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With Their Patrons and Protectors
Jeremy Bentham and Yaroslav Lavrentievich Padvolotskiy on Working with Ethnic Adversaries
© 2017 James LaFond
“At times I became a target of abuse. After a little reflection I realized why they insulted whites and why we tolerated it; they have nothing to lose. If I had punched out one of my non-white colleagues I would have been fired and I might have gone to jail for assault. Any chance I had of becoming a teacher would be ruined. So, like whites everywhere forced to live or work with blacks, I grinned and bore it. The blacks and browns I worked with had been fired and gone to prison—sometimes several times. If it happened again they wouldn’t care. But they know we care and are afraid to retaliate, so they attack us.”
Well this sums up the current racial dynamic in America in 50 words or less.
An interesting article. I was told being a young white guy from the upper Midwest is a resume enhancer down in Texas. Based on this story it’s easy to see why. With the storied Midwestern work ethic behind you an employer can at least have some confidence you’ll show up for work regularly, and stay the whole day as well.
As the author observed, “Every non-white employee was a conspiracy theorist”. Mexicans and blacks are convinced that everyone is corrupt and on the take. Why? Because they are corrupt and on the take. Mexicans and blacks are convinced that whites are always sabotaging them. Why! Because that is what they do to people they don’t like, they sabotage them. Of course. They are great psychological projectors, ever suspicious and prone to confirmation bias. These traits they share with their patrons and protectors, the white Leftists. It’s also easy to see how these dysfunctional traits and habits can rub off onto otherwise well-adjusted whites who are forced to work in a majority black and brown workplace day in and day out. The aggressor always sets the conditions and rules of the conflict.
Dances with Mexicans |
Yaroslav Lavrentievich Padvolotskiy, American Renaissance, May 14, 2017
I graduated from a Texas university in August 2015, hoping for a job teaching in a public school. I quickly found out that in Texas when a school says it wants a social studies or history teacher, it actually wants a football coach. It was going to be a long, tough road to a teaching job, so I looked for a bridge job, and found work in the warehouse of a company that sold auto parts.
The warehouse manager, Dave, was white and was nearing retirement after working there for 20 or 30 years. He started me at $12.50 an hour, but said, “Don’t tell the other employees that you’re making $12.50 because most of them start at nine or ten dollars per hour.” The other employees were mainly Mexican with a few blacks sprinkled in, and if they found out I was getting a higher wage, they would certainly cry racism.
The warehouse was a great education for me. I learned more about race working at the warehouse than I would have learned reading books for 10 years. Even a stint in the diverse United States Navy did not prepare me for what I experienced. While our military may be filled with non-whites who are not qualified to serve and are semi-literate nuisances, they generally mean well. At the warehouse, however, I met every type of personality from the Mexican and black inner-city.
Read more at American Renaissance:
Waking Up in Indian Country: Harm City: 2015
Who is Our Enemy?
Australian Gothic
night city
on the overton railroad
crag mouth
honor among men
plantation america
Bob     May 19, 2017

Blacks and Hispanics for all their lower median IQ certainly are smart enough to know who runs the circus; the editors at AMREN publish only those readers too gormless to figure it out. The most insightful comments never make it through moderation.
Sam J.     May 19, 2017

"...“At times I became a target of abuse. After a little reflection I realized why they insulted whites and why we tolerated it; they have nothing to lose. If I had punched out one of my non-white colleagues I would have been fired and I might have gone to jail for assault. Any chance I had of becoming a teacher would be ruined. So, like whites everywhere forced to live or work with blacks, I grinned and bore it. The blacks and browns I worked with had been fired and gone to prison—sometimes several times. If it happened again they wouldn’t care. But they know we care and are afraid to retaliate, so they attack us.”..."

This is a tremendously important point. I've said much the same but not so well. James has said that all (most maybe)Whites are a bunch of pussies and I disagree. I believe that the cost to us are higher than it's worth to fight with these idiots. If there's ever a EMP meltdown, civil war or a complete breakdown of order the Dindus are going to be in a heap of trouble because all the times the Whites have had to back down in order not to be thrown in jail with even MORE Dindus for fighting they're going to wipe their asses out. Some will be saved by Whites who have known certain Dindus for a long time but the rest will be hunted. If you look at genetics you see that the genetic profiles of populations hangs around a long, long time. We're the same people who kicked people's asses all over the World. We just decided that it didn't pay to act this way so much anymore. Now the only wars we get into are for the Jews.
Bob     May 21, 2017

Yeah, I agree with Sam. Whites are smart enough to know when not to screw with the State's wards, ie. minorities. The personal incentives aren't there (at present) to take a hit for the race. Economic hardship with dissolve some of that selfishness and insularity that invests many whites.
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