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On the FBI
A Deep State Briefing by Ron West
© 2017 Ron West
When you are done reading this piece, I suggest you head over to Ron's site and start clicking on his archive links that will appear at the bottom of this post as live links.
Hello, James
I wanted to get this one in before my sometimes July hiatus … online with illustration and live links at:
Ron West
"The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime"
The FBI doesn't investigate and refer to prosecution the criminals at the top, but this is nothing new, the FBI has been a criminal player in its own right since the days of J Edgar Hoover and COINTELPRO. In addition to NOT investigating, there is the phenomena of killing investigations, and beyond this, faking investigations, whether to frame up a geopolitical player or to get their corrupt allies off the hook in cases where too much information has come out to ignore a given case.
One of the premier examples of FBI corruption (and collusion with the CIA) is the Lockerbie airline bombing where:
"The [circuit board] fragment was later identified by the FBI's Thomas Thurman as being part of a sophisticated timer device used to detonate explosives, and manufactured by the Swiss firm Mebo, which supplied it only to Libya and the East German Stasi...
"...The fragment of circuit board therefore enabled Libya - and Megrahi - to be placed at the heart of the investigation. However, Thurman was later unmasked as a fraud who had given false evidence in American murder trials, and it emerged that he had little in the way of scientific qualifications"
And this:
"According to investigative journalist Pierre Péan:
""It is striking to note the similarity of the 'scientific' evidence discovered by the FBI's Tom Thurman in both the Lockerbie and UTA cases. Of the tens of thousands of pieces of debris collected at each disaster site, one lone piece of printed circuit was found and, miracle of miracles, in each case the fragment bore markings that allowed for positive identification: MEBO in the Lockerbie case and TY in the case of UTA Flight 772. Despite the common findings of the DCPJ, the DST and the Prefecture of Police crime laboratory, Juge Bruguière chose to believe Thurman, the expert in fabricating evidence"
So, we have an FBI man, Thomas Thurman, specializes in 'expert testimony' resulting in false convictions. When this had been exposed, was Thurman prosecuted? No. He was 'retired' by his superiors without facing any accountability whatsoever. From a mafioso point of view, Thurman had been a good foot soldier. Any prosecution would be a bad precedent towards future 'thurmans' doing their bosses criminal bidding.
The impunity only becomes more egregious.
The George W Bush administration had been more blatantly criminal, by far, than dubya's daddy, George H.W. Bush, of Iran-Contra fame. Despite this, there was not so much as a single high level prosecution recommended by FBI Director Robert Mueller, but there is strong circumstantial evidence of murders of Department of Justice officials, Shannon Ross & Thelma Colbert, in the process of shutting down a major medicare fraud investigation that came too close to the criminal complicity of then Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez and none other than Jeb Bush. Who was the DoJ criminal division chief when the Novation Medicare fraud investigation was shut down? None other than Christopher Wray, appointed to replace the recently fired James Comey, who replaced Mueller, the context of this newest appointment makes perfect criminal sense. Meanwhile, prior to appointed FBI Director by George W Bush, Robert Mueller is most notable (as a Bush senior DoJ attorney) for sabotaging the biggest money laundering investigation of all time: BCCI. Oh, and he led the USA end of the Lockerbie investigation that ultimately led to Thomas Thurman's assigned 'expert' [fraudulent] testimony. What is Mueller up to these days? He's 'Special' Counsel investigating James Comey's firing. That's like assigning a 'godfather' to investigate his own crime family, or the highest order of a faked investigation.
Whoever manipulated Trump to appoint Wray will likely get a fat bonus paycheck, drawn from the CIA black budget, formerly banked at BCCI prior to the money laundering HSBC where Comey resigned as a director to head up the FBI. Mueller, Comey and Wray, the lot of them, profile as career CIA under Department of Justice cover.
