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'The La Brea Tar-Pit of Nouns'
Notes on Political Corectness by Ron West
© 2017 Ron West
Hello James
My recent ‘info-satire’ on political correctness … online with illustrations & live links at:
Ron West
"The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime"
Ron, the term anti-Semitism instead of Jew-hating has always stricken me as obfuscating on one hand, and false labeling on the other hand. Thanks for addressing it here.
Jews in the News
“We have become stupidly politically correct, which is the death of comedy. It’s not good for comedy. Comedy has to walk a thin line, take risks, comedy is the lecherous little elf whispering in the king’s ear, always telling the truth about human behavior”
-Mel Brooks, 21 September 2017
Now, this preceding famous Jew's quote via an anti-anti-Semitic website...
Jews_in_the_News - 1 linked to Breitbart:
Jews_in_the_News - 1 (1)
So, I already should be confused; Bannon’s allegedly anti-Semitic website (which has at least one ‘self-hating Jew’ columnist) gets a bone toss from an anti-anti-Semitic watchdog while the (accused) anti-Semitic Breitbart and Bannon are roundly warned against by The Times of Isrаel. Jesus! Could Mel Brooks sort that with comedy?
Mel Brooks very much appreciates the court jester tradition, a tradition under assault from all directions.
Now, what brought out this rant is, former Central Intelligence Agency officer Valerie "of Jewish descent" Plame is racked and pilloried for 'tweeting' former CIA officer Phil Giraldi's column at Unz Review: America's Jews Are Driving America's Wars
What we have here is similarly ludicrous to my introduction; A Jew, Ron Unz, is providing a platform, the Unz Review, to an accused anti-Semite, Phil Giraldi, and when Valerie Plame points to Giraldi lambasting the same 'usual suspects' unloaded on by famous self-hating Jew Glenn Greenwald...
Jews_in_the_News - 1 (2)
...the press unloads on Plame with what amounts to a 'journalistic' rapid fire cannon (HERE, HERE and the academic 'usual suspect' HERE.)
'The Hill' includes this language:
"The article the former CIA operative linked to argues that the neoconservative foreign policy establishment is largely beholden to American Jews with an attachment to Isrаel. The article's author, Philip Giraldi, says American Jews shouldn't be allowed to make decisions related to Middle East policy"
Glenn Greenwald might argue it is the WRONG Jews allowed to make foreign policy. And that's where Giraldi 'stepped on his dick' (a military expression) and I suspected from the moment I saw the title of his article he'd get blasted, because Giraldi didn't (and mostly doesn't) give attention to the manifold traps, where if you're not watching where you walk, the all-encompassing term 'Jew' can lead to; because the word Jew is sort of like the La Brea tar-pit of nouns: whether self-hating Jews, apostate Jews, kinda Jews (not of a Jewish mother, also known as wild oats Jews), agnostic Jews, atheist Jews, Marxist Jews, Reform Jews, Reform-Jews-aren't-Jews-Jews (hyper-Orthodox Isrаeli Rabbinate designated Jews), quit screwing over the world Jews (also known as Tikkun Olam Jews), Jews screwed over our world Jews (Sephardic Jews), waiting to be saved from themselves Jews (Bibi Netanyahu and his ilk), evangelizing Jews (also known as Jews for Jesus or cover for MOSSAD assassin Jews), J Street Jews, AIPAC Jews, neocon Jews, neo-liberal Jews (Soros), Jews on the Left, Jews on the right, stand up, sit down, Fight! Fight! Fight! It's a pity Celebrity Death Match never pitted Glenn Greenwald against Alan Dershowitz, it'd be platinum at youtube:
As much as I'd have preferred a 'Perfected Jew' Ann Coulter versus 'Kinda Jew' Gloria Steinem death match (with no survivor), there's no authentic center survives in today's politically correct world lamented by a real hero: Mel Brooks (may he forever be blessed for Blazing Saddles.)
This brings us back to Giraldi and his 'platform' run by Ron Unz. Why is it 'mainstream' media fries Plame over Giraldi but neglects to mention Unz is Jewish? Is it because, example given, Unz Review also hosts 'Über-Zionist' and historical revisionist Llana Mercer who states:
