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‘In the Smoke and Flame’
The Alamo by Robert E. Howard from A Word from the Outer Dark, page 14
© 2017 James LaFond
The single verse of The Alamo consists of two rhyming lines,
Followed by a line that rhymes with the last line,
Followed by two more lines, which rhyme with the first two
And the final line.
In these six, tightly knit lines, Howard sketches the basic heroic sentiment which courses through the adventures of Conan, Kane, Mak Morn and Vulmea, and which was reflected with awkward wit before the final battle in the movie Conan the Barbarian, in which the Cimmerian warrior states the fundamental heroic truth, that fighting to the end against overwhelming odds is the preeminent masculine virtue, the very soul-dust of the hero, and also expresses the moral essence of the hero, that he is a curse upon the gods and a bane to Mankind’s many fears which derive therefrom.
The more this reader follows the manipulations, vagaries and progress of our civilization, and the more I dig through the mountainous truths buried primarily by our belief in a certain specific “good” and a certain, opposing “evil,” only to find evil forever raping the innocent and spinning the resulting sorrows into truth-refracting veils of temporal damnation, the more I agree with the words uttered at the behest of John Milus, director of Conan the Barbarian, who grows as a student of Robert E. Howard in my mind with each year, as spoken by Arnold as Conan:
“It does not matter if we were good men or bad, but only that few stood against many.”
That is about the only truth worth valuing for men of masculine conscience.
He: Gilgamesh: Into the Face of Time
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Sam J.     Aug 15, 2017

Not really on topic but I finished the episode 5 podcast. It was excellent. I particularly liked #4 and 5. James talks about the long term population and how long term population increases are "structured". I thought his insights were really brilliant. It's really the kind of insight that I come here to read as no one talks about this stuff. It's just ignored. These kinds of thoughts don't exist.

A link off of that was an Amish sawmill video.

Watching it I suddenly had an epiphany. I left a snarky comment about Women only being good for sex but...look at Amish Women. They are really needed. They don't have all the modern conveniences, have lots of kids and they are a super important part of the family. Modern Women have become superfluous. Maybe that's why they're only good for sex. It's the only function left for them. A lot of the work Women do, I have to be careful here, is not life or death kinds of stuff. It's more of stuff that's not mining, manufacturing, machining type type stuff. More of it is service type stuff. Not that it's not wanted but it doesn't keep the lights on. Are Women subconsciously pushing sex because...they're not necessary like they were before so they're working what they got?
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