Follows (tip of the iceberg) are examples of resultant criminal impunity due to this bad FBI conduct that more than crosses a line of criminal complicity; relevant to today's developments behind the scenes of the moron Trump's blinding narcissism and other examples of FBI non-investigation. The scope of the resultant crime sprees is breathtaking. Please overlook (if not forgive) the cynicism and satirical elements, if only because there should be some understanding of these tools (cynicism and satirical elements) necessary to maintenance a certain sense of sanity.
Do I have an ax to grind for the FBI? You bet I do. Beyond refusing to acknowledge (in those days I was a bit more of a naif) my circumstance of desperately attempting to avoid assassination, the FBI would appear to have been complicit in assisting the attempted murder of an American citizen: MY STORY HERE
Deep State Reprise Background on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s FBI history of the law's subversion through entrapment and non-investigation
June Notes, Week Three the 3rd soap installment
June Notes, Week Two spooks & USA infrastructure
The FBI’s Fae Wray the proposed closet drag queen in charge
June Notes, Week One weapons sales, media whores & more
Comey’s Letter what he could have written
On Trump Firing Comey circus maximus
The Sultan’s Sleaze Circus more beating the dead Erdogan horse
All In The Mix: Of Sultans, Spooks & Sarin beating a dead horse
No Alliance is Too Obscene NATO bed-partners
Calling Out Corbett Report on Syria & sarin
The CIA’s Amazon Books how to own a billionaire
Watch Your Back Closely Shahin Najafi on assassinations
The Poisonous Toad on CIA social engineering
It’s The Sauce on pedophilia in politics
Odds-Makers, CIA & Treason ‘the coup’
The Cell on cliques vying for power around Trump
Ciao Chao taking money from an Iranian cult
Trump’s DNI – A Dire Wolf for Jesus
Bin Laden and the Fourth Estate mythology and the media
Friedman & the ‘Narrative’ on Trump’s Isrаel ambassador pick
Liar, Liar, With Pants On Fire on US corporate media
Rick Perry To Run Trump’s Department of Cocaine
Propaganda: Spy vs Spy
On Fake News
Nero Fiddles While Empire Implodes
Mike Flynn & Turkish Silver
Syria: The Pipeline That Hasn’t Happened (yet)
A Most Unlikely Story (or Soros Chickens Come Home to Roost)
If ‘The Donald’ Were a Real… on corruption
Pentagon Papers, CIA and the Lies of Daniel Ellsberg
The Coe Cult & ‘The Donald’ Election Scam
28 Pages 9/11 rabbit trail
NATO’s Most Censored Story on chemical warfare
GLADIO on ‘Deep State’
Seymour Hersh & Mythology
Catholic Fascism
Machine Pistol the unexplained Paris terror weapon
Defense One weapons sales relationship to terror
WTEOYFIYFF**K NATO arms Islamic State
Deep State I Background
Deep State II FBI complicity
Deep State III CIA narcotics trafficking
Deep State IV NATO & Gladio
Deep State V Economics & counter-insurgency
Deep State VI Opus Dei & Christian Dominion
Deep State VII The Coe Cult & ‘The Donald’ Election Scam
Deep State VIII Pentagon Papers, CIA and the Lie of Daniel Ellsberg
Profits of War The Isrаeli connection
Fear of Minor Debris On 9/11
The Alpha Chronology my narrative as a Deep State survivor
Waking Up in Indian Country: Harm City: 2015
So Her Master May Have Her Again
A History of Runaway White Slaves in Plantation America: Part Two
Harm City, Who?
guest authors
the fighting edge
america the brutal
on the overton railroad
logic of force
songs of aryаs
solo boxing
broken dance
Sam J.     Jun 30, 2017

"...""It is striking to note the similarity of the 'scientific' evidence discovered by the FBI's Tom Thurman in both the Lockerbie and UTA cases. Of the tens of thousands of pieces of debris collected at each disaster site, one lone piece of printed circuit was found and, miracle of miracles, in each case the fragment bore markings that allowed for positive identification: MEBO in the Lockerbie case and TY in the case of UTA Flight 772..."

Just like the 9-11, supposed, aircraft suicide plane destroyed everything in the building into little tiny pieces EXCEPT his passport. Said in my best Gomer Pyle voice, "SURPRISE SURPRISE"!

"...Whoever manipulated Trump to appoint Wray..."

(((Rosenstein))). Get the picture. Same bunch. Same story. Trump should fire (((Rosenstein))) and tell Mueller he's got three months, after all this has been investigated to death and they have nothing, to wrap up the Russia, Russia, Russia investigation and he'll be fired too. I think he could pull it off without consequences as even the Democrats are now telling everyone to shut up about Russia, Russia, Russia. They think Mueller will be used to find something else. Cut him off. He was supposedly hired for Russia, Russia, Russia.
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