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Yusef's Place
Video of Baltimore's Worst Hoods
© 2017 James LaFond
James, this nice little video should be used to support tourism in B'more a city, with much to offer.
Notice at 1:45 the junkies from Turning Point in front of Yusef's appliance store.
-Big Ron
Ron, if you see that Cadillac parked on the right, [visible on the far side of the blue pick up at 1:49] almost to the gates of the cemetery, past the Turning Point clinic, the old man that owns it has it wired to set off a blaring alarm if you walk within three feet of it. Mescaline and I found out as we walked by it into the cemetery this past winter.
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Bob     Aug 31, 2017

Thanks. That first video was excellent for getting a feel for the place (never visited). Looks less blighted than Detroit, though the roads and sidewalks look to be on a par with Third World standards.
LaMano     Sep 1, 2017

If I were cruising around those neighborhoods

1) There'd be two of us in the car

2) There'd be a short shotgun in very easy reach.

What a shithole.
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