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‘You Ask for My Children?’
The Christian Hero King of Romania: Red Ice Radio - Vasile Lupasc - The True Story of King Vlad Dracula
© 2017 James LaFond
The woodcarvings of German origin that have been sourced for English treatments of Vlad Tepish were merchant propaganda of the age. Any way you impale it, Vlad was a hero king, the only type of chief executive with a moral foundation and temporal agency.
The irony that Romania is one of the only countries with no indigenous vampire myth and that Bram Stoker quite accidentally chose to place his vampire story there, is as rich as it gets. This story has conveniently poisoned the heroic waters of history, which tell the truth-seeker that a minor king stood before a massive imperial army and did more to preserve Europe from Islam in Early Modern times than the nations of Spain, France, Portugal and England—combined. Indeed, the tiny order of 600 Maltese Knights of Saint John did more to stave off the Hounds of the Prophet than those same nations.
When the greatest city in Christendom fell before the Turks in 1453, the Sultan was poised to drive to the Alps and a man stood in his way, a man who would be vilified evermore for protecting his people and homeland—a sin that is particularly heinous in this age of degeneracy, as viewed through our amorally warped lens on the past.
...and do not forget that Vlad, the hero king, was betrayed by his traitor brother and quisling elite, who invited in the enemy in the name of the peace of submission and that beggars [medieval welfare recipients] were one of the internal enemies he eliminated after they refused to work. Also, the Turkish janissaries were the medieval counterparts of today’s SJW, internationalists, and, then as now many branches of the Christian church allied with Islamists to undermine their own Christian rivals.
Finally, I am thrilled to find that the story of Vlad having the turbans of the Ottoman Sultan’s envoys nailed to their heads is true!
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