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‘Very Fond of Negroes Company’
Brawling Welch Servant Man and War Veteran William Jones
© 2017 James LaFond
May 21, 1767
The Pennsylvania Gazette
RUN away, on the 8th of February last, from the Subscriber, living in Blockley Township, Philadelphia County, a Servant Man, named William Jones, but since he left me goes by the Name of William Evans,
by Trade a Tanner, about 25 Years of Age, 5 Feet 9 Inches high, a dark Complexion, a lively light footed [2] Man, has short black Hair, is well set, his two little Fingers are crooked, talks Welch, and is a Welchman, though he says he is an Englishman,
he served 7 Years in the Town of Bristol, in Old England, and can do almost any Sort of Farming Business; [1]
had on, when he went away, a light coloured Nap Coat, with a bluish home made Worsted Lining, a light coloured cloth jacket, remarkably pieced and short, without Pockets or Sleeves, black buckskin Breeches, black ribbed yarn Stockings, a Pair of half worn Calfskin Pumps, with a Patch on the Toe of one, Buckles not Fellows, an old Check Shirt and a new Wool Hat;
he is a great Liar, and very fond of Negroes Company, drinking and fighting; [2]
came into this Country with Captain Byrn last Fall from Ireland;
he has been in this Country before a Soldier, and has got his Discharge with him. [1]
Whoever takes up said Servant, and secures him, so that his Master may have him again, shall have Three Pounds Reward, and reasonable Charges, paid by ROBERT HOLLAND.
1. At age 25 he has served in the military for at least two years, has served nearly a year on this term, and served out 7 years in England, which places his slavery as beginning at age 15 at the youngest.
2. Sounds like quite a boxer.
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