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Angela Merkel's Nazis
Ron West on The Recent German Armed Forces Scandal
© 2017 Ron West
Hello James
Of my ten years exile (anniversary is 7 July 2017) five of those years were spent in Germany, 3 years in Berlin. I hate to disabuse you of any notion sympathetic to the idea Germans are no longer deserving of the label ‘Nazi’ (the recent armed forces scandal) but in fact it is a well deserved moniker in certain respects.
Angela Merkel (‘mutti’ or mommy to the Germans) is at the apex of ‘mainstream’ Nazi sympathies as the head of the Christian Democrats, the party run by the USA’s man Adenauer in immediate postwar (then West) Germany; when reintegrating Nazis to German government (the Nazis in the east had no such opportunity.) The mentality is still there, and it is strong on both the street and in government. And it’s certainly not only my observation. The anecdote I’ll put here is, a Norwegian woman married to a German and living many years in Baden-Wurttemberg stating unequivocally “They’re all still Nazis.” That’s a bit cynical but certainly more true in the south. In fact the political organization associated with and sponsored by Merkel’s Christian Democrats, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, had a role in the overthrow of Ukraine’s government and is somewhat responsible for numerous Nazi sympathetic players installed in the post-coup governing authorities. I’m pasting in a short assessment-history of that event detailing some of the relevant German-Ukraine connections. What the reader should be aware of is, in today's Germany, it is perfectly ok to be a crypto-nazi within the mainstream right; which makes politically correct noises about the ‘out of the closet’ NDP (National Democratic Party or neo-nazis) but as can be seen, actually cooperates with the NDP via the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. Today, Defense Minister Ursula Von der Leyen is just making the predictable show required to keep the ‘we’re not nazis' pretense up; in reality it is the 100 or so generals and admirals criticizing her moves against the lower ranks that should be sent packing -
German-Ukraine-Nazi assessment online with illustrations and live links at:
Insofar as Merkel retaining power despite the refugees fiasco, her cynicism is world class; Germany’s demographic required importing workers to keep growing the economy. Not only has German intelligence proactively engaged in the attempted overthrow of Assad, Merkel gambled she would get enough of the Syrian educated middle class (the ones with enough assets or money to get out, the majority of refugees in Europe) and would be able to manage the minority but not insignificant numbers of embedded criminals and terrorists. She probably will manage; with increasing police state apparatus. That will appeal to her base, never mind the political oxymoron of she brought on the initial social problem.
Ron West
"The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime" -Voltaire
3rd Reich monument at Lindau (Bodensee)
denazification |dēˌnätsəfiˈkāSHən|
the process of bringing the leaders of the National Socialist regime in Germany to justice and of purging all elements of Nazism from public life.
Denazification didn’t actually happen in Germany folks, I took the photo of the Third Reich eagle (NAZI monument) at Lindau myself, in 2008. Germany still harbors deep NAZI sentiment widely, particularly in the south. Many Nazi criminals were quietly reintegrated to German society and lived out life unpunished with rationale such as:
“the West German Supreme Court overturned the judgment .. saying Rehse and other judges of the [NAZI] People’s Court had only been abiding by the laws of the time”
“The Americans and the British turned over the denazification program to the Germans, who made a mockery of it by electing or appointing some Nazis back into power”
It is only recently, with the most serious offenders dead of old age, a few lowly camp guards have been prosecuted in what amounts to a token expression of social responsibility. Insofar as Angela Merkel’s present government in coalition with Social Democrats, together with her Christian Democrats and their ideologically aligned Christian Social Union, this points to a wider tolerance of the German past than could even be imagined only a short time ago. But first:
On 24 March, in Ukraine, Oleksandr Muzychko, neo-nazi leader of the ‘Right Sector’, was assassinated by interior ministry elite special operations police of the new regime in Kiev. He was without doubt a nasty man, a killer, criminal and terrorist. And because he was incredibly stupid, he also died a ‘patsy’ or that is a used and discarded stooge.
Oleksandr Muzychko
This man led the skinheads who provided the ‘muscle’ behind the violence that brought the new regime to power in Kiev. Now, his CIA supported putsch having been accomplished, he became an embarrassment. Can’t have people running around openly proclaiming a NAZI agenda. Muzychko, having been used to provide a service, was then shot dead in a demonstration of the new regime asserting ‘law and order.’ The Western media spin will be all about tamping down on the criminal NAZI element in the Kiev uprising and all the USA’s sheep will sleep better at night, knowing Obama, Cameron, Hollande, Merkel and ‘friends’ aren’t doing business with NAZIs (and couldn’t be more misled.)
