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The Sultan's Sleaze Circus
Ron West's Flat Earth Politics Tackles a Sprawling Case
© 2017 Ron West
The Sultan Erdogan, Rudy Giuliani, Michael Mukasey, a jailed tycoon, all in the mix of corruption and Sibel Edmonds drops the ball:
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Ron West
"The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime" -Voltaire
Where a killer’s sleaze spreads like fungal spores
Sultan Edogan, a sometimes member of the NATO ‘Gladio’ serial killers club, that is, when not freelancing as a serial killer, has the eyes of what one would presume to be a Ted Bundy or Jeffery Dahmer. Or perhaps an Enrique Prado.
How it is serial killers rise to rule in democratic states is not the subject of this essay; rather how it is Erdogan’s very peculiar fungal infection spreads to impact in most surprising ways, stretching the very idea of ‘cross-purposes.’
We begin with this guy…
…who as an Iranian turned Turkish businessman was laundering billions in gold to Iran with a wink and nod from erstwhile American ally & NATO partner Erdogan. No one is certain as to exactly why, but suddenly Reza Zarrab got on the wrong side of the ayatollahs (a case of laundered gold plausible denial?) and they apparently put a fatwa on him and for reasons even more unclear, this moron-tycoon-criminal deliberately fled into the arms of USA legal jurisdiction and encountered this guy…
Preet Bharara
…when Reza Zarab full well knew USA prosecutors would be bent on putting him behind bars forever. Seem strange? It get stranger.
NO MENTION of this high profile prosecution at Preet Bahara’s Wikipedia page:
Trump met personally with Bharara who asked the (in)famous US attorney to stay on in his job. Then, Mike Pence buddy Jeff Sessions fires Bharara and these two infamous morons enter the picture…
Michael Mukasey & Rudy Giuliani
…who’re somehow interested in ‘trading’ Reza Zarrab to Erdogan, like a cold war spy swap. In case you miss the significance of Giuliani’s involvement, he had been a prime player in ‘rehabilitating’ the Iranian terrorist group Mojahedin-e-Khalq even as that group, which had renounced terror, had been blackmailed back into the game as proxy assassins of Iranian scientists on behalf of Isrаel. Meanwhile, Mukasey had been a Bush era attorney general/specialist in phony investigations that let the guilty off without charges, notably when he assigned a prosecutor who sat on his hands and did nothing to prosecute the destruction the CIA’s torture tapes. And then, it gets even stinkier, Michael Mukaseys son, Marc Mukasey, is the top contender to replace Preet Bharara as prosecutor of Reza Zarrab:
Marc ‘the skull’ Mukasey
“Marc Mukasey, the son of former Attorney General Michael Mukasey and a ‘protege’ of former New York Mayor New York Giuliani, emerged as a leading contender this weekend after Trump fired Bharara…”
Here’s the simplified math:
Criminal Iranian turned Turkish tycoon Reza Zarrab launders gold for Iran with a wink and nod from Erdogan.
Iran’s ayatollahs suddenly want specified tycoon dead, the tycoon flees Turkey (!) to the USA knowing he’ll be arrested on arrival.
USA attack-dog/US attorney Preet Bharara puts together a case to see the tycoon off to jail forever.
After change of administrations, Trump meets with the attack-dog-US Attorney and  asks him to stay.
Mike Pence’s fraternal brother, Jeff Sessions, fires Preet Bharara despite Trump previously meeting with and asking Bharara to stay on in the job. Trump keeps quiet.
Mukasey and Giuliani (Giuliani personally met with Erdogan on this specific case and is registered as an foreign agent representing Turkey) enter the scene in ongoing attempt to ‘broker’ an international agreement to return the jailed tycoon to Turkey via a deal recalling cold war spy swaps.
The judge presiding over the tycoon’s case hauls said tycoon into court and asks tycoon what’s up with Mukasey & Giuliani meddling. Tycoon doesn’t seem to know, tells judge he’s never spoken with either one.
Michael Mukasey’s kid, Marc ‘the skull’ Mukasey, emerges as a leading contender to take over the role of boss to the prosecutor’s office pursuing this case (decision pending as of this composition.)
By the time the aroma of this sewer can be sorted by the bloodhounds, no doubt multiple millions will have been deposited in numerous off-shore accounts. With Mukasey and Giuliani in the play, certainly the Sultan of Sleaze hijinks will continue to spread like a fungal ooze. Perhaps most significant, Pence ally Sessions trumps Trump’s stated position of keeping Preet Bharara on the job and Trump says nothing.
Sundry notes
Erdogan, who’s apparently back-stabbed every partner he’s ever had, whether Assad, Islamic State, and Russia, as well as his NATO partners, now decides he can play the Russians off NATO and the Americans; trying to get a bidding war going. Consequently, Putin, from a culture of consummate chess players, has taken complete advantage of the stinky sultan’s paranoia of Kurds and the USA generals incompetence, generals who prefer studying thousands of year old fairy tales at Pentagon Bible studies, generals who’d rather analyze the tactics of Joshua at Jericho, preferable to engaging reality. The immediate result?  Putin co-opts the American plans for a ‘no fly zone’ … the Americans would have used the ‘no fly zone’ proposal to shield the recent losers heretofore branded ‘moderate opposition’ (in reality al-Qaida allied Islamist militants), whereas Putin, fully cognizant of the sultan of sleaze paranoia of the American allied Kurds, plays it to perfection; the new circumstance require any ‘moderate opposition’ groups taking advantage of  so-called ‘safe zones’ to engage Islamic State as opposed to Assad… Jesus, how dumb can a bible studying Pentagon be? (pun intended)
CIA/MI6/MOSSAD partner Amnesty International plays a publicity stunt with a perfectly worthless 250,000 signatures demanding Erdogan release all jailed journalists, as if a man who fired 150,000 from state institutions and arrested 50,000 of the same would give a shit at what AI has to say. AI would have said NOTHING were Erdogan playing ball by the USA’s rules. Pitifully useless ploy for the American propaganda effort now that it’s clear who has gained control over the stinky sultan, but short of nukes, a weak move in a losing game (speaking of nukes, when push comes to shove, what happened to the NATO tactical nuclear weapons stored at Incirlik air base? The stinky sultan had demonstrated he has more police on location than NATO has soldiers guarding those very nukes. One source claims they were moved but this is also denied)
Turkish-American dual national Sibel Edmonds who’d bravely exposed Gladio B continues to erode her standing with a singular myopia when she quite honestly states Islamic State turning on Turkey is a NATO initiated phenomenon … but in a seeming pro-Erdogan context with her ‘newsbud’ promotion stating…
“Sibel Edmonds exposes a covert operation aimed against the democratically elected government of Turkey in response to the directional change of the Syrian war”
…Sibel misses something pretty big here; altogether never minding the ‘democratically elected’ Erdogan’s past participation in buying oil from and arming Islamic State (not to mention false-flag gassing Syrians with sarin) … look at a striking resemblance to the USA’s immediate post war ‘commie scare’ leading to a ‘democratically elected’ government initiating the National Security Act of 1947 which has altogether usurped the USA constitution and ultimately led to rogue NATO elements initiating Gladio. Our stinky sultan has managed the same: with blown out of proportion Gulen hysteria behind Turkey’s recent presidential-constitutional referendum pushed over the top by fraud (2nd story HERE.) Turkey’s is definitely NOT a democratic government now.
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