"Libertarians err in mistaking the 2,000-year-old Jewish right to the land for a biblically-based, religious claim. The claim is first and foremost historical, although naturally, the Hebrew community's claim to its ancient homeland can't be reduced to a title search at the deeds office. Jewish rights to Isrаel proceed from the original ownership of the land: The original and rightful owners were Jews. The fact that they were killed and exiled by the Romans doesn't nullify their ownership"
Setting aside the upcoming potential evidence for hypocrisy, in case where Llana doesn't seem to have read Jewish history from whence Isrаel had been created by exterminating the Canaanites, this recalls cartoonist Stan Lynde's joke attributed to a Crow tribal chief:
"This has been Crow land from time immemorial, it was always Crow land, there has never been a time it was not Crow land, that is, ever since we took it from the Shoshones!
Canaanite is by far the most frequently used ethnic term in the Bible. In the Book of Joshua, Canaanites are included in a list of nations to exterminate, and later described as a group which the Isrаelites had annihilated"
One would think a Jew, that is Llana Mercer, would get her own book right, what a shame Louis Black didn't notice her commonality with certain televangelist Christians:
In fact Isrаel's right to exist as a modern state is due solely to certain United Nations acts Arab states are bound by for the very fact the Arab states joined the United Nations and contracted themselves to the western standard of international law. Certainly a case of 'it sucks for Palestinians' (particularly going to the Isrаeli middle finger put to subsequent UN acts) but that's the shit which actually matters.
And so it is, relating to Plame read Giraldi, an act worthy of politically correct firing squad, no one in 'mainstream' notes Ron Unz is a Jew who hosts a Paleo Zionist (read pro-Israel propagandist) who deliberately doesn't get her history right. Mainstream press would leave the impression Giraldi is hosted by an anti-Israel/anti-Semitic website.
Now again back to Giraldi: I read Giraldi because he's a spook. Likely Plame read Giraldi because she's a spook. Now, if Greenwald, far out on the liberal-left, and Giraldi, far out on the conservative-right, finger the same neocons who happen to be Jews, that should inform you they're onto something. Would it matter if Giraldi were anti-Semitic in the case of his noticing an accurate fact? Or does the fact die to conform Plame to a politically correct history of events? Considering the media phenomenon of 'hasbara' and certain outcome in western press resembling this, professional spy Giraldi's accusations against western media should merit further investigation:
"Hasbara is a form of propaganda aimed at an international audience, primarily, but not exclusively, in western countries. It is meant to influence the conversation in a way that positively portrays Isrаeli political moves and policies, including actions undertaken by Isrаel in the past"
Meanwhile, let's look at a couple cases of historical, however highly politically incorrect, exemplary causes of anti-Semitism:
The Nakba
"For refugees, camps were shelters for the reconstruction of personal and social life, but were also seen as sites of great political significance, the material testimony of what was destroyed and 'all that remains' of more than four hundred cities, towns and villages forcefully cleansed throughout Palestine in the Nakba of 1947-9. This is the reason refugees sometimes refer to the destruction of camps as 'the destruction of destruction.' The camp is not a home, it is a temporary arrangement, and its destruction is but the last iteration in an ongoing process of destruction.
"This rhetoric of double negation - the negation of negation - tallies well with what Saree Makdisi, talking about the Isrаeli refusal to acknowledge the Nakba, has termed 'the denial of denial', which is, he says, 'a form of foreclosure that produces the inability - the absolutely honest, sincere incapacity - to acknowledge that denial and erasure have themselves been erased in turn and purged from consciousness.' What has been denied is continuously repeated: Isrаel keeps on inflicting destruction on refugees and keeps on denying that a wrong has been done"
