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The Great Harm City Heist
A Counter-Narrative of the Baltimore Riots
© 2017 James LaFond
In 2015 there were 340 heroin deaths.
In that same year, the Baltimore Purge, which became a riot, which became an unrest, was engineered by two tech savvy hoodrats, who brought together rival gangs on the “dark web” to incite a firestorm of mayhem that would tie down the Baltimore Police Department while 35 Baltimore pharmacies were looted of enough medication to supply Baltimore gangs with heroin cutting and retail opiates in pill form for a year or more and also provide an opportunity to slaughter rivals and take their stash houses. Beyond that, “the Motherlode,” a mythical mountain of heroin and weed, was trucked into Baltimore during the total law enforcement pants-wetting episode.
Then in 2016, Maryland saw 1119 heroin deaths, much of it attributed to fentanyl looted from these pharmacies and added to the cut.
This is all denied by law enforcement mythmakers. But street people in Baltimore have known for two years what went down.
A young writer from New York was called down to document the action when Baltimore was set alight in 2015, and has published a book titled, Pill City. When I’m done reading it, I’ll post a review online. For now, I am simply thrilled to know that I wasn’t the only person looking into this, and furthermore, that the aggression and violence from the perspective of the target population which I documented in War Drums was documented from the other end of the gas can and lighter by someone else.
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