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NATO, Turkey, Syria & Sarin
Ron West's Latest Flat Earth Politics Briefing
© 2017 Ron West
Hello folks
Here is the introduction to the new piece, followed by the link for those inclined to read more:
A not so trivial social circumstance embedded in the world class criminal event of Turkey’s Erdogan whoring himself to the other NATO states in the Syria ‘regime change’ efforts is the following social phenomenon: Erdogan and the western democracies embracing Saudi Arabia and it’s Wahhabi extreme (dark ages) philosophy from which the Salafi al Qaida & Islamic State were born; Erdogan with apparent sincerity, the  western democracies ‘great game’ engaged intelligence agencies as a matter of cynical convenience, resulting in a compound fracture of Turkish society as the conservative (Wahhabi aligned) elements persecute the formerly mainstream Sufi Islam of moderation. This process will ultimately radicalize and has already polarized the entire nation-state of Turkey. In meanwhile, the CIA’s manipulation of the Sufi identified Fetullah Gulen provides Turkey’s closet Wahhabi Erdogan all the excuse he needs to wage internal war on Sufis of every persuasion, in his drive to consolidate power over ‘democratic’ principles. What follows is cynical description of bellicose and murderous developments both caused by & embraced by (behind closed doors), as well denied for the public perception/deception by the principal responsible parties, that is the NATO states. Turkey is the critical front-line staging ground of what otherwise would be an impossible task, the overthrow of Assad. Whether Saudi Arabia, Isrаel, USA, UK, France or Germany, all NATO and NATO aligned states contributing to the ‘regime change’ in Syria depend on Turkey to get the job done. Let’s have a bit of a longer look at how that plan is working out:
Ron West
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