The advanced age of these two men suggest, in that no military service is mentioned, suggests that they are running from their fourth or fifth term of service, from a life time of slavery.
June 22, 1769. ROBERT WALLACE.
July 27, 1769
The Pennsylvania Gazette
RUN away from the subscriber, two indented servant men,
one named MICHAEL DAVIS, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, born in Ireland, has a little of the brogue on his tongue, short black hair, thin visage, a little bald headed, and near 40 years of age;
had on, when he went away, a swanskin red spotted jacket, double breasted, with sleeves, a coarse white shirt, a pair of tow trowsers, with double fall, half worn shoes, and old felt hat.
The other named THOMAS JONES, born in Dublin, professes horse breaking and jockying, about 5 Feet 6 inches high, very slim made, about 40 years of age, and blind of one eye;
had on, when he went away, an old fine broadcloth coat, of a purple colour, old white cloth jacket, and old white shirt, wears a wig with one row of buckle, and is a little bald headed, has black worsted stockings, black breeches, and half worn shoes;
he loves drink, and swears much. Whoever apprehends said servants, shall have the above reward, or for Davis Forty Shillings, and Jones Twenty Shillings, and reasonable charges, paid by me JOSEPH ANDERSON, in Philadelphia, near the Blue Bell, in Front street.
So Her Master May Have Her Again
A History of Runaway White Slaves in Plantation America: Part Two