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Racial Suicide Pty Ltd
By William Rapier
© 2017 William Rapier
The issue of “white pathology,” has been discussed extensively at various sites, most notably the Occidental
The basic idea here is that primarily Northern Europeans, and mainly the educated classes, act as if they are like insects that are manipulated by “zombie parasites,” who cause them to act contrary to group interests and survival:
What is the cause of this? Professor Kevin MacDonald, influenced by the self-flagellation and racial suicide of Sweden and Northern Europe, hypothesizes that Northern Europeans, because of challenges made by the harsh climate, developed a strong individualism and low group-solidarity, and while that had an evolutionary advantage in the past, today, in contest with much more collectivistic, tribalist people, they are systematically picked off, ultimately to be demographically wiped out.
While MacDonald is right about the limits of individualism, it is clear that this phenomenon has a high cultural component, even if there is a genetic basis, as there is to most forms of human behaviour, a product of gene/culture interaction. However, the high latitude hypothesis fails, because, other people at the same or higher latitudes did not develop the White disease of pathological altruism, such as the Inuits. Further, these people have a high degree of group solidarity. From an evolutionary perspective, contrary to MacDonald, we would expect the opposite from his hypothesis of individualism from the ice and snow dwellers, not individualism, but altruism. After all, the disease which is being investigated is pathological altruism, not pathological individualism.
Further, White pathology was not observed in Nordics prior to the modern era, even in the ancient Greeks and Romans, until, perhaps, these civilisations were heading towards collapse.
The MacDonald hypothesis also fails because the phenomenon of White pathology can be found in other non-Nordic Whites, but not all, and the same problems observed in Nordic Sweden and Germany are also to be found in Italy, which may face demographic annihilation even before those former nations:
Many sites put all of the blame on various groups, and no doubt, a case can be made in part for that, but there is still be a problem of explaining how such groups were able to get a toe-hold in the first place.
The fault I think lies in both the genes and the environment. We all know well the environmental factors, but still behind all of it, there needs to be an ultimate explanation of why any of this is happening at all, and continues to completely insane levels.
How is it that people just let it all happen, generation after generation? The problem is not merely one of race, but is seen in economic reform, and the environment as well. It is not just a problem just for our side of politics, because even the Left have moaned about the lack of interest and apathy of people about the tyrannies of capitalism, and as much as we may hate the Left, sometimes they do score some points in pining the tail on corporate tyranny.
I would propose that just as evolutionary theorists hypothesise that there are genes for God/religion:
there may well be a series of dysfunctional genes for the present environment, producing the racially suicidal effects we see primarily in Whites, but this gene may to a limited degree also be in Asian populations. It is not correlated necessarily with life in the cold, but arose as a pathological mutation in the White populations. The gene was not selected against in past environments, as the environmental conditions did not involve multiculturalism/multiracialism, and so did not prevail. But, under present pathological conditions, the gene has spread. Environmental changes have made it such that those who pursue actions contrary to the interests of the White ethnoracial group are economically successful, and thus can breed, although reproduction rates are below replacement levels, for such liberals.
The good news is that the race suicide gene is radiating its full potential now. But, it is only a successful phenotype in the present politically correct regime. Any number of events can end this social order, from economic collapse, to EMP events, to global nuclear war.
We may postulate that there is a strong positive correlation between having the race suicide gene, and embracing liberalism and globalism, that these political ideologies have a genetic basis. Hence, under survival situations these people, who thrive in socialist societies, will die out when the bitter tit of mother communism is removed. After all, they are by definition, creations of the System, so if the System goes, so do they. A good example of this is radical feminism, where its hostility to biological reproduction leads to a decline over time in feminists. Without social reproduction, feminism dies out, and with it, the genes producing the pathology in the first place.
Perhaps then, as Guillaume Faye proposes, the coming catastrophes are not to be feared, but welcomed with joy, as the inevitable end of the spiritually degenerative age of Kali Yuga:
Turd America
Trumpapocalypse Now: The Advent of an American Usurper at the fall of Western Civilization
Own the collected works of John Saxon, Professor X, Eirik Blood Axe, William Rapier and other counter culture critics, on Kindle, via the link below. Amazon:
The Great Train Wreck of the West
Which Bitch?
guest authors
Time for the Return of Balder
dark, distant futures
logic of force
on combat
within leviathan’s craw
blue eyed daughter of zeus
Bob     Sep 18, 2017

I don't buy the pathological altruism argument; MacDonald himself has highlighted the incentives and disincentives that currently encourage individual whites to align themselves with their racial antagonists.

Inuits are endogamous, Europeans highly exogamous. This is the legacy of the Church, which has run the most extraordinary genetic experiment spanning some 1,500 years. Monogamy is uniquely Western an institution, as MacDonald highlights in this paper:

More on how European exogamy broke up the tribes of Europe and allowed the creation of civil society here:

My personal view is that socialism has weakened both intrafamilial bonds as well as those of the local community, to the benefit of the national government. Lacking the hard-wired tribalism of other peoples, Europeans have traditionally relied on society and its civil institutions as well government (to a lesser extent) as a sort of extended family. The former, sympathetic, institutions have been weakened to the benefit of the latter, now dominated by forces antagonistic towards whites. Media, until internet, was a privately owned, but government granted franchise, so I count it as part of the socialist mechanism. Copyright - again a government franchise - allowed intermediaries to control the material to which the public had access, and to build empires on the book values of intellectual property.
Bob     Sep 19, 2017

P.S.: I should have been more explicit. Whites' innate bias towards fairness even with the Other was traditionally moderated by direct personal economic constraints. The Good Samaritan paid from his own pocket and so had to weigh self-interest against charity. Socializing the costs of "goodness" has disabled this attenuating element. The "altruism" we see all around us is almost always ersatz; the nexus between giver and receiver is severed to be filled by the taxpayer, voiceless and unrepresented in this resource transfer.
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