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'Meet Der Führer'
Ron West's July Notes: Another Installment of ‘The Road to Armageddon’ Soap Opera
© 2017 Ron West
Hello James
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-Ron West
"The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime"
Meet Der Führer
Pence-Cheney - 1
So, who is going to be “in charge” of whatever emerges from the chaos that is the doomed Trump presidency? “Doomed”, some of my readers might ask? The phony ‘Russia hacked the election’ meme makes it sound like Moscow took over the archaic voter tabulating software the Bush people used to hack the 2004 election and ‘reelect’ a moron even the dumbed down American populace was too smart to vote for (but weren’t smart enough to widely challenge the result.) An ‘imposter’ presidency is nothing new to the USA, it’s just a matter of how we arrive there, perhaps more on that another time but just now:
The short answer to who’ll be in charge? Dick Cheney on steroids, um, I mean Mike Pence will be “in charge” who has stated, and I quote:
“I frankly hold Dick Cheney in very high regard in his role as vice president”
Ok, so Mike Pence admires the man who ran what Seymour Hersh has been investigating for the past eight or more years and flat out states was “Dick Cheney’s executive assassination ring.” Hersh further stated:
“they’ve been going into countries, not talking to the ambassador or the CIA station chief, and finding people on a list and executing them and leaving”
Make no mistake, ‘Murderous Mike’ will be taking over just as soon as ‘The Donald’ can be tarred, feathered and run out of DC on a rail by our ‘The Russians hacked our democracy! The Donald collaborated!’ vested interest hysteria (shameless, egregious liars) in Congress:
Tarred & Feathered - 1
^ USA, taxman 1794 & Trump 2017
Running the ‘Make Mike Pence President’ program, er, investigation, for all of the idiots who’ll suck up the result like a vacuum sucks out an aborted fetus is, ahem, that shining ‘public servant’ former FBI Director Robert Mueller whose rap sheet, were the truth to be known, outdoes gangster Al Capone; Mueller sabotaged the biggest international narcotics and arms trafficking money laundering investigation in history (BCCI), Mueller looked the other way when two Department of Justice attorneys were murdered by CIA when the DoJ lawyers came too close to Jeb Bush (recalling Jeb’s daddy is a former career CIA, includes director) when Jeb was nearly caught with his fingers in the Novation Medicare fraud multi-billion dollar pie, oh, and Mueller was in charge of the USA end of the Lockerbie bombing investigation when the CIA planted faked evidence and the FBI provided ‘expert testimony’ resulting in Libya framed for a mass murder (here’s the story(s)) … yeah, that’s the guy investigating ‘the Russians did it’ and ‘Trump collaborated’ hijacking of the USA’s democracy (which actually never happened.)
Never minding the bozo Donald, Pence will make Cheney look like your gay neighbor’s benign sweetheart, just have a look at (the recently deceased) Pence spiritual guru of decades:
“I’ve seen pictures of the young men in the Red Guard… They would bring in this young man’s mother. He would take an axe and cut her head off. They have to put the purposes of the Red Guard ahead of their father, mother, brother, sister, and their own life. That was a covenant. A pledge. That’s what Jesus said”
-Pence’s guru Doug Coe, verbatim quote from video
Now, the vise will see its’ handle turned again on The Donald’s nuts, as that moron keeps elevating generals fresh out of the Bible thumping Pentagon, two of which have a pact:
Mattis & Kelly - 1
“Mattis and Kelly also agreed in the earliest weeks of Trump’s presidency that one of them should remain in the United States at all times to keep tabs on the orders rapidly emerging from the White House”
Now, we’re supposed to believe we have two generals decided for themselves to babysit Trump at all times and one of them has been elevated from ‘Homeland Security’ (‘homeland’ makes it sound like the world is a USA colony, well, I suppose it mostly is) to Chief of Staff position where he controls access to the president. Except when Bibi calls Jared who talks with Ivanka who whispers in her daddy’s ear.
The Mike Pence faction is clamping down on The Donald’s freak show.
How long before one of these generals, admired by “both sides” of the duopoly, is put up to having a ‘it’s time to resign for the good of the nation’ talk with America’s #1 reality show personality? Kelly will have the eventual talk with an isolated Donald taken to the woodshed (or worse), and Mattis will flex whatever military muscle is necessary to keep order in the streets, whether on account of the Soros funded mob providing the excuse or, The Donald’s fans or, possibly both. G’day, President Pence.
Where’s Firesign Theater when you most need them? Armageddon, ho!
That’s my end of July notes folks, and depending on the outcome of recent ‘engagement’ with CIA meddling in my affairs, I might get back to you all with end of August notes –
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