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'Praise the Junky'
Recent Reviews from Amazon Readers
© 2017 James LaFond
Thank you all, for your kind words and encouragement.
Twerps, Goons and Meatshields
Highly recommend
ByDan Knudsenon May 13, 2017
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The best martial arts book I own. Most technique described in books are hard to understand. James gives links to videos describing the various subjects in the book. If you train stickfighting or want to, you should own this book.
Advice from someone living it daily, no armchair expert.
ByDan Knudsenon May 13, 2017
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The advice to older guys and knife work alone are more than worth the price of the book.
Narco Night Train
ByRuben Chandleron May 26, 2017
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I always dug Wm. S Burroughs parasitic policing ideas but this book popped my cork and opened my eyes to what's really going on. This book lays everything out coherently and sums up our keystone cop mammy state. I like the notion if there were no druggies, in vast sections of this country, there would be no work whatsoever for anyone. The idea that someday, somewhere, people will look back on these times and praise the junky for keeping the country afloat.....all those counselors, lawyers, treatment people, emts. cops, jails, prisons, rehab, just boggles the mind. Thanks for opening our eyes James!
Pamhandler Nation
ByRuben Chandleron May 26, 2017
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Handling out change or a cigarette can put you in the Boned Zone faster than about anything. Not to mention the people that think they are entitled to your hard earned goods or money and aren't necessarily setting you up for a mugging........"Walk on By". A great book full of great, real world, tips. If you are more concerned about street smarts than phony street cred this is the book for you.
The Boned Zone
ByRuben Chandleron May 26, 2017
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Another of James' timely tomes. You'll learn to walk and think like a mobile tactician with this book. I think young people coming up in these times need some serious mentoring in the real USA and these books will give you what you need.
At The End of Masculine Time
The Way of the Barbarian
ByDr Xon June 25, 2016
This book makes the case that men should not fear the coming collapse, but should welcome it. What is called civil society, is anything but, being peppered by violence, without the opportunity of fair resistance. The wild world of the barbarian is preferable to the air-conditioned nightmare of technocratic control exercised by the Dark Lords of modernity. For all those who feel in their guts, that something is just wrong with modern life, James LaFond is the man.
Waking Up In Indian Country
Forget self defense and become what you most fear!
ByRuben Chandleron May 17, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Another must have tome on the way of tactical mobility. Forget self defense and be vigilant. Everything you need to suggest the way is here. You won't be pablum fed. You will have to walk the walk.
Narco Night Train
A Guide to a World Collapsing under its Own Rotteness
ByDr Xon June 25, 2016
Format: Paperback
This book is an excellent overview of James Lafond's street wisdom work, on how one can survive predators in the modern jungle. He knows more about the practicalities of this that most writers I know, having lived in tough US cities as well as researching and publishing on this topic for years. Here he focuses on the philosophical mindset which one needs, and he goes much further that all the politically correct self defense writers who really don't want to make harsh comments about human nature. In short, people are savage brutes and civilization is just a thin veneer over this barbarism, that can be dropped in an instant. I have seen this many times working in security in pubs and venues; a few words over a woman and the next second someone has had a beer glass rammed into their throat showering the place with blood. I once saw a whole bar get destroyed when bikers and colored guys did not see eye to eye on a man licks girl incident. This hardcore reality is Lafond's theme and he deals with this subject matter better than writers such as Celine.
Quote of the Week
‘Are You a Rightist or a Leftist?’
song of the secret gardener
the first boxers
plantation america
advent america
ball of fortune
uncle satan
masculine axis
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