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Mad World news from Radio Free Dindustan
© 2017 James LaFond
Did you do something with your hair?...You look different somehow.
Police: Man hid girlfriend's body in freezer while 'impostor' took over her life
A man stored his girlfriend’s body in a freezer with the help of another woman, who assumed the dead girlfriend’s life by moving into her home
Doing it like they do on the Discovery Channel…
Couple Busted For X-Rated, Unfair Behavior
Duo had sex in public at Wisconsin State Fair
Bestiality is pretty common in Muslim countries in spite of the fact that it’s against Sharia law and otherwise a topic of ridicule and social opprobrium. The folks in those societies tend towards all sorts of weird sexual hang-ups. It makes you wonder if you couldn’t get rid of the likes of ISIS and the Taliban by turning loose all kinds of infected farm animals in the areas in which they operate?
15 Teenagers Treated for Rabies After Engaging in Bestiality with Donkey
Arizona woman accused of molesting kids, selling videos
Life in Dindustan Update.
Velmando Williams. (HO)
Florida man allegedly locked his kids in apartment, set it on fire
Bitches be Crazy update.
A lesbian subucuss ?
Tara Shibles. (Mugshot/
Literally scared to death: Maine woman died of shock after alleged naked intruder hopped into bed
Vibrant Diverty Update.
I’m glad for America’s sake that the Canadian government is willing to take in these free-loading migrants. If I was Canadian on the other hand I would NOT be happy about it at all. Then I would want these invaders and inveterate parasites and trouble-makers sent to internment camps in the arctic to wait it out while their plea for asylum is being processed. I think a lot of them would ask to be repatriated to their country of origin then, post haste.
The Invasion of Canada
A Somali immigration minister and an open border.
Narco Night Train Kindle Edition
Thriving in Bad Places Kindle Edition
The Most Hated Man in America...
Information Antidote
orphan nation
plantation america
when you're food
on combat
logic of force
winter of a fighting life
let the world fend for itself
barbarism versus civilization
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