November 6, 1766
The Pennsylvania Gazette
RUN away, on the 2d Instant, from the Subscriber, living in Leacock Township, Lancaster County, a Servant Lad, named Samuel Askin, came lately in the Ship Rose from the North of Ireland;
he is a short set Lad, with long black Hair, commonly hanging round his Shoulders, thin Visage, small brown Eyes, and has a dull Look:
Had on, when he went away, a brown Coat, with a small Cape, slash Sleeves, and yellow Buttons, Cloth Jacket and Breeches, something different in Colour from the Coat, and full long for him, with yellow Buttons, Dimity or Linen under Jacket, bluish rubb Stockings, [1] and half worn Shoes.
Whoever takes up and secures said Servant, so as his Master may have him again, shall have the above Reward, by applying to James Stephens, in Philadelphia, or to the Subscriber, MOSES BRINTON.
N.B. It is supposed said Servant is now in Philadelphia.
1. My search for rub stockings turned up pornography suggestions for stocking fetish films.
Stillbirth of a Nation: Caucasian Slavery in Plantation America: Part One