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Fatal Exceptions
A Zombie Apocalypse Briefing By Crypto-Blogger B Sirius
© 2017 James LaFond
At the top of the national list for inpatient opioid care is Maryland, which recorded nearly 404 admissions per 100,000 residents. The state, which has been rocked by the epidemic in recent years largely due to the spread of the synthetic opioid fentanyl, has seen a quadrupling of opioid-related deaths since 2010. Baltimore City alone saw 694 deaths from drug and alcohol-related overdoses in 2016—nearly two a day.
Thank so much for this update. This touches on the rampant insanity that touches me and mine every day.
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Recognizing and Surviving the Condition of Anarcho-Tyranny
'All the Elected Politicians Lie Constantly'
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Ruben Chandler     Jun 23, 2017

The notion that the opium crop in Assramistan has increased from the first crop the "W" administration planted post 9/11 by a walloping 30 times is nearly impossible to wrap the mind around. Apparently, a large segment of the population is overjoyed with the idea. It brings to mind two things. Obviously the AmeriConned Goobermint is the worlds biggest drug pusher and also the biggest collector of human specimens under glass with a prison population of over 2 million. We are the most over policed population on the planet (US pop has grown 45% since 1980 - our prison pop has grown 670%). How does Uncle Scam work both sides from the middle? Joe Bageant was right, Duhmericuh is a hologram in shiny packaging, which, when opened, one finds the steaming turd within.
Ruben Chandler     Jun 23, 2017

The notion that the opium crop in Assramistan has increased from the first crop the "W" administration planted post 9/11 by a walloping 30 times is nearly impossible to wrap the mind around. Apparently, a large segment of the population is overjoyed with the idea. It brings to mind two things. Obviously the AmeriConned Goobermint is the worlds biggest drug pusher and also the biggest collector of human specimens under glass with a prison population of over 2 million. We are the most over policed population on the planet (US pop has grown 45% since 1980 - our prison pop has grown 670%). How does Uncle Scam work both sides from the middle? Joe Bageant was right, Duhmericuh is a hologram in shiny packaging, which, when opened, one finds the steaming turd within.
Ishmael     Jun 24, 2017

Another fine gentleman from Virginia, rest in peace Joe, I'll join you someday, great books of his, Deer Hunting with

Jesus, and American Pie!
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