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Affluenza Outbreak
Texas Judge Sanctions Rich Brat's Right to Indiscriminate Vehicular Manslaughter
© 2013 James LaFond
Just in case you are anything like I was as a teenager, and had this overwhelming desire to beat down rich kids, you might want to check this article out.
Associated Press, Available on Yahoo News, by Ramit Plushnick-Masti, 12/12/13, 10:36 p.m.
Apparently some drunken dope fiend of a rich brat slaughtered four pedestrians and is getting a slap on the wrist courtesy of an 'Affluenza' defense. The judge agreed that, due to being a spoiled brat, this punk could not be held fully responsible for his actions.
You know, even as an adult into my forties, I have been guilty of intimidating rich men. To know that these soft sniveling cowards are so weak, and also so heavily protected by my masters, has always infuriated me. The only bullying I have ever done in my life was to corporate suits in strip-bars. I now feel somewhat justified in these belated adolescent actions.
If the zombie apocalypse hits I could easily be talked into grabbing all the rich guys and throwing them to the zeaks.
‘Excuse Me’
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Dirty Thirty—God Help You
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time & cosmos
beasts of arуas
america the brutal
song of the secret gardener
Charles Meisling     Dec 15, 2013

I know how you feel. When I read this story my jaw dropped. There's plenty of lame excuses in the world, that are used and abused daily, but this takes the cake. TOO well-off to know right from wrong?

I don't often highlight the disparity in justice between the white and afro communities, but this begs for it. If he were black.... [George Junius Stinney Jr.]
James     Dec 16, 2013

Dude, if this twerp was a black kid from West Baltimore whose mother was a crack-ho and daddy was unknown, and he tried to use the 'it's my crack-head parents' fault' version of this defense, he would get laughed out of court. I have seen judges laugh in the face of these kids, just because the kids are that stupid. And you know what, these ghetto kids cannot help that they are among the most ignorant people on earth, because our urban school system and their parent's criminal culture have conspired to insure their inability to make informed choices.

Scott had an idea: "If it is his parents' fault, let's lock them up!"

In the broader sense, this is a relief to me. This kind of public injustice puts out there what has always been the case, but has been obscured socially for the last hundred years or so. I once read a lot of really boring translations of cuniform tablets from what is present day Syria and Iraq. Most of this stuff concerned bills of sale. Some of it concerned plans to party with huge amounts of beer. Some of these ancient clay tablet documents listed the penalty for killing persons of varying social value. If you killed a slave you were liable to reimburse his master for his 'bluebook value'. It went up from there.

Is it any different now?

If I kill an insane homeless guy for spitting on me, and you kill some cop because he profiled you, pulled you over, tazed you, maced you, beat you with a night stick, body-cavity searched your girl, and planted coke in your car, who does more time?

Forget time, the entire society is going to sentence you to death bro, and I will get my charge reduced to involuntary manslaughter and get time served, sensitivity training, and community service.

I'm looking forward to more of these cases. Choking on such blatant injustice is preferable to the lies we normally swallow whole.
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