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Ghetto Grocer Updates  from Jeremy Bentham
© 2017 James LaFond
12 Things you don’t know about Aldi.
The unification wars. The most simple and straightforward way to eliminate your competition is to buy them out. Soon everything will be Amazon.
This is a significant business event for certain, especially for the grocery business. Although nobody can figure out what it really means just yet. Is Amazon going to make retail grocery shopping a home delivery service or is its using the purchase of Whole Foods to break into the brick and mortar retail store market? Or does Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos have something entirely new and different in mind? Well like the Maharushie always says, don’t tell everyone your marketing plan, execute it!
Whole Foods stock rockets 28% on $13.7 billion Amazon takeover deal
The Ghetto Grocer Kindle Edition
‘Children Throwing a Tantrum’
‘Navigating Cruel Seas’
the lesser angels of our nature
the year the world took the z-pill
the greatest boxer
time & cosmos
when you're food
menthol rampage
Sam J.     Jun 18, 2017

"...Is Amazon going to make retail grocery shopping a home delivery service or is its using the purchase of Whole Foods to break into the brick and mortar retail store market?..."

I bet they do both. Lots pf people like to get out and shop at the market if they live where Dindus don't threaten their very lives so that they can have fresh produce. Some people like to stay at home and to hell with shopping. My guess is Women will shop more and Men will stay home. Just a guess.

Amazon shouldn't be able to do this. Because of their stupendous access to capital that hardly no one else has they've been able to operate at a loss for over a decade. It's amazing anyone at all can stay in business while the Jews, running their businesses with access to loads of cheap money, can lose money year after year after year. This is how they took over the newspaper business. Jew comes into town and prints paper with major capital backing and doesn't have to run a profit. Eventually the local "White owned" town paper goes out of business as they have kids to feed and can't run on fumes.

Everyone says the Jews are so smart and they are but most reasonably competent people if allowed to run a deficit of billions in their businesses for a decade could be made to look smart too if they were able to do that. Look at Facebook, Twitter, etc. these people lost money for years and years to gain market share at the expense of real companies that had to pay taxes as they couldn't keep losing money.
Ruben Chandler     Jun 23, 2017

Presumed loss hides and obscures profit
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