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Planet of the Killer-Homosexual Frogs
Ron West on Gender in American Indian Language and More...
© 2017 Ron West
Hello James
Here’s one to get the macho boys dander ‘up’ … online with pornographic illustration and live links at
Ron West
"The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime"
Gender is considered a complex and interesting thing. Yet were something ever so simple? Juxtaposed to western languages, American Indian language is gender rich .. inclusive of many degrees of androgyny.
On the other hand, male hierarchical order (e.g. western language and culture) with few and simple gender expression, has a high degree of (largely repressed) homosexuality rooted in artificial masculine narcissism and denial (monotheism/ego) .. perpetrating a fear-based suppression of precisely one half of innate human intelligence, that is, feminine intelligence. It’s as simple as a fable blaming all of our world’s ills on a woman, apple and snake.
And when I say this, I am not speaking of the ‘symptom’ of repressed women in western civilization based cultures, but of the reality of the repressed feminine intelligence in western culture’s largely male mentality (includes women and men), where most women and men likely never gave two seconds thought to the fact all of us both masculine and feminine intelligence traits, regardless of sex, whether these traits are repressed & denied, or not.
And what of the women attracted to these western cultures’ violent, self-repressed homosexual males, women truly worthy of wearing ‘pant suits’? Terrified they might ‘discover’ they are psychologically both male & gay, were the western male mono-sexual mentality to admit sincere feminine qualities (we all have them, it is how are our brains are built) in defiance of the western culture’s monotheist model of masculinity; rather than contrast with a healthy mental androgyny (truly heterosexual psychology) where people are allowed to express natural proclivities, instead you have an angry repressed homosexual civilization that could be called:
‘planet of the killer-homosexual frogs’
The Western culture’s Catholic egoic male mono-sexual denial which only equals the Western culture’s Protestant egoic male mono-sexual denial manifest in women such as Melania ‘knav(e) of village hearts’ Trump, or Betsy ‘I love my murderous brother’s Blackwater’ De Voss (nee Prince), or Ann ‘I love my sixties mini-skirt more than jesus modesty’ Coulter.
If people were to sort out Trump is just another expression of the two faced male hierarchy’s mono-sexual ego in denial, just one more sociopath politician that cannot deliver, I hate to say extremely ‘violent shit could happen.’
Need to distract from ‘the Russians made Trump president’ CIA fantasy oozing from the ‘news’ but don’t have the balls to shout ‘the emperor has no clothes’? Raise the hair on your back and lift your leg on Kim Jong Un. Or invade Venezuela. That’s Trump’s (and a schoolyard bully’s) style.
Cleaning up Western Civilization’s mess with an eye to survival is NOT going to be a simple task. Of course, now having inferred the question of ‘where to begin’ (at Langley, Virginia), this would require breaking out of the western male mono-sexual psychology or (egoic) denial as a first step. Based on personal experience, with “the CIA and it’s allies in control of the United States and [much of] the world“, de-escalation is probably a hopeless task, recalling:
MOSSAD had no idea their subway attempt in Berlin would get one of their undercover agents in the Arab community killed, rather than myself, because the CIA was incapable to give MOSSAD good information on who I actually am, or that is to say, my level of skill and particularly for the fact they misinterpreted my sexuality.
Beyond certain failed ‘closet’ intelligence agency assassins, I somehow doubt the straightforward or openly gay men of the western world much require Viagra or we would see it pitched to them as a product more blatantly (uh-oh, where might this be going) by our sociopath sales society which will stop at nothing to grab money- including having sold you on the Russians stole the election from Hillary.
However Viagra sales should jump in the western culture’s so-called ‘heterosexual’ men when this fails. Trump could be the sales model for Viagra when the best laid plans to keep the male mono-sexual ego erect [Mitch McConnell & Paul Ryan you so deserve this too] and in charge of the male hierarchical order, falls on its’ face. This is because [the dying from western mono-sexual civilization affliction] Nature is an androgynous intelligence and so is the Nature derived Native intelligence which understands you cannot carry on this male mono-sexual hierarchical model in western civilization and survive.
The structure of the egoic male mono-sexual or, now alternately and equally stated, male-hierarchical-homosexual-civilization, that is, the misogynist western civilization is quite clear, where denial manifests most profoundly in men fearing to be beautiful and express feminine awareness for fear of being labeled gay.
Now, considering this fact, in the wake of a captured (intact, by my knit hat) poison pellet, another three agents with silenced weapons have missed and beyond this, I can count a probable three dead agents in the aftermath of additional attempted hits on myself (one self-injected with his poison needle), let us neatly conclude this essay with exam of the male hierarchical western world’s male-mono-sexual-ego with its’ expression of ‘machismo.’
The ‘Machismo Meter’
Machismo is a violent human expression or, an extreme expression of the violence of projected ego. The more ‘machismo’ you express, the further you are from the androgynous nature of beauty in human intelligence. Therefore, in the denial ruled male mono-sexual mentality of the western male hierarchy, the more ‘machismo’ you exhibit, the greater the denial of your heightened homosexual propensity: contrasted to the heterosexual orientation Native male possessed of an androgynous intelligence which does not fear to express human beauty.
If we place Kiefer Sutherland’s super-macho character ‘Jack Bauer’ in the employ of Department of Defense, MOSSAD or the CIA near the top of the ‘Machismo Meter’ and set him on the author of this essay, we begin to understand why the multiple assassination attempts have failed.
It is as simple as I dare to be beautiful in my relationships to a greater living reality as a straight orientation Native male. The closer these repressed gays come to the beauty or, better said, intelligence of my expression, by contrast, the less intelligence they manifest in their heightened machismo expression or violent denial of their male mono-sexual or cultural mentality/homosexuality.
All these CIA and MOSSAD types should relax, stop freaking out at the idea they are hard wired by nature with feminine qualities, quit driving their culture’s misogyny/denial based sales of Viagra; come out of the closet and accept their true orientation while demonstrating a real (or non-macho) courage, become beautiful and manifest exactly as the honest teens of the western world would observe: “That’s gay”
My own Native observation, translated, would go to an older English expression, that is, the Western culture is a ‘queer’ place to be:
on the planet of the killer-homosexual frogs
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