is able to function normally.
One in three men carry a knife in Baltimore City.
What is the ratio in your hometown, in your godforsaken burb?
Fell lucky?
Feel like rolling the dice in honor of the man who took thousands from you to instruct you in the practicality of sport-grappling?
There are grapplers that can succeed in these situations—although why one would invite such a situation boggles the mind—but these grapplers have trained with knives and understand poor leverage lethality and its interaction with high leverage ritual, a deadly encounter, which, in an alley or darkened parking lot would have been deadly.
Being a Bad Man in a Worse World
Fighting Smart: Boxing, Agonistics & Survival
‘Jap Bastards’
modern combat
when you're food
america the brutal
fiction anthology one
song of the secret gardener
the lesser angels of our nature
‘in these goings down’
winter of a fighting life
let the world fend for itself
PR     Apr 28, 2017

Jocko Wilink is a former SEAL and probably a reservist. He tells everyone that the first things they need to learn for self-defense are gunfighting and BJJ. This is a perfect illustration of the unreality of most self-defense instructors and evidence that Jocko has never been in a violent street encounter but has spent most of his time in carefully segregated green zones in hostile Islamic territory venturing out only to rough up the locals.

The first thing that happens when you pull guard in a street fight is that the guys friends run up and stomp your brains out. If you get the mount, the guy's girlfriend runs up and stabs you in the back. If you use a gun, you get prosecuted.
Ishmael     Apr 29, 2017

Watched a fist fight between a larger man vs very quick smaller man, having wrestled the smaller fellow knew his capabilities, had worked with the other combatant who was very strong, instead of closing with the smaller guy, he tried to box, and received a ass kicking! He had never fought, it showed, if he would have grappled with the smaller man he would have won, outweighed him at least 50 lbs.
Jaeger     Apr 29, 2017

That's why the Russians invented sambo
Shep     Aug 24, 2017

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