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Ishmael Weighs in on Neo-Tribalism
© 2017 James LaFond
Great subject, I'm like Tony [see comment in linked article], skeptical, but, if men can put their egos, materialism aside, working together as men to improve each other, without branding, physically, mentally, spiritually, Is a thing of beauty and impossible, but a goal we should attempt. You never know, momentum from this kind of endeavor, could put a tribe or family over the top, and break barriers that have handicapped us.
My intuition tells me that mortality is a step in the path to a goal, or quest, and why we have this built in desire to find the answers we seek. It can not be accomplished here. I believe that our core identity, can not be destroyed, only changed; the great mystery, death to me is a new beginning.
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Tony Rooster     Oct 14, 2017

That last paragraph is going on my headstone.

What you wrote has me thinking, maybe for a group to really take hold, there needs to be family and people who grew up together, people who truly share common beliefs, and not just a bunch of folks thrown together who are looking for something to belong to. Branding bothers me even less than phoniness I see in these groups. Going out to the woods and playing make-believe Vikings doesn't do much for me. It's not authentic, it isn't based in reality, it's just another escape.

I seek answers and meaning, and while it's true I find very little, I'd rather keep looking, than just pretend I already know.
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