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Black Gorilla Family News #3
The Extent of Power
© 2013 James LaFond
In the wake of a roundup of more than 40 BGF members in a citywide sweep, federal authorities have charged 14 more corrections officers with corruption at the Baltimore jail. As many as 450 of the 650 corrections officers staffing the facility are suspected of having been involved in drug smuggling and other illegal activities. One of the officers is a K-9 supervisor for the National Guard, currently deployed to Afghanistan. This leads one to wonder about heroin imports through the military, direct from Afghanistan.
Many of the offending guards are females, who maintain romantic relationships with prisoners in this and other facilities, up to and including bearing their children conceived behind bars. According to the Feds the BGF virtually operated the facility for years. The prosecutors would not discuss the possibility that the BGF is still running the facility clandestinely. Tavon “Commander Booty Master” White, BGF leader, claimed early in 2013 to be running the jail. This resulted in 25 indictments back in April of 2013.
White, who fathered children on at least four female corrections officers, has pled guilty to racketeering. Some of the female corrections officer even have the names of BGF members tattooed on their bodies! Female corrections officers [including the top officers] have ‘sung’ official pledges to obey the Black Gorilla Family, have released inmates from cells to murder other inmates, and have failed polygraph tests.
The AFSCME is the corrections officers’ union to which these state employees belong. The FBI and corrections officers have stated that state penalties for corruption rarely even extend to firing. Some law makers are trying to reform these laws. Their efforts are being blocked by union representatives.
Since I am a Paladin Press author, I realize that many of my readers are on the New Right libertarian side of the political spectrum, and are often readers of literature on masculinity. I was once a Libertarian, before I decided to embrace anarchy. From that perspective, I would like to advocate the Black Gorilla Family as a replacement for the Democratic Party.
Hear me out.
They rule their women folk, who give their men complete loyalty, even singing pledges and tattooing themselves with their master’s name. They have been able to take over and operate an entire corrections institution more profitably than the State of Maryland. Also they have the democratic Mayor O’Mamma and democratic Governor O’Mick [who is a presidential hopeful, and corrupt to the core] under their thumb and running interference for them against the FBI.
If you really are in favor of state and municipal rights to defy the Federal machine, I suggest you nominate Tavon ‘Commander Booty Master’ White to eviscerate the Democratic Party. At least, if Tavon was president, he would be honest about keeping troops in Afghanistan to facilitate heroin production, and the man in the White House, would be, you know, a White.
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Charles M     Nov 23, 2013

O'Mamma that's a new one.
James     Nov 23, 2013

Say it with respect.
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