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Running Away from Samuel Finley
Another Taylor Absconds with Himself
© 2017 James LaFond
March 19, 1767
The Pennsylvania Gazette
Leacock, Lancaster County, March 4, 1767.
TEN POUNDS Reward. MADE his Escape from Samuel Finley, Constable, [1]
Cornelius McMurphy, a Taylor by Trade, born in the County of Antrim in Ireland;
about 25 Years of Age, 5 Feet 10 Inches high, pale Visage, dark Complexion, with black curled hair;
had on when he went away, a blue Serge Coat, Leather Breeches, white Shirt, woollen Stockings, old Shoes, with square Silver Buckles;
he has a Silver Watch with a Steel Chain, supposed to have taken with him a Sky blue coloured Coat, and a Silk Orange coloured Jacket, with Flounces [2] down the Breasts and Skirts; one Pair of new Pumps, a Beaver Hat, and other Clothes not known;
he has one if his Fingers on this Left Hand a little crooked by a Swelling lately in it;
he worked down by SmithFurnace at this Trade;
when he drinks much his Face gets very red.
Whoever takes up said Fellow, and secures him in any of his MajestyGoals, shall receive the above Reward, paid by SAMUEL FINLEY, or BENJAMIN VERNOR.
N.B. All Person are forewarned not to harbour the above Person, and all Masters of Vessels are forbid to carry him, off, at their Peril.
1. Cornelius’ escape from the constable marks the second stage in his escape from Benjamin Vernor.
2. a wide ornamental strip of material gathered and sewn to a piece of fabric, typically on a skirt or dress; a frill.
synonyms: frill • ruffle • ruff • peplum • jabot • furbelow • ruche
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