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'Trump Targeted by Intelligence Agencies'
Ron West's Flat Earth Politics: June Notes, Weeks One & Two
© 2017 Ron West
Hello James
Bio farmed weeds are threatening to become my major crop this year but it’s ok, this is a learning curve the 1st season had been set  aside for. I’ve passed up multiple temptations to weigh in on several topics, rather picking up  the garden hoe. Meanwhile here’s a few notes on our flat earth’s medieval events, sort of like a Rollerball science fiction piece set in the era of Crusades. Online with illustrations & live links at:
Week one:
Week two
Ron West
"The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime"
Week One
Speaking of a real ‘ho’, NBC’s (nee CIA) Megyn Kelly tells the Austrian Chancellor, Christian Kern, “Flattery will get you everything” not once but twice, the second time with extra emphasis; in front of a world audience; one cannot help but understand this had been an invitation to crawl between her legs, here’s her expression (screenshot) as she pops the proposal:
I’m certain this was a NBC slap at Putin’s ‘man-spread’ as only the politically correct falling into lockstep (goose-step?) with the western propaganda line get into the American media whore’s pants (I’m certain president Putin has better available to him.) The entire event is worth a watch for those with a couple hours time to catch up on what’s happening as put forward at the Economic Forum at Saint Petersberg:
Meanwhile, over at a Russian ‘fake news’ site the USA doesn’t want you to read at, we discover this footnote to the 350 billion USA arms sale to the Saudis:
“The other beneficiaries are believed to be Raytheon, which seeks to sell $1 billion worth of Penetrator Warheads and Paveway laser-guided bombs…”
Ok, so that measly $1 billion is less than one percent of the 110 billion planned initial release of weapons to the criminal Saudi regime. Other than it is the United Kingdom’s Raytheon unit requires USA permission for export (because of some USA made components) it is possibly the most interesting 0.9% of the initial 110 billion (for A.S.A.P. or, as soon as possible delivery) request:
“Raytheon UK is conducting preparatory work to equip the Paveway IV with a bunker-busting warhead as part of the Selective Precision Effects At Range (Spear) Capability 1 program. The compact penetrator has the same outer mold line and mass of the regular Paveway IV and uses a discarding shroud design. A penetrating 500 lb Paveway IV would replace the RAF’s previous 2,000 lb Paveway III bunker buster. The penetrating version of the Paveway IV will enter service on the Typhoon in early 2019. Raytheon claims the new warhead has the performance of the BLU-109 penetrating bomb, despite being one-quarter of its weight”
In other words, Raytheon UK’s mad scientist Dexter has found a means of making a 500 pound ‘bunker-busting’ bomb as effective as the 2,000 pound bunker-busting bomb of a decade ago. What do the Saudis need such a weapon for? Iran’s underground weapons production facilities? That’d be a good bet, Iran was the major focus of hostile rhetoric on all parties part when the ‘greatest weapons sale on earth’ show saw Trump dancing  with swords in Riyadh:
So, the recently adopted royal that is the USA’s Emir, er, President Trump al Saud has come down on the side of the Saudis in a world class hypocrisy in the Saudi spat with Qatar, when the Saudis accuse the Qataris of support for Islamic State and al Qaida, never mind it was Saudis provided the manpower, leadership and wealth used to create al Qaida (from which Islamic State was born as a splinter group.)
Oh, and those classified ’28 pages’ related to 9/11… isn’t that something to do with the House of Saud funding certain al Qaida associated personalities in the USA? Ouch, Donald (or ‘dumb-shit-donald’, readers choice.) And let’s not forget Jared Kushner’s fingers are all over this weapons purchase pie (speaking of dancing Isrаelis.) A MOSSAD-al-Saud joint venture? It seems this wouldn’t be the first time…
Finally, 50 years on, remembering the USS Liberty, 8 June, 1967:
Week Two
^ goes around comes around…
Another installment on why this blog has a specific category for ‘morons.’ In short, following on week one’s notes, it turns out the nominal hedge-fund ‘Blackstone’ will be the Saudi partner in Trump’s USA infrastructure development initiative. Who is Blackstone?
