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Dr. Jordan Peterson?
Travolta Wants to Know What the Harm City Crackpot Thinks
© 2017 James LaFond
I might have missed it on your blog, but have you been listening to the podcasts and interviews with Dr. Jordan Peterson? If so, what's your thinking about this guy?
Travolta, thanks for the heads up. I don't search the net outside of slavery research and am dependent on readers such as yourself. Being about 20 hours short of being able to comment intelligently on Peterson's work, I do know where I will slot his material, in the Masculine Axis. Since 2005, when completing the research for The First Boxers and The Gods of Boxing, I have believed that the relative lack of masculinity in modern times, beginning in the late 1800s, is closely related to the diminishment of such sacred traditions as vision quests, prize fighting [these began as sacral rites], hunting [sacred undertakings through most of human history], warriorhood giving way to soldiering and the reduction in mythic literature free of gross exposition and womanly sensibilities.
I have, more recently, from a deistic perspective, following Aristotle, been astounded, by self-proclaimed Aristotle disciple Stefan Molyneux, first claiming atheism as the only rational worldview, while discarding Aristotle's deistic vision of God as "The Cause Uncaused" or "the Unmoved Mover," a view Darwin was also aligned with, and then to see him, as he began stumping for the Trump campaign, miraculously become a Christian! This latter day conversion was suspiciously inline with the Canadian Socrates' desperate scramble to maintain his earnings curve in the face of rampant censorship. Interestingly, concurrent with Molyneux's new religious persona, is an overt masculine gimmickry, which ill-fits his formerly whining "men's rights" stance. For this reason, I searched Molyneux, and sure enough he has scored an interview with Peterson...
Above all, I am fascinated that the mental health gurus are beginning to suck up to the traditional religious notions they railed against for centuries, seemingly horrified by the fact that their "pure" appeal to reason in the absence of the sacred has turned hierarchal and media manipulation of the collective mind into a religion more monstrous than anything the Romans, Aztecs, Huns or Sudanese ever cleaved to in their various ancient ways.
I am entertained, intrigued and hopeful.
Postmodern NeoMarxism: Diagnosis and Cure
Joe Rogan Experience #958 - Jordan Peterson
Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief
Of Lions and Men
"The Unsullied"
the man cave
Punchin' with a Purpose, Part 2
song of the secret gardener
uncle satan
your trojan whorse
broken dance
z-pill forever
sons of arуas
Travolta     Aug 5, 2017

Stefan does okay with Peterson. But here are two powerhouse with him. One is a presentation at a college, the other is his appearance on Joe Rogan's show and Joe shows how an interview with Peterson should be done. I've been listening to Peterson's videos for a few months now and these two are powerhouse intellectual performances. He also has a book from twenty years ago which is now in great demand.

Postmodern NeoMarxism: Diagnosis and Cure

Joe Rogan Experience #958 - Jordan Peterson

Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief
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