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Getting Scientific
Radio Free Dindustan's Rational Geographic with Jeremy Bentham
© 2017 James LaFond
So Elon Musk wants to make the trip to Mars more like Carnival Cruise with spacious cabins and plenty of entertainment, rather than a deployment with the Alligator Fleet where you sleep stacked four high with your nose six inches from the ceiling. Can he do it?
Elon Musk wants to create a self-sustainable city on Mars with one million inhabitants
Cool color photographs of the German Army in action during World War II. Enjoy!
Nazis pose with sniper rifles, storm towns in tanks and bury soldiers in swastika-covered flags in incredible colourised World War II pics
The astonishing images were restored in incredible detail by Welsh electrician Royston Leonard
Discovery of a flat, dead galaxy is changing NASA's outlook
NASA previously thought the universe's oldest dead galaxies were ellipticals, but this discovery is evidence of galactic evolution.
Masters of the Universe Update.
“Uh … how is demanding Americans care more about strangers on the opposite side of the world as much as they care about their neighbors in their own communities going to rebuild community in America?”
“The thing to keep in mind about Mark Zuckerberg is that whatever he says that he believes in, he really believes in. But not because it makes sense, but because he has a genius for increasing his wealth. Whatever ideas he pushes on you are ideas that will make him richer if you believe in them too. (Whether Zuck’s ideas will make you and your loved ones better off, though, is hardly his concern.)”
Mark Zuckerberg Explains Why Globalist Billionaires Are Your Moral Betters
A rare mosaic is unearthed in remote Cyprus
Highlights of the chariot races at eleven.
Under the God of Things
‘God’s Will’
The Oppressor, the Afflictor, the Exploiter
sons of arуas
the fighting edge
orphan nation
the greatest lie ever sold
plantation america
the greatest boxer
son of a lesser god
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