Blackstone, among other things, profiles as an umbrella for laundering intelligence agencies black-ops; associated with two notable ‘principals’, the supposedly ‘former’ spooks  (once CIA, always CIA), Frank Carlucci and Richard Armitage.
Frank ‘the capo’ Carlucci
Carlucci, the Princeton roommate of Donald Rumsfeld, was a CIA officer under cover as the US Embassy’s Second Secretary in Congo when Patrice Lumumba was assassinated:
“[CIA Station Chief] Devlin and Carlucci worked together “on Congolese efforts to get rid of Lumumba.” De Witte further commented: “We know that Devlin and other US personnel in the capital were informed about the transfer of Lumumba to the Kasai or Katanga… Everybody knew that there were waiting some subcontractors to do the dirty job, and, given the rank and involvement of Carlucci in Lumumba-related activities from the US embassy, we may assume (although it’s not proven) that Carlucci knew of what equaled a death sentence for Lumumba””
Beyond this immediate preceding, what does it say to you about Carlucci’s work in Congo when CIA officer John Stockwell states the CIA had custody of Lumumba’s body immediately following his assassination? Carlucci went on to have his fingers in numerous CIA related murderous geopolitical pies as he rose through the hierarchy to become Ronald  Reagan’s Secretary of Defense, left government  due to Iran-Contra and immediately joined Blackstone (Carlucci profiles throughout his career as a close CIA colleague of George H.W. Bush who coordinated ‘The Enterprise‘ or the Coe cult‘s government penetration project.)
Richard ‘the maggot’ Armitage
Armitage is just as smelly or worse. Fingered as a CIA international narcotics trafficker from the source…
“Mister Richard Armitage, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, is one of those USG officials implicated by [longtime warlord/opium producer/CIA ally] Khun Sa”
…complicit in the annual export of 900 or more tons of heroin precursor (opium) from the ‘Golden Triangle’ of which both Harry Reid and George H.W. Bush were informed, of course nothing is done, no one (ever) goes to jail. They just go on to lucrative (CIA sponsored) private careers.
Armitage, in short, from his early days as a CIA officer, went on to become the party responsible for issuing 15 (all to Saudis) of the 19 alleged 9/11 hijackers USA entry visas according to former Department of State officer Michael Springmann. Previous to this, Armitage had served a stint with the CIA-Special Forces joint venture Phoenix Program, which ties to Daniel Ellsberg’s narcotics trafficking associates in Vietnam, notably the CIA’s Ted Shackley, in charge of the opium producing Golden Triangle region or ‘off record’ war exterior to the Vietnam ‘official’ war zone, and Ellsberg’s boss Edward Lansdale, mastermind of Phoenix. Phoenix was an assassination program responsible for the murders of up to 50,000 non-combatants. Shackley would go on to become the CIA Chief of Station in Saigon.
Where this background ties together for Armitage & Carlucci (as well as G.H.W. Bush & Bill Clinton in CIA black budget program importing narcotics at Mena, Arkansas) is in the Iran-Contra narcotics trafficking where Iran-Contra’s General Richard Secord, who profiles as a career CIA officer under military cover, had been running Khun Sa’s opium out of the golden triangle during the USA’s Indochina wars (Ted Shackley era.)
It was rogue Isrаeli intelligence officer Ari Ben Menache best blew the whistle (eye-witness) on international narcotics trafficking integrated to the Iran Contra business, not only (the murdered) Gary Webb (Superman could shoot himself in the head TWICE, ordinary mortals don’t.)
The preceding thumbnail assessments of people who have no qualms murdering en mass, whether directly or indirectly, point to a remarkably dangerous prognosis; Jared Kushner leveraging a Blackstone-Saudi deal for reconstruction of the USA’s infrastructure points to MOSSAD-Saudi-Enterprise (Coe cult) preparing a reprise of 9/11. When the moron Trump is ‘safely’ out of the picture, look for the upcoming Gladio style false-flag mega-event enabling the Mike Pence aligned generals dictating every aspect of American ‘security.’ Meanwhile, don’t expect al-Qaida to be the boogyman this time around; look for blame pinned on Russians via Iran.
