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'Trafficking Junkies'
Another Unsavory Wrinkle in the War on Drugs
© 2017 James LaFond
Here is an article that will make your stomach turn:
I haven't even finished reading it, it is too sickening. It is another angle on the War on Drugs, which amounts to trafficking junkies to California, signing them up for Obamacare, and then treating them as drug addicted livestock from which to milk insurance billings.
Lynn, in Baltimore and the surrounding areas junky rehab is a booming industry. It is also a way to keep traditional churches open for the few teetering relics of piety that attend them. Lutheran, Episcopal, Methodist, Presbyterian and Catholic churches, the entire old line of religious facilities, now devote between 2 and 4 times as many time slots to hosting Narcotics Anonymous meetings [where drug deals are often made] as they do to services. The only white Christian churches in Baltimore that minister to the soul, as opposed to maintaining a facility through sponsoring the doper merry-go-round and hosting aerobics, Zumba, Tai Chia and Yoga classes and alcoholic anonymous meetings, are outfits like Greater Grace and other young congregations.
I like having a drug rehab house across the street from me because these guys are always out on the porch and are not violent criminals. Since they moved in, black-on-white attacks on White Avenue have plummeted and moved a block over to Mary Avenue.
Shoey, a former heroin dealer, told me that rehab clinics were his competition, that he had a system for getting people off of heroin who wanted to, that he had done it himself, but that rehab clinics are peddling their own dope and general aim for pharmaceutical maintenance, not abstinence.
It is my thought that the War on Drugs is really the globalist version of the British Opium Wars, addicting the most powerful nation on earth to bring it rotting down from the inside.
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Sam J.     May 26, 2017

"...Shoey, a former heroin dealer, told me that rehab clinics were his competition, that he had a system for getting people off of heroin who wanted to, ..."

I wonder what that is? Of course the "...who wanted to..." is the most important part.
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