It is beyond question the USA’s intelligence (CIA, primarily), having utilized Muzychko to optimal putsch effect prior to demanded he be eliminated (the more likely story) for appearance sake. In today’s game, you cannot be openly NAZI, you have to conceal the fact in order to qualify for support from the western democracies leaders. But in fact a neo-nazi party, Svoboda, holds five ministries in the new regime at Kiev, putting down the ‘Right Sector’ is a smokescreen. Check this out:
“One of the “Big Three” political parties behind the protests is the ultra-nationalist Svoboda, whose leader, Oleh Tyahnybok, has called for the liberation of his country from the “Muscovite-Jewish mafia.” After the 2010 conviction of the Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk for his supporting role in the death of nearly 30,000 people at the Sobibor camp, Tyahnybok rushed to Germany to declare him a hero who was “fighting for truth.” In the Ukrainian parliament, where Svoboda holds an unprecedented 37 seats, Tyahnybok’s [Svoboda’s] deputy [member of parliament] Yuriy Mykhalchyshyn is fond of quoting Joseph Goebbels – he has even founded a think tank originally called “the Joseph Goebbels Political Research Center””
Kind of puts this next photo in perspective:
Far-fetched? Perhaps not
Can anyone explain how Merkel would not know this following?
“The European Parliament in 2012 condemned Svoboda’s racism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia as “against the EU’s fundamental values and principles”
Especially considering
“In [the 2011] commemoration of the 1918 Battle of Kruty, Svoboda, accompanied by a substantial number of so-called autonomous nationalists, organized a huge torchlight parade, rife with Nazi symbolism.
“On April 28, 2011, Svoboda celebrated the 68th anniversary of the establishment of the Waffen-SS Galizien. Octogenarian Waffen-SS veterans were treated as heroes in a mass rally, organized by Svoboda and the “autonomous nationalists”” -quoting ‘The Return of the Ukrainian Far Right’ by Swedish academic Per Anders Rudling (2013)
I hold Germany responsible for the NAZIs put in power in Kiev, not the USA. Why? Historic responsibility, plain and simple. Merkel has a historic responsibility to call out the the facts of a NAZI regime and refuse on principle to do business with killers laundered into power by the CIA. If a German leader had the personal courage to do this, it would have stopped the nonsense in its tracks and we’d have a whole new geo-political game. But in fact German politicians are cowards (or worse.)
Think Merkel doesn’t know this next?
“Der Spiegel is a mainstream German news source with a generally centrist orientation. It has the most prominent English language presence on the internet of any German source. It is most definitely not a radical left wing publication. It is reporting an interesting story about ties between the German National Democratic Party and the right wing Svoboda Party that holds ministerial posts in the present Ukrainian interim government. The NDP has long been described as Germany’s leading neo-Nazi party”
Svoboda party leader Oleh Tyahnybok
Without a doubt, despite CIA media laundering, German intelligence certainly knows the facts about Svoboda, and nothing is done. I wonder what that has to with the preceding noted article going on to mention…
” [Svoboda] Party members appeared at events hosted by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, the German political foundation affiliated with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives”
… considering who have been the German interior ministers of the past several years, responsible for domestic intelligence. All are Merkel appointments from the German right. You think these Merkel Christian Democrat, and their affiliated Christian Social Union political appointments, don’t know the Merkel aligned Adenauer foundation is associating with and sponsoring NAZIs?
“Adenauer’s determination to integrate the right-wing nationalists who supported the Nazis into the CDU and thus into an acceptance of democracy explains much of the apparent paradox between his dislike of National Socialism and his willingess to accept men who had been very active in supporting the National Socialist dictatorship”
Following on this historical political fantasy of a leopard shedding its spots in post-war Germany, of these three recent interior ministers, Hans-Peter Friedrich is from the Christian Social Union’s ‘unreconstructed south’ of Germany, de Maizière and Schäuble are from Adenauer’s Nazi integrated Christian Democrats (Merkel’s CDU.)
Wolfgang Schäuble, 22 November 2005 to 28 October 2009
Thomas de Maizière, 28 October 2009 to 3 March 2011
Hans-Peter Friedrich, 3 March 2011 to 17 December 2013 (boss when files likely incriminating police relationship to neo-nazis were shredded)
Thomas de Maizière, 17 December 2013 to present (2nd term)
These interior ministers, ostensibly responsible for denazification, are more likely example, actually, of why a monument to Hitler, in the form of a Reich eagle, still stands at Lindau, Bodensee:
The frosting on the Adenauer empowered Nazi cake would be this next:
“Arrested by the Canadian Army in 1945 Alfried Krupp was tried as a war criminal at Nuremberg. He was accused of plundering occupied territories and being responsible for the barbaric treatment of prisoners of war and concentration camp inmates. Documents showed that Krupp initiated the request for slave labour and signed detailed contracts with the SS, giving them responsibility for inflicting punishment on the workers.
“Krupp was eventually found guilty of being a major war criminal and sentenced to twelve years in prison and had all his wealth and property confiscated.
“On 5th December, 1950, Adenauer wrote .. a letter urging clemency for Krupp.
“In January, 1951, [it was] announced that Alfried Krupp and eight members of his board of directors who had been convicted with him, were to be released. His property, valued at around 45 million, and his numerous companies were also restored to him” (45 million in 1951 is 410 million 2014, adjusted for inflation)
Denial aside, Adenauer’s Nazis integrated to the party in charge of present day Germany, could explain a lot about Germany’s strongly supportive relationship with the new NAZI regime in Kiev, you think?
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