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7 Out Of 10 Knife Users Lead with the Empty Hand
Knife Attack Article from Urban Fit and Fearless
© 2017 James LaFond
Not sure if you saw this. Pretty interesting article, thought you’d enjoy it.
Erique, this is a fantastic article. The author did with video footage what I did with interviews 20 years ago and he came to a similar conclusion, that people tend to attack with a retracted or hidden weapon, using the empty hand as the bridge to the target, which is exactly what prison knifers have been doing forever. His findings show an increased aggression over mine, indicating that society is continuing its spiral into prison-like behavior.
I’d be tempted to call this an update to The Logic of Steel. Anyone seriously interested in the subject of increasingly common and more lethal knife attacks in urban environments should access this research.
Give the author my compliments and thanks for the link.
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Bob     Jun 17, 2017

Roy Larner must be out of the Marvel comic book collection. 3 Muslims with machetes and he takes them on barehanded. Only minor wounds. Can't wait for the DVD.
Shep     Jun 17, 2017

Valuable article—many good links. Thanks for posting!
Bob     Jun 18, 2017

That was an excellent, if depressing, article. Thanks.
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