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Charlottesville: Remember the Alamo!
Weekend Fun
© 2017 By John Gonad
By John Gonad
I was pleased to journey to Charlottesville from home in Montgomery Alabama, to attend the “Unite the Right” rally to protest against the removal of southern symbols of honor, such as the statute of General Robert E. Lee. This deconstruction of Southern values has been going on for too long. Although I had a hand gun, I did not carry it on me, since it would have been insane to respond to any self defense situation with firearms in such a venue. Instead, I took an olive walking stick, more like a club. No problem of a stray shot with that.
If you look at the “false news” establishment press, you will not find the event described by all the usual suspects as a gathering of KKKers and Nazis. Yes, there were plenty of these folks there, but most White Americans were like me, sick of the unfairness that the present politically correct regime has institutionalized against us.
The chant of “You Will Not Replace Us,” was a fair one, because globalism has been doing just that, replacing White Americans, and Whites across the world, by foreign workers, and immigrants, a segment of whom have conducted crimes against our people. These are facts.
But, for exercising the same democratic rights which Black Lives Matter has, for using slogans to air our grievances, we are Nazis, and the like. However, most of the guys at the march could not care a fuck about that word anymore, because it has gone way beyond that. What do words, and even ideas matter, when one faces an existential threat?
Madame Trump said that “No good comes from violence,” but the Left has been engaged in a civil war against working class White men, at least since the 1960s. Violent demonstrations and riots are the standard strategies of the Left and Blacks. It is only when the White man gets angry do we really see the system shit itself and roll out toys like tanks, and threaten to use them, which they would never do when Blacks burn down cities.
Sadly, one police helicopter crashed, leading to two out of the three dead. But 63 people were killed in the LA riots, and there was one dead in each of the other more recent multicult riots, including Ferguson, Milwaukee and Charlotte. The 2015 Baltimore riot saw 113 police injures and two people shot.
My favorite comment, relevant in the light of the current debate about the survival value to our people of Christianity, is a Tweet by a Christian along these lines:
“Racism is a sin. All Christians, all people of faith, should not only reject it, not only oppose it, but fight against it.” There were plenty of Christian morons rubbing shoulders with the antifa at the rally, and it seemed to me that Christianity was a vector for this sort of ideology, with its built-in universalism and egalitarianism. I would bet my Glock that the same sentiment is not made when a Black Lives Matter protest comes to town, or when the latest proclamation of the virtues of White genocide is made by a taxpayer funded university academic.
Hopefully, White people are waking up from their sleep, to the nightmare which reality has become:
“As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see “the River Tiber foaming with much blood”” Enoch Powell, “Rivers of Blood” speech, Birmingham. April 20, 1968:
No doubt, the April 20 date, which is also the birth date of another figure, is pure coincidence.
Trumpapocalypse Now: The Advent of an American Usurper at the fall of Western Civilization
Own the collected works of John Saxon, Professor X, Eirik Blood Axe, William Rapier and other counter culture critics, on Kindle, via the link below. Amazon:
The Great Train Wreck of the West
Wolf Age
The Great Shit Storm
barbarism versus civilization
song of the secret gardener
dark, distant futures
shrouds of arуas
graphomaniac archive #1
Bob     Aug 14, 2017

1Timothy 5:8:

But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
Bob     Aug 14, 2017

It's taken over a century, but the State has become the altar before which all must bow down.
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