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Bouncing Haji on Your Infidel Knee
Jeremy Bentham Reporting
© 2017 James LaFond
London Bridge terror attackers shot dead
CCTV footage of the London terror attackers trying to stab a man, Police turn up and shoot them dead
"Why are the liberals always on the other side?"
- Jean Martin as paratrooper COL Mathieu, “The Battle of Algiers” (1966)
“Liberalism is programmed treason as a competitive strategy.”
– Anonymous Conservative 10/07/2016
Anonymous Conservative explains the evolutionary reproductive psychology behind Leftist support of the Islamic terrorists in our midst. In fact they will purposely support importing violent outsiders to kill off their domestic, in-group political opposition.
During Attack, SJW Criticizes Victim For Cursing Muslims
Posted on June 5, 2017 by Anonymous Conservative
You can’t make this stuff up:
You Paki Bastards!
"Then out spake brave Horatius,
The Captain of the Gate:
'To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his gods,"
-From the Poem “Horatius” by Thomas Babbington Macaulay
“I am not a Man I am Dynamite”
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Lion Of London Bridge’ Took On London Terror Attackers With Bare Fists Shouting “F*ck You, I’m Millwall”
By : UNILAD Francesca Donovan
A man dubbed the ‘Lion of London Bridge’ took on three terrorists with his bare hands as they rampaged through the streets on Saturday night.
Roy Larner was drinking in the Black & Blue bar when the attackers entere brandishing knives. The Millwall fan, who has been aptly described as ‘fearless’ rushed to defend his fellow Londoners.
Larner, of Peckham, South East London, was badly injured in his brave attempts to fight off the armed attackers.
Lion Of London Bridge Took On London Terror Attackers With Bare Fists Shouting F*ck You, Im Millwall 18838937 10209382709108086 625188556067286619 n
The 47-year-old was taken to St Thomas’ Hospital in critical condition and had surgery to wounds on his head, fingers and chest after he single-handedly managed to ward them off.
Special forces soldier reveals how to fight off a knife-wielding terrorist
Jihad Update.
DC Bouncers Learn How to Prevent, Respond to Terrorism
Some restaurants are reconsidering putting knives and glasses on tables; they can be used as weapons
Local bouncers are learning how to respond if an attacker strikes inside a D.C. bar.
What to Know
· Local restaurant, bar and nightclub bouncers will attend an hourlong class Tuesday to prepare them to respond to an attacker.
· Their instructor, Robert Smith, will speak about lessons from the 2015 Paris attacks, Pulse shooting and Manchester suicide bombing.
· Participants will learn how to recognize a weapon, monitor disruptions in and outside a club and stay on their guard.
Waking Up in Indian Country: Harm City: 2015
Women in Combat?
modern combat
13, 14 June 44
beasts of arуas
let the world fend for itself
dark, distant futures
advent america
z-pill forever
menthol rampage
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