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'East is da Beast'
A Harm City Thug Prophet's Boast is True
© 2017 James LaFond
"East is da Beast—Eastside niggaz fieldin' da true crew!"
-Shiftdawg, Brennen's Pub, winter, 2015, on a cold Sunday night
Thus spake Shiftdawg and since his boast, the West Baltimore has made all the news, East Baltimore thugs, under pressure from a special police task force sponsored by Johns Hopkins, and from the same whitebread organization buying up vacants and shipping in Salvadorans, the Eastside Boyz are still out ahead of the media darlings in West Baltimore, with 36% of this year's killing to they name.
For more details concerning the murders across the 9 precincts, click on the link below.
Yes, this is the same negro who was arguing with a Westside guy playing pool at Brennen's "flush in da Norteast," who asked me where East Baltimore began and Northeast Baltimore ended. I pointed to Big Polar Bear Jim and indicated that when a brutha stopped seeing lumberjack types and began seeing white guys with slicked back hair and lantern jaws with black stubble, he was now truly in the East. Basically, Irish settled North and Northeast Baltimore and the Eastern Europeans, Greeks and Italians settled the East.
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