1 February 1988
Honorable George Bush, Vice President, United States of America, Washington, D.C.
Why does it seem that you are saying “YES” to illegal narcotics in America?
I turned over video tapes to your NSC staff assistant, Tom Harvey, January 1987, wherein General KHUN SA, overlord of Asia’s “Golden Triangle”, offered to stop 900 tons of heroin/opium from entering the free world in 1987. Harvey told me, “…there is no interest here in doing that.” General Khun Sa also offered to identify U.S. Government officials who, he says, have been trafficking in heroin for more than 20 years.
November 1986, Scott Weekly and I went into Burma in coordination and cooperation with The White House. Tom Harvey told me you received a letter from Arthur Suchesk, Orange County, CA, dated 29 August 1986. Dr. Suchesk said that Gen Khun Sa had access to U.S. POWs. Harvey said the letter had received “highest attention”. He gave me a copy along with other case documents. I was asked if it was possible to verify the information. According to Harvey, the CIA said Khun Sa had been assassinated some months before. Harvey supplied Scott and myself with language under White House and NSC letterhead that would help us gain access to Khun Sa. It worked. Unfortunately, Khun Sa knew nothing about US POWs. He did, however, offer to trade his nation’s poppy dependence for a legitimate economy.
Instead of receiving an “Atta Boy” for bringing back video tape showing Khun Sa`s offer to stop 900 tons of illegal narcotics and expose dirty USG officials, Scott was jailed and I was threatened. I was told that if I didn’t “erase and forget” all that we had discovered, I would, “hurt the government”. Further, I was promised a prison sentence of “15 years”.
I returned to Burma with two other American witnesses, Lance Trimmer, a private detective from San Francisco, and Barry Flynn from Boston. Gen Khun Sa identified some of those in government service he says were dealing in heroin and arms sales. We video taped this second interview and I turned copies over in June 1987, to the Chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence; Chairman of the House on Foreign Affairs Task Force on Narcotics Control; Co-Chairman, Senate Narcotics Committee; Senator Harry Reid, NV; Representative James Bilbray, NV; and other Congressional members. Mister Richard Armitage, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, is one of those USG officials implicated by Khun Sa. Nothing was done with this evidence that indicated that anyone of authority, including yourself, had intended to do anything more than protect Mr. Armitage. I was charged with “Misuse of Passport”. Seems that it is alright for Oliver North and Robert MacFarlane to go into Iran on Irish Passports to negotiate an illegal arms deal that neither you nor anyone else admits condoning, but I can’t use a passport that brings back drug information against your friends.
Lance Trimmer and I submitted a “Citizen Complaint of Wrongdoing by Federal Officers” to Attorney General Edwin Meese, III on 17 September 1987. Continuous private and Legislative inquiries to date indicate that the Attorney General’s Office has “lost” the document. Congressional requests to the Government Accounting Office have resulted in additional government snares and stalls.
January 20, 1988, I talked before your Breakfast Club in Houston, Texas. A distinguished group of approximately 125 associates of yours, including the Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court, expressed assurance that you are a righteous man. Almost all of them raised their hand when I asked how many of them know you personally. If you are a man with good intent, I pray you will do more than respond to this letter. I ask that you seriously look into the possibility that political appointees close to you are guilty of by passing our Constitutional process, and for purposes of promoting illegal covert operations, conspired in the trafficking of narcotics and arms.
Please answer why a respected American Citizen like Mister H. Ross Perot can bring you a pile of evidence of wrongdoing by Armitage and others, and you, according to TIME magazine (May 4, page 18), not only offer him no support, but have your Secretary of Defense, Frank Carlucci tell Mr. Perot to “stop pursuing Mr. Armitage”. Why Sir, will you not look into affidavits gathered by The Christic Institute (Washington, D.C.), which testify that Armitage not only trafficked in heroin, but did so under the guise of an officer charged with bringing home our POWs. If the charges are true, Armitage, who is still responsible for POW recovery as your Assistant Secretary of Defense ISA, has every reason not to want these heros returned to us alive. Clearly, follow on investigations would illuminate the collective crimes of Armitage and others.