-Eyal Weizman: 'The Least Of All Possible Evils' (Humanitarian Violence From Arendt To Gaza)
Following on this preceding act, Cairo's Sephardic Jewish population dropped from 75,000 to less than 100. The Arab world had become anti-Semitic practically overnight (overlooking oxymoron in the term anti-Semitic, Arabs are a Semitic people.)
Meanwhile, about the time indigenous Jews had been abandoning the Arab world on account of blow-back due to 'Jewish State' behavior, Alan Ginsberg had revolted conservative America with exploits disgustingly glorified, in detail, by Jack Kerouac in his ode to debauchery 'On the Road.' Ginsberg, his behavior lauded by the New York Times via Kerouac and subsequently his own 'howl', is the one American responsible for more USA anti-Semitism than the entirety of whatever other reasons exist taken together. How this shit is generated and real, is buried within political correctness. Never did a 'free press' fuck over more people who happen to be Jews, by generating hate at a single pop with glorifying the personage of Ginsberg, but HEY! that's 'free speech' in America.
If my despise for Ginsberg is anti-Semitic (as a non-Jew, am I entitled to hate a single Jew?), then not only is Giraldi anti-Semitic but so would be Paleo-Zionist Llana Mercer.
If you care to wade through the sewer of anti-Semitism in the comments at Giraldi's columns at Unz Review, you'll see Giraldi, on occasion, show his temper at anti-Semitic accusations, and also you'll notice those comments bashing the anti-Semite morons who cling to Giraldi's work like flies attracted to stink, are also allowed to post.
Whether Giraldi is an anti-Semite is probably a matter of interpretation. He doesn't do well at separating out Jews of differing persuasions is the kinder interpretation, as his terminology is often all too inclusive. But this kinder interpretation could be correct. A big step he could take in the right direction would be to clean up his 'forum' (article comments) with disallowing the hate-mongers' posts. But then, that's an 'in principle' violation of 'free speech' in the conservative American tradition. An ACLU case of 'heads I win, tails you lose' or 'it sucks for Phil.'
Insofar as Ron Unz, a read through a chapter of his American Pravda reveals a self-honesty rare in today's world; leading one to possibly understand his willingness to entertain spooks, kooks and pukes from across the spectrum of what would otherwise be largely suppressed voices. Clearly, Unz coined the term 'American Pravda' for a reason. Beyond this, there are numerous innate political enemies juxtaposed at the Unz Review and that should speak to something.
At the end of the day (and hopefully not the world), Jews are like anyone else; there are good and bad among them, they have their bright and they have their ugly. That just makes us all equal in a geopolitic where everyone uses everyone and certainly the Isrаelis both use and get used (too willingly) in concert with those Christian Zionist allies fully intending at the end, all Jews will be either converted or dead and a crusader banner flying from the Temple Mount. That’s amazing to me but nobody seems to have a trademark protection on self destructive behaviors.
I have to close this diatribe, and considering the underlying current of the entire business has to do with 3rd parties allegedly fighting Isrаel's wars, with spooks in the spotlight, I'll close with an Isrаeli spook:
“I am a humbler man today than I was in the 1970s when I joined Isrаeli intelligence. I’ve learned the hard way that everyone makes mistakes, some of them so big that they are irrevocable. I’ve also changed my view of Isrаel and the Jewish people. When I was young, I shared with many Isrаelis a deep nationalistic feeling — the self-righteous and arrogant belief that we were right and everyone else was wrong, that it was more important for Jews and Isrаel to survive than others, that we were — as the Bible says — the chosen people. I still believe that Jews are chosen. But no longer can I accept the premise on which the Iranian arms deals were based: ‘Better that their boys die than ours.’ People are people. We are all chosen”
-Ari Ben-Menashe
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Bob     Oct 8, 2017

