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‘ABSCONDED from his Service’
Andrew Haddock, Runaway School Teacher
© 2017 James LaFond
May 8, 1766
The Pennsylvania Gazette
Albemarle, April 9, 1766.
ABSCONDED from his Service, on Saturday, the Fifth Instant, a Servant Man, belonging to the Subscriber, named Andrew Haddock, a Native of Ireland, about 5 Feet 10 Inches high, well set of a ruddy Complexion, grey Eyes, dark brown Hair, which he commonly wears tied up in a String, has lost one of his upper fore Teeth,
dressed in a Pair of Buckskin Breeches, red Waistcoat, Snuff coloured Cloth Coat, and a blue Cloth or Drab Surtout, [1] the small Cape lined with Velvet of the same Colour, he is Master of a tolerable good Address; [2]
he rode a likely bay Mare, between 13 and 14 Hands high, is fond of strong Drink, writes a good Hand, is tolerably well acquainted with Figures, and pretends to be so with the Latin Language, and some Branches of the Mathematicks;
his Employment [3] was to keep School.
Whoever takes up and secures the said Runaway, so that he be delivered to me, or shall bring him to me, living in the lower Part of Albermarle County, shall receive, if taken up in this Colony, Five Pounds, besides what the Law allows, or if taken up out of the Colony, Ten Pounds, [4] paid by JOHN LEWIS, junior.
1. sur•tout
surtouts (plural noun)
a man's overcoat of a style similar to a frock coat, late 17th cent.: from French, from sur ‘over’ + tout ‘everything.’
2. Well spoken
3. Employment comes from the French term "to use," as one would employ a tool, a method or a beast of burden in a task. The modern use of the term employee as a free agent has done much to muddle the semantics of the white slavery question. Consider though, that it is currently the fashion of those employers in the U.S. which pride themselves on developing good work conditions and a loyal staff, to call their employees, associates, not employees, which is rightly regarded as a demeaning categorization. Also, professionals are rarely categorized as employees but "associates." Even in retail, "sales associate" or "associate" is the preferred designation in staffing situations above the bottom rung of thee economy.
4. This was an outrageously expensive Irishman.
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