Several years ago a secretary working for Armitage asked me “Why would he have us expunge his official record of all reference to past POW/MIA assignments and activities?” Not knowing, I ventured a guess that maybe he was considering running for public office and didn’t feel the POW -Vietnam association would be a plus in his resume. It was about the same time a CIA agent named by Khun Sa turned up dead in Bangkok under “mysterious circumstances”. Also about this time, as an agent of NSC’s Intelligence Support Activity, I was told by ISA Chief Jerry King, “…there are still too many bureaucrats in Washington who don’t want to see POWs returned alive”. I failed to realize the fullness of his meaning, or these other events, until in May 1987, Gen Khun Sa, in his jungle headquarters, named Richard Armitage as a key connection in a ring of heroin trafficking mobsters and USG officials. A U.S. agent I have known for many years stopped by my home last month enroute to his next overseas assignment. He remarked that he had worked for those CIA chiefs named by Khun Sa, and that by his own personal knowledge, he knew what Khun Sa said was true. He was surprised it had taken so long to surface.
I am a registered Republican. I voted for you twice. I will not do so again. If you have any love or loyalty in your heart for this nation; if you have not completely sold out, then do something positive to determine the truth of these most serious allegations. You were Director of the CIA in 1975, during a time Khun Sa says Armitage and CIA officials were trafficking in heroin. As Director of Intelligence you were responsible to the American people for the activities of your assistant – even as you should know what some of these same people are doing who are close to you now as our Vice President because I feel these “parallel government” types will only be promoted by you, giving them more reason to bury our POWs.
I am enclosing some documentation that supports the charges made. Chief is a letter from Khun Sa to the U.S. Justice Department dated 28 June 1987, wherein Richard Armitage is named along with Theodore Shackley (your former Deputy Director CIA from Covert Operations) and others. Please also note William Stevenson’s article, “Bank of Intrigue-Circles of Power”. You, Armitage, and General Richard Secord are prominently mentioned. Stevenson, you might remember, authored A MAN CALLED INTREPID. Also Tom Fitzpatrick’s article, “From Burma to Bush, a Heroin Highway”, should interest you. Both of these men are prize winning journalists. The book, CRIMES of PATRIOTS, “A True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money, and the CIA”, by Jonathan Kwitny, reporter for the Wall Street Journal, details for you the bank connections that Khun Sa mentions. Finally, the basic primer that spells out exactly how this dope for covert operations gambit began, is Alfred McCoy’s THE POLITICS OF HEROIN IN SOUTHEAST ASIA. All of these should be required reading for the man appointed chief cop by our President to safeguard America from illegal narcotics. These are just a sampling of many works now available that chronical disgraceful conduct by those sworn to protect and defend our Constitution.
Parting shot Mr. Vice President: On 28 January 1988, General Khun Sa tendered an offer to turn over to me one metric ton (2,200 pounds) of heroin. He says this is a good faith gesture to the American people that he is serious about stopping all drugs coming from the infamous Golden Triangle. I, you and Nancy Reagan are really serious about saying “NO” to drugs, why not test Gen Khun Sa? I challenge you to allow me in the company of agents of your choice to arrange to receive this token offer worth over $4 billion on the streets of New York City. It will represent the largest “legal” seizure of heroin on record. You can personally torch it, dump it in the ocean, or turn it into legal medication; as I understand there is a great shortage of legal opiates available to our doctors. I think Gen Khun Sa’s offer is most interesting. If you say “YES” then the ever increasing flow of heroin from Southeast Asia (600– tons– ’86, 900 tons– ’87, 1200– tons’88) may dry up–not good for business in the parallel government and super CIA circles Oliver North mentioned. If you say “NO” to Khun Sa, you are showing colors not fit for a man who would be President.
What is your decision? I challenge you to demonstrate exactly where you stand with respect to big-business-drugs, parallel government, misuse of U.S. tax-payer dollars in foreign drug supression programs that don’t work, no interest in dialogue that will stem the flow of illegal narcotics, return of POWs while they are still alive? I for one am not for a “USA, Inc.” with you or anyone else as Chairman of the Board.