"At the end of the day (and hopefully not the world), Jews are like anyone else; there are good and bad among them, they have their bright and they have their ugly."

This is excessively reductive. The point is that Jews are particularists (Is it good for the Jews?), Europeans are universalists (Is it right?).

Jews certainly consider themselves a "special" people and behave accordingly, always at pains to separate themselves from non-Jews (mixed marriage frowned on).
Bob     Oct 8, 2017

Anti-Semitism is deliberately vague so as to encompass anything contrary to the group interests of Jews. That "anti-Gentilism" doesn't even appear in the lexicon speaks to the power Jews as a group exert on the both academic and popular culture. There's an abundance of evidence for Jewish hatred and diffidence towards Gentiles.
Bob     Oct 9, 2017

Jews opening expressing hate for whites get a free pass. Case in point, Noel Ignatiev:
Ronald Thomas West     Oct 9, 2017

Well, Bob, I do think you're projecting your own ethnocentric bias (cultural narcissism.) You wouldn't even have to be a Christian to suffer what Christian rooted cultures shape people to experience, a sort of butt-hurt jealousy over Jewish people never surrendered legal title to the noun Jew. It's a kind of deep rooted insecurity but nothing unusual. As mundane as, and possibly why, a lot of people masturbate.

After all, Christian theology (via St Paul) demands Christians are the real Jews, and when hyper-Christian types, or better said, radical 'New Jews' like Condoleezza Rice see opportunity to make a bit of money (for their Chevron stocks), the stereotype is perfect!
Utter Contempt     Oct 9, 2017

"I read Giraldi because he's a spook. Likely Plame read Giraldi because she's a spook. Now, if Greenwald, far out on the liberal-left, and Giraldi, far out on the conservative-right, finger the same neocons who happen to be Jews, that should inform you they're onto something."

Could it be that spooks can't be taken at face value when they talk politics out in the open? Just a suggestion. For CIA agents to be pointing fingers about warmongering is pretty rich. My read of Greenwald over many years is that he's a Mockingbird-style plant. Snowden's story doesn't exactly add up, either.

Oh, and commenter Bob: 'Jews are particularists.... Europeans are universalists'? Talk about 'excessively reductive'!
Ronald Thomas West     Oct 9, 2017

Well, Mr Contempt, I expect 100% of alternative media embracing tor & the myth of Daniel Ellsberg is 'mockingbirdish.' You neglected Assange but then it could well be he is a MOSSAD asset, so technically 'mockingbird' free. The question arises in any case is, were it a case of duped, or passive or proactive cooperation? Not that it'd matter to Central Intelligence.

That said, I think the neocons pointed to are safe enough to finger.

What I attempt to do is, crack the epoxy covering the noggins of those with an averaged IQ of 100 or so. When we have enough folk at that level survived pissing their pants (fear factor) and channel their anger in an at least somewhat accurate direction, the 'useless eaters' will reverse the fear and become a factor and likely not before, in any push to effect change.

Insofar as my sympathies, they're really not that. Related to this, if I have any advantage of sight, it's due to an old joke concerning myself in Blackfoot country; where this subverted, converted 'captive' lost the lens of western perception.
Bob     Oct 9, 2017

Thanks for the reply. Ethnocentric bias is the natural state of affairs. Jews are perhaps the most ethnocentric of all peoples and that's probably why they're still here when many others have disappeared. Inbreeding creates that extraordinarily strong ingroup empathy, something almost completely foreign for outbred European peoples.

Jews are a race, with a religion to enforce separation from other peoples.
Utter Contempt     Oct 10, 2017


Assange comes off a lot less like a practiced thespian than Snowden and a lot less like someone who's actively fielding instructions than Greenwald, but that whole "Trump won't be allowed to win" song and dance he got up for John Pilger was a tad fishy, IMO. In any case, appearances are obviously only part of these stories.

Regarding the neocons being (as you say) "safe to finger"—-I'm not defending them, but Girardi said that "America's Jews are driving America's wars," and that's a far more sweeping generalization than fingering the neocons. You say that Girardi's a Jew. If so, he's demonstrating an interesting feature of diaspora Jewish psychology, i.e., the periodic need to identify publicly as Jewish but in an exculpatory way. With all due respect to his career in national service, that's a tad ignoble, no matter what ethnicity it's coming from. But almost any Jew who criticizes other Jews criticizes them as Jews, and does so as a Jew, as if it's some kind of confession of sin. It's annoying. We (meaning, anyone) should stand on facts alone when making an argument. Being transparent about one's interests is one thing, but a healthy person doesn't self-abnegate (to any degree) and throw his co-ethnics under the bus simply to differentiate himself as better, when a plain statement of facts will do. Many diaspora Jews seem to have a psychologically unwell apprehension about Jewishness that verges on the tortured. It goes back to Nietzsche's inverse values and how they play into left-liberalism. I'm all for introspection, but as Vladimir Jabotinsky said, someone who's always willing to turn out his pockets and submit to a search does not ease suspicions, he elicits them.

