It is quite interesting, that at age 20, Christopher is noted as speaking good English and Dutch [the languages of slaver-traders operating in North America in the age] when many servants this young, from Ireland have been described as speaking poor English. There is also the fact that the description of this man is unusually brief, especially for an educated person, leading one to suspect more than the usual foul play in Plantation America.
June 29, 1769
The Pennsylvania Gazette
RUN away, about a month ago, from the Subscriber, in Earl township, Lancaster county, a certain CHRISTOPHER OWENS, a tall slim made young fellow, about 20 years of age, born in Ireland, speaks good Dutch and English, of a dark complexion, has black hair, and has a scar in one of his legs, from a kick of a horse.
Whoever takes up said Owens, and secures him in any goal in this province, shall have the above reward, paid by [?]
So Her Master May Have Her Again
A History of Runaway White Slaves in Plantation America: Part Two