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Necessity is the Motherfucker of Invention
On the Harm City Beat with Jeremy Bentham
© 2017 James LaFond
Jihad update. Happy Ramadan!
A Canadian Jihadist this time.
Police Officer Stabbed in Neck at Flint Airport, Suspect Amor Ftouhi Reportedly Shouted 'Allah Akhbar'
Dallas, Like America, Is Running Out of White Kids to Solve Its Problems by Steve Sailer
“A third of black and Hispanic students attend schools that are more than 90 percent nonwhite, according to research from the Century Foundation, and those racially segregated schools are overwhelmingly low-performing. Research shows that poor children who attend school alongside more privileged peers score higher on standardized tests and earn more money as adults.”
This is funny. What the NYT et al are inadvertently admitting to us is that black and Hispanic school children are a bad influence, on everyone. Even other blacks and Hispanics. Whenever and wherever black and Hispanic students  are the majority they collectively create an atmosphere in that school that impedes and discourages learning and achievement. By the Leftists own admission the only remedy is to dilute the number of black and Hispanic students in a school as much as possible with middle and upper class white students. Unfortunately, as Steve Sailer has observed , the country is running out of white kids to spread around for such Leftist social engineering projects. Plus after a half-century middle class white parents are becoming increasingly adverse to risking the well-being of their children to reinforce such demonstrable public policy failures. White people have voted with their feet and moved away from failing minority-majority public schools. It has become plain to all who will see that the academic achievement gap between whites and Asians versus blacks and Hispanics in the aggregate is not something that can be fixed. It will just have to be accepted as a fact of life. Quit throwing money and white kids at the problem over and over again expecting that to work when it never has.
“America’s big educational problem is that it’s running out of white children. Our ideologies still assume that America is a white-dominated country with only a small percentage of minorities, but the reality is that whites are rapidly heading toward being a minority too. So theories of solving the problems of blacks and Hispanics by diluting their troubles in the great mass of white children are out of date.”
– Steve Sailer
Dallas, Like America, Is Running Out of White Kids to Solve Its Problems
“The greatest thing in life is to have the love of God in your heart. The next greatest thing is to have electricity in your house.”
– Church Testimonial during the rural electrification drive in the USA in the 1920’s.
Having hot and cold running water in your house as well as a warm place to take a shit has to be right up there in the hierarchy of needs.
The new black entitlement: free utilities.
These folks ought to consider moving to Iraq. Electricity produced by the government Ministry of Electricity is free there. You just don’t get it all of the time.
The Iraqis were always impatient with us Americans for not fixing their electric power grid. Hey you guys put a man on the moon, why can’t you give us reliable electricity? Oh well gosh, we didn’t have Iraqis manning our space program, so putting a man on the moon turned out to be a much simpler project by comparison.
Likewise providing utilities in Black Run America is an order of magnitude more difficult than similar projects in white majority areas.
Baltimore water discount program short of meeting need of tens of thousands of families
Beatrice Johnson's home was sold at tax sale due to an unpaid water bill. (Amy Davis/Baltimore Sun video)
Beatrice Johnson's home was sold at tax sale due to an unpaid water bill. (Amy Davis/Baltimore Sun video)
A water bill in that range would amount to 2 percent to 2.7 percent of the median $44,165 household income in Baltimore. But in Cherry Hill, Sandtown-Winchester, Oldtown and other poor city neighborhoods, where majorities of households live off incomes of less than $25,000 a year, a typical water bill could represent as much as 4.7 percent of income.
In still poorer areas, such as Upton and Druid Heights, that figure could be as high as 6.9 percent.
Philadelphia is trying a different approach.
In July, the city's water department is set to launch a program aimed at reducing water bills for the poorest residents to as little as $12 a month. People who make less than one and a half times the poverty rate — about $37,000 for a family of four — will pay 3 percent of their monthly income. Poorer customers will pay less.
A spokeswoman for the Philadelphia water department said officials there believe the plan is the first of its kind for a water utility.
"The goal was just to make sure that water was affordable for everybody," spokeswoman Joanne Dahme said. "To make sure that even the poorest of the poor can afford water."
For customers who are behind on their bills when they sign up for the new discount program, any debt will be frozen and late fees be wiped away after two years. Dahme said that element was included to help customers who are struggling to dig themselves out of debt.
"It made a lot of sense for those customers who truly could not afford it," she said. "You don't want them to get so far behind they couldn't catch up."
Roger Colton, a Boston-based consultant who specializes in economics and utilities, predicted two years ago that Philadelphia would bring in more money if it made the bills more affordable than if it focused on trying to collect unpaid bills from customers in debt.
Colton studied affordable bill plans in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Colorado. He says reducing bills led to increased payments, more revenue and less cost in collecting on overdue amounts.
