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The Document
The Diary of 2nd Class Petty Officer Koyama Kiwiwojo
© 2017 James LaFond
Typed on five 8.5 by 11 sheets of paper of an old yellowed character, midway in thickness between typewriter paper ad 20 bond copy paper, punched with two loose leaf holes at the top and stapled with three staples.
The entire document is typed in all capital letters and is currently stored in a plastic sleeve.
On the top left corner is printed by hand in ink, Jansen, Cox, the name of the U.S. Marine who recovered the document on Saipan and had it translated by means unknown.
The paper is beginning to disintegrate at the top and bottom of the front page from contact with bare hands, I suppose.
The document came into my hands through its owner, Cox’s nephew Steve Jansen, who found it among old papers in his desk drawer.
There is a case of letters home from Cox, which will be read for clues as to the finding of this document, with three entries from that collection expected to be placed at the beginning and end of this adaptation of the Japanese Naval officer’s diary.
Only the most basic spelling corrections have been made, such as replacing “out” with “our,” where the context clearly marks the striking of the T key as a mistake.
Some abbreviations, such as CO. for Commander, have been expanded.
It is my intention to publish this document in print and kindle at the cheapest price allowed by those templates.
-James LaFond, 6/23/17
Books by James LaFond
On Playing with Fire
modern combat
June 21-26, 44
logic of steel
within leviathan’s craw
taboo you
orphan nation
the gods of boxing
the combat space
solo boxing
Sam J.     Jun 24, 2017

I wonder if Koyama Kiwiwojo's relatives have been given a copy of these?
LaMano     Jun 27, 2017

I'm in! Looking forward to it.
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