Respecting Your Office,
James “Bo” Gritz
Note on the preceding 1988 letter of (the much maligned) Bo Gritz to George H.W. Bush concerning narcotics trafficking: Having personally witnessed CIA (via Air America) deliver large quantities of heroin to American military headquarters (on more than one occasion) at Vung Tau, Vietnam, in 1971, Gritz’s letter would appear to describe authentic facts on its’ face. That I had been mentored in my brief (1974-1975) but eye-opening military intelligence position by Special Forces veterans of CIA operations in Indochina and Latin America only adds to my conviction Gritz is giving accurate information. On top of this, Gritz’s narrative lines up with numerous sources over a several decades period of subsequent assessments.
Note 2: Having seen zoomed in footage of the 2nd plane hitting the WTC ‘twin towers’, I can state with confidence that particular plane was not the plane ascribed by media as hijacked; it clearly appeared to be a cargo model dressed up (painted) to look like a passenger jet from distance. Very unusual, the plane had some sort of pod attached to the right side of the under fuselage, something I’d never seen before (or since) on any commercial jet.
What became of the actual planes and those persons on those so-called ‘hijacked’ planes of 11 September 2001 is a mystery to me (however Area 51 comes to mind.) Footnoting all of this would be the thought ‘the enterprise’ (Coe cult) member Ted Olsen must’ve seriously wanted rid of his wife.
Note 3: Trump is surrounded by so many connected, complicit, treasonous players, including people in his business empire and in-laws, not only the Pence faction in the executive branch, it would appear Trump, his family and his entire business operation had been targeted by intelligence agencies for quite a long time.
Brought to you by the Free Speech Clown
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Where are the Whores of Yesteryear?
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advent america
masculine axis
thriving in bad places
taboo you
fiction anthology one
on the overton railroad
z-pill forever
Sam J.     Jun 18, 2017

"...What became of the actual planes and those persons on those so-called ‘hijacked’ planes of 11 September 2001 is a mystery to me..."

There's a women in the Northeast that claimed she was drinking coffee on her deck that morning and a huge airliner flew over her remotely situated house at a extremely low level. I can't remember what base but one in the Northeast that's has less usage but still has a lot of big hangers for planes like C-5's was where they said it went in this article.
Ishmael     Jun 19, 2017

The race to see who kills us first, the state or earth, spend more time in the garden Ron, until somebody comes for us, it is hard to read this some days, so much to enjoy in a simple life, wants are out of control, needs require much less, granddaughter fished with me, teaching her to fish, showing her how to prepare them, seeing her delight upon tasting, this helps me stay sane, yet knowing possible outcome of actions of leaders who relish power, worship money, commit murder world wide, knowing I can't protect my grandchildren from the grave, the antonement required, I feel coming to visit this world, chills me to the bone if dwelt on too long, reread Penucquem speaks, thanks again for this book. Ishmael.
Ishmael     Jun 19, 2017

James, just read week 3 of Rons assistment of current cluster fuck, good stuff, would never want to be on receiving end of his sarcastic wit!
Ishmael     Jun 20, 2017

I really do know how to spell assesment.
Ruben Chandler     Jun 21, 2017

Ron West is God!!!! Kudos, brother from another mother. This post is like unto the unassisted triple play of Satchel Page. Damn, everything more fucked but funnier than the other. Shout outs to Ron, James, and the omnipresent and omniscient Ishmael. Sincerely, keeps my fucking hear beating. Incidentally, I was building an Ambercrombie in Lancaster, PA that day. Planes were presumably flying to Harrisburg. My, then, Canadian wife's sister worked for Canadian intelligence........let me take the dark prince route here and identify her, Novak style, as Kerri Anne Boyd, said it was definitely a fucking shoot down................probably sans terrorists (there being no ameriConned goobermint officials on the plane. I don't doubt Kerri Annie for a moment.
Ishmael     Jun 22, 2017

Thank you Ruben, to be listed with these two men, is indeed a honor, I hope to live up to someday.
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