Colton has agreed with the advocacy group Food and Water Watch to do a similar study in Baltimore at no cost. If the city cooperates and provides the data, Colton said, he could complete his analysis by the end of the summer.
"You can send as many unaffordable bills as you want, but to the extent they are unaffordable, they don't result in revenue," he said. "If people can't afford to pay, they won't."
In Philadelphia, the goal of the new water payment plan is to enroll 80 percent of the 60,000 customers officials believe are eligible. To get the word out, Dahme said, the city is advertising across its transit network and on the radio and launching a new website. Officials are also working with an advisory group of nonprofits that deal directly with poor city residents.
The program is expected to cost about $18 million in the coming year, a cost to be borne by wealthier water customers.
"This is a huge deal for us," Dahme said. "We're very excited about it, I think a little anxious, because it's the first time we're going to launch a program like this."
Raymond, the Baltimore public works spokesman, said agency officials are not considering an income-based structure like Philadelphia's.
But members of the Baltimore City Council are interested. Council President Bernard C. "Jack" Young said he is studying options and plans to draft legislation.
Mayor Catherine Pugh has said she wants to evaluate the tax sale system, including the costs homeowners have to pay to redeem their properties that have gone to tax sale, and whether the city should set up an account to help people pay their water bills.
A coalition of nonprofits and church leaders is calling for a moratorium on the tax sales triggered by water bill debt. The General Assembly this year considered but did not pass such a moratorium.
Henry Raymond, Pugh's finance director, said a team of city workers has been studying the tax sale process for the last 18 months. They're looking for ways to collect more overdue payments, help longtime residents who get behind on their bills and step in before the practice leads to more abandoned property.
"We believe we have an equitable, efficient and effective tax sale process, but with any particular process, there is the opportunity for improvement," Raymond said. "We want to protect homeowners. At the same time, for those delinquent accounts that are legitimately owned, the city has to make every effort to collect."
Charlotte Clarke, a lawyer at the St. Ambrose Housing Aid Center, regularly visits the public works department office to help people sort out problems with their water accounts.
She visited recently to check on the bill of a nun that had a balance of $8,000, even after the department made a $7,000 adjustment. Clarke noted an inconspicuous metal rack with some fliers and applications for discount programs drooping over its edge.
The rack is a relatively new addition to the lobby. There is no outward indication of what the papers stuffed inside are for.
In Clarke's experience, she said, customer service representatives aren't offering information on the financial aid programs.
"How would anybody know what it is?" she asked. "Any very minimal effort would greatly improve the situation, a single sign that explains what it is and points to that corner of the room and says, 'Here's the application. Fill it out.' "
Public works officials say they'll consider adding more signs.
"Seems reasonable," Jeffrey Raymond said.
Jihad Update. The Religion of Peace stacks up the bodies for Ramadan 2017.
Ramadan Rage 2017: 1,424 Fatalities Already More than Triple Those Last Year
Welcome to Breitbart News’s running count of worldwide jihadist terrorist attacks during Ramadan 2017. Check back for updates through the end of the Islamic holy month on June 24.
Stanley .38 Special snub nose
Necessity is the motherfucker of invention: a Stanley staple gun converted into a .38 Special zip gun.
Since the perpetrator was not an Anglo white then the state hate crime laws do not apply. It was merely a case of road rage,  poor anger management/poor impulse control. This is the new normal in multicultural minority-majority America. Can’t expect oppressed non-white minorities to follow ‘white’ rules of conduct, otherwise you’d end up putting way too many of them in jail and that would look bad.
FYI: It’s recently been revealed that the alleged perp is an illegal immigrant from El Salvador (MS13?). So does a Muslim victim trump an El Salvadoran ‘dreamer’  in the PC hierarchy of needs?
Muslim teen walking to mosque for prayer beaten, killed
Updated: 9:25 AM EDT Jun 20, 2017
Failure of the Magic Dirt
Vibrant Diversity Update. The rest of the story. Failure of the magic dirt to make everyone just get along.
“Put simply, there is no Islamophobic Rightwing redneck American to blame here.”
“Moral of the story:  You can’t continue to pour alien cultures in to the US at a rapid rate and expect the mythical melting pot to work magic.  Just isn’t possible!”
VA Muslim murder case: “road rage” implies both sides were raging by Ann Corcoran
Posted by Ann Corcoran on June 21, 2017
Hell Breaking Loose in Harm City
5 injured after underground explosion in downtown Baltimore
40,000 Years from Home
'It's Coming'
harm city
Fatal Exceptions
song of the secret gardener
menthol rampage
on the overton railroad
your trojan whorse
book of nightmares
ball of fortune
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