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Antifa Sluticide
Jihadic Uplift, Authoritarian Bitches being Beten, and other Feel-Good News with Jeremy Bentham
© 2017 James LaFond
Size Matters Even When Women have No Freedom of Choice
How to kill the most infidels for your rental dollar.
“The Islamic State just published a remedial step-by-step pictorial for lone jihadists on how to use a heavy vehicle to kill, walking would-be terrorists through how to acquire a vehicle and which targets to strike.”
“ISIS' monthly Rumiyah magazine, which publishes online in 10 languages including English, last covered vehicle attacks in their November issue "Just Terror Tactics" segment, using Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, who plowed a cargo truck through a crowd of Bastille Day revelers in Nice, France, last summer, as their key example.”
“In that article, ISIS encouraged shying away from budget sedans and "off-roaders, SUVs, and four-wheel drive vehicles" that "lack the necessary attributes required for causing a blood bath" as "smaller vehicles lack the weight and wheel span required for crushing many victims." They recommended trucks with double wheels for "giving victims less of a chance to escape being crushed by the vehicle’s tires." Long semi trucks were discouraged because of the possibility of jack-knifing.”
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Remedial ISIS Tutorial Steers Jihadists Toward Heavier, Deadlier Truck Attacks
Hammer Down
The Wild, Wild West End.
; The Escape Club – Wild, Wild West (1988)
Hammer-wielding muggers on mopeds target pedestrians in West End
Raiders: One of the bikers wielded a hammer The Mega Agency
This is the moment a masked thug wields a hammer as he and a fellow moped raider target terrified pedestrians in the heart of London.
Can Non-Whites be Racist?
Could there be racial bigotry among practitioners of the religion of peace?
Posted by Ann Corcoran on March 13, 2017
Fighting a war on two fronts! Some Muslims believe “we shouldn’t talk about anti-blackness within the community, because we’re under siege by Islamophobes. This is not the right time to air internal laundry.”
(Kameelah Rashad, University of Pennsylvania)
 Yup, you know it is true!  Or, why would Somali Muslims, for example, want to build their own mosques in a community where  the Arab Muslims already had one?
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Don't Worry, Be Happy
“Latest statistics show that during the past year New Zealand had a net population gain of 72,000. Britons apparently make up 12 per cent of New Zealand’s arrivals, the largest proportion from any one state.”
The Kiwis are no doubt concerned about importing a passel of people who voted for the PC polices that ruined the UK and are now fleeing the multicultural mess they created, only to seek to impose the same policies on New Zealand once they get settled. Because that’s the way they are.
New Zealanders Worried by Growing Levels of Immigration
Where do these people come from?
As Anonymous Conservative has pointed out the heads of these Leftist, SJW rabbit women are hard wired to get them raped. It’s not even a conscious thought for them, they simply have an imbedded brain program that causes them to make foolish decisions that will lead to them getting raped. So they will give birth to rapist babies who will in turn spread their genes throughout the gene pool over the generations. That’s why we have a bumper crop of such dizzy wenches these days.
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Antifa Chick Goes to Turkey With Muslim Loverboy, Gets Raped and Beaten
Being a Bad Man in a Worse World
Fighting Smart: Boxing, Agonistics & Survival
Masters of Chaos
‘We Choose to Go’
broken dance
the combat space
time & cosmos
graphomaniac archive #1
z-pill forever
let the world fend for itself
orphan nation
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