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Out of Africa
By Fred Beare
© 2017 Fred Beare
Feel sorry, indeed, feel guilty, even though there is no sound evolutionary reason to do so beyond dysfunctional pathological altruism:
, for the exodus of Africans from Isrаel to Canada because of… of… “racial discrimination”:
The Haaretz article says:
“Israel boasts that many asylum seekers from Africa are returning to their countries of origin or going to Uganda and Rwanda, but Haaretz has discovered that the main destinations in the past year were actually other Western countries. In these states, in contrast to Isrаel, asylum seekers receive substantial benefits and are not under pressure from the authorities.
In the past year almost 1,400 asylum seekers left Isrаel for North America and Europe – almost three times the number in the previous year. About 900 asylum seekers, about 98 percent of them Eritrean, were absorbed into Canada – more than the number taken in by Uganda and Rwanda combined. Many were single, but Canada also absorbed families and children. The United States took in around 140 asylum seekers who had been in Isrаel, while more than 350 went to Europe, most of them to Sweden or the Netherlands. Isrаel’s Population, Immigration and Border Authority, part of the Interior Ministry, provided this data in response to a Freedom of Information request from the Movement for Freedom of Information.”
And here is the human interest story:
“In Isrаel, Damuz lived in a small apartment in south Tel Aviv with other asylum seekers. In Toronto he lives with a local family. “I live in West Toronto. There’s no such thing that all the rich and white people live in one place and simple people and those without money live elsewhere. There’s nothing like south Tel Aviv. People are mixed here. There’s no government frightening the public about 'infiltrators.' So the public sees us like anyone else. Most of the public is not racist, really open and not afraid. If you’re already a refugee, Canada is the first option. No other country treats refugees like Canada.”
Ok, time to stop feeling sad about the plight of the refugees who are all going to be looked after by this highly progressive gentleman:
Yes, America’s loss is Canada’s gain; way to go, Justin baby!
One should not criticize Isrаel for all of this though. In particular I am impressed by the home-grown pornography industry which seems to be meeting local demands and supplying work:
“I used to work as a waitress, but I felt like a whore. Now that I work in the sex industry, I can allow myself to live.” What could possibly be wrong with that?
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