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‘The Linguists Were in Fact Correct’
Survive the Jive Brings Back Real History
© 2017 James LaFond
Once again genetic evidence is proving liberalism wrong and traditionalism right.
On the subject of Indo-European taboos, addressed in this discussion of the spoken word for bear and the surviving euphemistic terms, there was a cult of the taboo hand that seems to have been extensive and was related to the concept of the hand as a blood-letting member. This tabbo followed through to prize-fighting in which an athlete [prize-seeker] who slew an opponent, committed a sin against the gods.
Note that boxing had no other known origin but from the Aryаn chariot folk and never appears before the advent of the chariot, an Aryаn innovation defused through the ancient world from China, to Indian, to Egypt and as far as the British Isles through migration and conquest.
Pantheonism as described in this and other representations I have seen online does not take into account the assimilation and displacement of deities. Taking Hellas for example, the Hellenic world had three sky gods, whose followers came from the steppes out of the Aryаn homeland, riding forth on chariots pulled by horses.
The first of these sky gods was Poseidon, Breaker of Horses a title also bestowed on the Trojan hero hector. This god came with the first wave of Aryаns into Hellas.
Poseidon was displaced by Zeus and pushed down into the sea, becoming the Roman god Neptune—lord of the seas, yet curiously still the patron deity of horse-breakers.
Then came Apollo, patron of boxers and musicians, who, legend had it, fought a titanic boxer for the right to migrate through his territory without paying taxes. Apollo entered the pantheon as the son of Zeus. His own son, Cantor, was the father of centaurs, probably indicating that a fourth migration of now mounted men—rather than men towed in chariots—entered the fringe of the Hellenic world.
A fourth major Aryаn god, one of the 12 Olympians, was Hermes [Roman Mercury], god of wrestlers, travelers, visionaries and epileptics as well as the conductor of souls and patron of athletic judges. Hermes may have represented another wave of invaders, but it is my opinion that he represented a beta deity syncretized during a migration.
By tracing the process of deity displacement and assimilation one can detect four Aryаn invasions, possibly coinciding with the five major dialects of Hellas, a conquered population, a first conquering invasion, a second conquering invasion, a third assimilated invasion and a fourth partially assimilated invasion, reflecting the greater difficulty Aryаns had displacing other Aryаns. Most of the various female deities were the indigenous goddesses which became the wives and consorts of the invading gods.
Also, in regard to the major gods, they had various cult names, possibly representing absorbed local deities. Apollo for instance had a wolf cult, a plague aspect, was also known as Helios, the sun god, had a boxer cult, was also the patron of musicians and the lord of archers—this also associated with his disease arrows, possibly deriving from sieges conducted by his followers, resulting in plagues among the cooped-up defenders.
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