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Man Gear #2
The Second Thing a Primal Man Does When he Enters a New Space
© 2017 James LaFond
You set boundaries.
For instance, the hypothetical most desirable woman in the room, is she a trap?
If she is running her mouth, you don’t know her, she does not exist, she is trouble, let the negroes eat her alive.
Here is one recent example.
My Critical Dysfunction
I don’t drive for various reasons. I prefer to walk and take the bus. Sometimes women want to spend time with me and the only time I have is the commute time, so they will come pick me up and we will socialize in the time I would otherwise spend getting from work to my desk.
I have had numerous women do their best to get me involved in their road rage stupidity.
The last straw was a few weeks ago. The next time I am in a car with a woman—no matter who she is, she could be my sister—who starts an argument with a man, I will get out and walk and never speak to that bimbo again. I no longer have any tolerance for being dragged into another person’s rage.
I have recognized a deeper rage building in me with every successive incidence of women disrespecting me, endangering me and putting me in harm’s way for their scatterbrained emotional needs that I began to get psychotically angry and simply want to maim and kill. I have promised myself, that if a woman drags me into such a brainless combat, that I will treat her to a ringside seat of Hell, biting off nose and ears, digging out eyes, kicking out teeth and doing double, leaping jump stomps to the prone enemy—and a scalping. This dumb bitch, whoever she may be, for they are legion in their stupidity, will be getting handed a scalp before the cops get there to shoot me.
I always have a razor for scalping or throat slicing. If I have a knife when this kicks off, it’s going to be a horror show.
For this reason, if I cared, I would avoid women altogether. But I am still weak where their soft attention is concerned, so perhaps…
I have promised myself this.
I will do it or die trying before her misty eyes, so she can relive the horror as she sits in her room and stares blankly at the walls.
Your Boundaries
Your boundaries are going to involve your personality, your temperament, your values, you view of the world. Where I hate the world as an ugly monster, you might love it, so sketch your boundaries and your tactical responses according to your psychological makeup.
So, what are your absolute boundaries, those lines in the imaginary sand that, once crossed by an aggressor, commit you to action?
Insults must not be on the list.
Threats should be on the delayed list. If someone threatens you they have already committed the act in their mind and can be expected to carry out their threat. However, this threat might just be a method for getting you to act out. So, when I am threatened, I start plotting intercepting actions, waiting for the actual attack.
Looming, getting within arm’s reach, but not touching you, can be legally construed as assault, especially if accompanied by verbal aggression. Feel free to pop them here.
Touching you is unacceptable. You cannot permit people to touch you.
The fact is, that once you set boundaries in your mind and do not cross those boundaries yourself, most commonly by not insulting, threatening, looming or touching, you will be left alone by most.
My own boundaries are solidly preset and only change in regards to expanding threat coverage commitment to a dependent.
Recommended Personal Boundaries
1. Do not react or intercede on behalf of an unknown third party—it could be his girlfriend setting you up for a law suit.
2. Ignore insults.
3. Decline conversation, particularly questions and pleas.
4. Note, and perhaps act on, but do not react to, threats.
5. Do not permit looming, but strike or step off. Do not engage in any gradual escalation, either separate or eradicate.
6. When touched, know that you have been attacked and that you must counterattack, achieving the advantage and continuing until the attacker is disabled.
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LaMano     Jul 31, 2017

This is good stuff for anyone, whether in a continuously dangerous situation or just on a normal street among "normal" people, it can happen anywhere.

I know that there's not supposed to be any hard and fast "rules" about how to handle a situation, whether it be women, aggressors, etc, but guidelines like this can really help you focus on scanning for trouble, on narrowing down the potential actions/responses, and for knowing with it's "time" ...

You do it this way, you'll stay out of trouble that can be avoided, and be ready to win in trouble that can't be avoided, because the other person has decided that it cannot ....
Sam J.     Aug 1, 2017

"...I began to get psychotically angry and simply want to maim and kill. I have promised myself, that if a woman drags me into such a brainless combat, that I will treat her to a ringside seat of Hell, biting off nose and ears, digging out eyes, kicking out teeth and doing double, leaping jump stomps to the prone enemy—and a scalping. This dumb bitch, whoever she may be, for they are legion in their stupidity, will be getting handed a scalp before the cops get there to shoot me..."

Uhh...why not just get out of the car and leave her to deal with it herself? I know we're supposed to protect Women but they have to have some common sense about them. You just said you would never talk to her again. Vast amounts of Western Women are just fucked up. Not that I'm any better but that doesn't change the case.

The rest of the advice, minus the public scalping, is great advice.
Bob     Aug 1, 2017

To the standard "Can you spare a..."

Do you reply to beggars? "No, sorry", or silence?
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