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Panhandler Nation #11
Unilaterally Cruel in High Heels
© 2013 James LaFond
I’ve been saving this story since last Christmas for a holiday season post. This story features Miss Ezz, buxom head cashier at Cheap Guys R Us.
“I was stopping for gas. It was about two in the afternoon. I had had a shit day at work. I can’t remember why I had a shit day, just that it was a shit day. I’m walking from my car to pay with my purse over my arm and this skinny crack-head white-girl approaches me, ‘Miss can you spare two dollars? My car is broken down around the corner and I need some gas.’
“I was in no mood. I stopped and look at her and said, ‘I’m not giving you any money.’
“Then she gets indignant, ‘I really need two dollars!’
“I was not in the mood, ‘Well then sister you should have come up with a better bullshit story, then ‘my car is broken down around the corner’. Do you think I’m stupid?’
“Now she was pissed and started coming closer calling me a bitch and telling me she needed money. I bent down, took off my high-heeled clog, and cocked it back, ‘If you come one step closer girlfriend I will smack you upside your head and you will hit the floor sister! And you will not get up!’
“I was hot, ready to go. All I needed after a shit day was to have this crack-head white-girl druggie bitch giving me shit because she needed more drug money. I don’t think so sister!”
“She ran her mouth some more, named me a few different kinds of bitch, and then took her nasty self off to do whatever else she does for her drug money—goodbye!”
That is how a sister throws down in Harm City.
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