That brings me to commenter Bob's argument about Jews being extraordinarily cohesive. Kevin MacDonald and his many acolytes are fond of this notion that classical civilization and its Christian heirs developed a universal ethical system, whereas the Jews are solely tribal in outlook. Certainly there's some truth to that distinction, but the idea that there's nothing significantly universal in the Hebrew Bible or even the Talmud, and that Gentile Europeans have always been these great open-armed cosmopolitans is just willfully illiterate. In this connection I ought to quote Menachem Begin, who asked, "What have the Jews not done to prove that they do not stick together? The multiplicity of their parties and trends is proverbial." The latest poll data from Pew—-from 2014, I believe, with some 60% of American Jews expressing ambivalence about Zionism—-backs this up. But anyone who has had their brush with Jewish culture in the US ought to know that it's woefully desiccated, with high rates of atheism, apostasy, divorce, childlessness, exogamous marriage, homosexuality and prevalent political and theological views that don't really permit the continuity of organic culture beyond self-branding on Twitter as an oppressed person. As for the Isrаelis, well, again, the multiplicity of their parties and trends is a thing to behold.
Ronald Thomas West     Oct 11, 2017


"You say that Girardi's a Jew"

I think you meant Greenwald. Or there was a misread somewhere.

No doubt Giraldi said what he said and that's a correct reading concerning, 'all inclusive', and if you look at my 1st comment (#21) in his follow-up article "How I Got Fired" I stated he'd been careless and left this link...

...where I placed this language:

"...I suspected from the moment I saw the title of his article he’d get blasted, because Giraldi didn’t (and mostly doesn’t) give attention to the manifold traps, where if you’re not watching where you walk, the all-encompassing term ‘Jew’ can lead to..."


"Whether Giraldi is an anti-Semite is probably a matter of interpretation. He doesn’t do well at separating out Jews of differing persuasions is the kinder interpretation, as his terminology is often all too inclusive"

In which case we agree on his sweeping language.

Giraldi is a Catholic, a theology hardly more sympathetic to Jews than Orthodoxy with its history of pogroms, in the larger history of Christian-Jewish relations. I imagine Giraldi likely fails to grasp (is blind to) the innate anti-Semitism in his cultural shaping. But such is often the make-up of people or a frailty of human psychology. Does that make him an anti-Semite per se? I honestly don't know. He probably honestly believes he is not, regardless of whether he is and to what degree (if that makes sense.)

You say "I ought to quote Menachem Begin, who asked, "What have the Jews not done to prove that they do not stick together? The multiplicity of their parties and trends is proverbial." The latest poll data from Pew—-from 2014, I believe, with some 60% of American Jews expressing ambivalence about Zionism—-backs this up. But anyone who has had their brush with Jewish culture in the US ought to know that it's woefully desiccated, with high rates of atheism, apostasy, divorce, childlessness, exogamous marriage, homosexuality and prevalent political and theological views that don't really permit the continuity of organic culture beyond self-branding on Twitter as an oppressed person. As for the Isrаelis, well, again, the multiplicity of their parties and trends is a thing to behold"

For all of that, and I cannot disagree, it simply points to the failure of democracy as an institution: because you cannot legislate morality. In that regard, I would dare to say the American Jewish community is still more cohesive than the larger American community as a whole, were citizenship the criteria. But there is a complication arises from undercurrents; what is a Jew or for that matter, an Irishman? The surname Murphy, born in Manhattan and these days drinking black beer at McSorley's tavern in The Village does not necessarily an Irishman make. Hence the often argued (exploited?) question of dual citizenship.

Related to all of this, I take a very old Native American attitude, derived from an ancient law of 'non-interference', I'll translate as 'they all can go to hell in their own way.' It's a truly libertarian approach. I'm merely an observer, except when it gets personal in practical applications, in which case I'm very native; hopefully invisible until my projectile strikes.

Finally, Assange has multiple Achilles heels, the largest being, in my view, a savior syndrome, related high degree of narcissism, and a large lack of self discipline, indicating 'asset' as opposed to any higher form of 'intelligence.' I expect he has been used by multiple parties on multiple occasions.
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